Home > Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(42)

Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(42)
Author: Heidi McLaughlin


I nod. “I don’t have any plans if you want to go.”

“My family and I usually go out to dinner after a home game.”

“You go,” I say, not wanting to keep him from his children. “And when you get back, if you want, come over to Noah’s or stop by my place.”

“I will,” he says before kissing me again. We make out a little bit longer but nothing like before. The tension between us is intense and whatever is growing between us feels incredibly real.

Julius walks me to my car, where he gives me a goodbye kiss. “I’ll call you later,” he tells me and then helps me in my vehicle.

“Do you want me to drive you to your car?”

He shakes his head and holds out his phone. “I need to make a call.”

“Okay, talk to you later.” I watch him walk away and hold the phone to his ear. I suspect he’s calling his ex, and for some reason, it irritates me. I tell myself to chill. They have children and need to talk about their care, but why not do it when he’s in the car and driving home? Why not spend a few more minutes with me?









The entire drive to the restaurant to meet my parents and kids, I think about Autumn and what could’ve easily happened in the shower room. I knew taking her in there was a mistake, but I wanted her to see where I spend my Sundays. It probably would’ve been better had I done it when I knew more staff would be around. I’m not worried about the cleaning crew, but if one of the coaches walked in or one of my teammates, I’d get a ton of shit.

Elena’s name pops up on my console and I groan. During the game, she called and I tried to call her back, but she sent me to voicemail. I want to do the same now, but it’ll do me no good to ignore her.

“What?” I bark out as I answer.

“Is that any way to greet your wife?”

“Soon to be ex-wife,” I remind her. “Besides, we’re separated. I’m not sure you can refer to yourself as my wife anymore.”

“Legally, we’re still married, Julius. If something were to happen to you, I’d be the first one they call. I’d decide the best care for you.” Her words turn my stomach. I can see it now, me in a wheelchair, unable to speak for myself, and her dictating my care. I need to change all my paperwork tomorrow. I can’t put it off any longer.

“Thanks for reminding me to change all my paperwork with the league.”

“Whatever,” she says. “Are the kids in the car?”

“You know they’re with my parents, and Reggie has his phone if you need to talk to him.”

“How would I know the kids are with your parents? I don’t know your schedule, Julius.”

My mouth drops open. Is this woman for real? “For as long as you’ve known me, Elena, you know where I spend my time between mid-July and February if I’m lucky. My schedule has never changed. It’s not like I switch jobs often.”

“Well, I forgot.”

I sigh and rub my face with my free hand. Traffic is heavy for a Sunday. I had hoped most people would be home by now, which is the main reason I like leaving the stadium so late. I loathe traffic.

“So, what did you need?”

She huffs, and I fear the worst is about to come out of her mouth. “The movie I signed on for is having budget issues, and I’m wondering—”

“No,” I say, cutting her off.

“No? You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”

“Let’s see, you’re either going to ask for money or ask me to finance this side job of yours. The answer is no.”

“Julius, you still have to support me.”

“I do. I pay for the house you live in, and I pay for your car, as well as your insurance.”

Elena huffs again. “Listen, I’m trying to do things the right way here. I’ve spoken to a lawyer, and he’s assured me there are loopholes in the prenup. He said it’d be easier if we work out some sort of support deal instead of dragging this out in court.”

My teeth grind against each other, and my pulse races. The grip I have on my steering wheel causes my hand to cramp. It’s taking every bit of self-control not to hang up on her. Part of me wants to give her the money she wants so she’ll go away. The thing is, she’ll never be gone because of the kids, and I’m not keeping their mother away from them. I’m not that kind of person. The other half of me wants to fight this out in court. I know the prenup is ironclad. I insisted on it because I heard so many horror stories of college athletes getting taken by their wives. When I suggested Elena sign one, she didn’t even balk. I never questioned why Elena didn’t have a problem with signing one because at the time I thought she was in this marriage for the long haul.

“I really don’t know what you want me to say, Elena. You had an affair and documented it through social media. You didn’t try to hide the fact, and never mind what I witnessed the last time I was in our home in L.A. I’m at a loss here, so help me figure things out.”

“I want what’s due to me, Julius. It’s not fair. You have all this money, and you’re being a prick about it. Why can’t you just pay me off like the other guys do?” She’s getting heated. I can sense the frustration in her voice.

“You know, if you had come and told me you weren’t happy, and we decided to separate, I’d be more amenable. But you cheated. You brought another man into our bed without any consideration of how that would make me feel. You flaunted your new relationship right under my nose and somehow thought I wouldn’t find out, which blows my mind. Did you really think someone wouldn’t tag me in a picture of my wife making out with another man?”

“You don’t need to yell.”

“I’m not yelling.” Except I am. I can’t help it. She infuriates me.

“I need the money to survive.”

“Then get a job, Elena. Sell the house. I don’t know what to tell you. But I’m done having this conversation. Send me the name of your lawyer so I can give their information to mine. Tomorrow, I’ll take care of all of this. You don’t even have to pay for the divorce. I’ll do that. You’re on your own for lawyer fees though.”


I hang up. I’m done listening to her and whatever excuse she can muster. I expect she’ll end up getting her way, though. Elena will drag me to court, and it’ll be my luck that we end up with a sympathetic judge who doesn’t like pro athletes.



My parents agree to take Roxy and Reggie back to their place for a sleepover. I need some adult time after the conversation with Elena. I promise to be at my parents in the morning for breakfast, with clean clothes, school supplies, and a ride to school. As I drive back to my place, I think about Autumn and what she’s doing at Noah and Peyton’s. Is she thinking about me? Missing me? Or is someone there monopolizing her time? Thinking about her talking to someone else gets my blood boiling. I’ve never been the jealous type, but all this shit with Elena has me on edge and questioning everything. Deep down, I know not all women are like my ex, but her actions aren’t helping me think otherwise.

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