Home > Sacrifice (Savage Fall Sinners MC #2)(51)

Sacrifice (Savage Fall Sinners MC #2)(51)
Author: Caitlyn Dare

“Few more days in lockdown it is, then. At least we’ve got a few club whores to keep us company. We can’t all be banging the—”

I’m on him before he’s even realized he’s said the words out loud. His back collides with the wall as I fist his shirt, my nose only a breath away from him. “What the fuck were you about to say?” I seethe in his face.


My arm trembles with the strength I need to keep my hold on him. “Keep your fucking thoughts to yourself. And if I ever hear you say anything like that about my girl again, I’ll fucking kill you. You got that?”

He nods once and I release him, shaking my arm out at my side.

“You okay, bro?” he asks, immediately putting our little moment behind him.

“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s get out of this shithole.”

Turning around, I find that everyone has already left, leaving the space even more ominous than before. “Fucking hell,” I mutter, heading for the door with my gun hanging from my fingers.

Right when I hit the entrance, someone yells, and all hell breaks loose.

Dark bodies jump from the undergrowth with guns as Sinners and Reapers alike begin shooting in retaliation. The sound of the gunfire pierces through me, my body jolting with each one as I watch bodies fall and blood begin to soak into the gravel beneath them.

“Holy shit,” Munster shouts, but before either of us can pull up our weapons, gunshots land in the building beside us.

More guys emerge from the shadows. They easily outnumbered us even before they took half of us down. We don’t stand a fucking chance.

I fucking knew this was wrong. I knew today was going to go to shit.

Raising my arm, I fire off rounds to my left as I try to duck around the side of the building to find some cover, but there’s nowhere to hide. We’re completely out in the open, exposed. Exactly like I feared. Sitting ducks ready to be taken down one by one.

I look over just as Munster hits the ground, clutching his shoulder in agony as blood oozes from it. My heart thunders in my chest, sweat coating my body. I’ve been in some seriously fucked-up situations over the years. Ambushes. Fights I wasn’t sure I’d get out of. But none of them were like this.

This is a fucking massacre.

Just as I think the word, a bike explodes to my right, sending bodies flying, some screaming in pain. One of the guys in all black turns on me and I get one second to look him dead in the eyes.

I gasp as a memory hits me.

I know him.

But how? And who is he?

He takes a step closer and raises his gun.

Fuck. This is it.

This is where I die.









“Fold,” Quinn says, chucking in her cards.

“I’m out too.” I do the same, checking my cell phone for the hundredth time.

“Relax, sweetie,” Aunt Dee says, eyeing me from her position perched at the bar. “It’s only been a couple of hours.”

“Yeah, I know.” But it doesn’t stop me from worrying my lip.

“They’ll be okay,” Wes says quietly, running his hand up my thigh. My eyes shutter as I succumb to his touch. He’s been right here beside me since the guys left.

“River takes the pot, again,” Jax mumbles, shoving the pile of poker chips toward her.

“You sure you’ve never played this before?” Quinn asks.

“I promise. It must be beginners’ luck.”

“Somethin’ like that,” Jax shoots her a grin but doesn’t let it linger. He’s cooled off with her a lot recently, but I see the way she watches him with longing in her eyes.

If we all make it out of this okay, I’m going to talk to Rhett about letting her and Jax explore whatever’s going on between them. Life’s too short to waste by not going after what you want.

Jax is a good guy. Sure, he might be a prospect, but so is Dane. That’s how the club works. But it won’t be like that forever. One day, they’ll both patch in.

My cell phone vibrates and relief splashes inside me, but when I check the message, it’s Kel asking if we’re going to be at the Arches this weekend.

I don’t text him back. It’s not like I can broadcast our current situation. Of course, when shit goes down, it’ll probably be plastered in the local news by Monday, but it’s always a bunch of hearsay and conjecture.

“I need to get a drink,” I say, nudging Wes to let me out.

“I can go,” he offers.

“No, I need a second.”

He gives me a nod, moving aside to let me out. I go to the bar and Aunt Dee frowns. “If you think I’m going to serve you—”

“Soda is fine.” It isn’t, not really, but getting ass over elbow drunk right now isn’t going to do anyone any favors. So I accept a soda and crack it open.

“I hate this.”

“Don’t we all,” she says.

“How do you do it?”

“I knew what I was signing up for when I got with Micky.” Her lips curve with nostalgia. “Your dad would have let me walk away from the life. He wanted more for me. Your granddaddy too. But I knew what I wanted, and Micky was it.”

She wipes down the counter. “Once you’re in the life, you have to take the rough with the smooth. And I only had one guy to deal with.” She pins me with a knowing look. “You know, Sadie Ray, I’ve watched you grow into a determined, strong young woman. But I hope to God you know what you’re doing with the three of them.”

“I can handle it.”

Soft laughter bubbles in her chest. “I don’t doubt it. If anything, I think it’s them who need to be worried about handling you. But Rhett alone is—”

“He would never hurt me.” Not unless I wanted him to, or unless it was going to guarantee me a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Anyone can see he’s fiercely protective of you. But he’s an alpha. They tend not to share their toys very well.”

“Good thing I’m not his toy then, isn’t it?” I smirk.

“Shit, sweetie, listen to your—”

“Look, Aunt Dee, I know it isn’t conventional, and I know most of you won’t agree or understand, but I care about them. All of them. I didn’t plan on this, but I’m not going to deny myself either.”

Something like admiration shimmers in her eyes. “You grew up good, sweetie. And your momma, God bless her soul, would be real proud of the woman you’ve become.”

There goes my good mood. I don’t need validation from a woman who didn’t care enough to stick around.

“Shit, Sadie, I’m—”

“It’s all good.” I stand and drain my can of soda. “I just want today to be over with.”

“Don’t we all, sweetie.” She stares at the door. “Don’t we all.”



“I can’t do another round,” I grumble, folding my arms over my chest. It’s been hours.

Hours of waiting, wondering what’s happening.

I feel like I’m going out of my damn mind. I’ve texted Rhett and Dane at least a couple of times despite knowing it’s unlikely they’re in a position to reply. But the not knowing is killing me.

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