Home > Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(56)

Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(56)
Author: Heidi McLaughlin

“Yeah, Noah mentioned something about Elena returning.”

“Do you like her?” I ask.

Peyton shakes her head. “Not really. My sister calls her a stage five clinger. We see them a lot in California during the off-season, and we’ve had them over when my family is there. She’s like static to my dad, Liam, or my brother. She likes to name drop, which really bothers me. But, I don’t say anything because Noah and Julius are best friends.”

“Elena definitely acted like she and Julius are not headed to Divorce Court. She just made me feel so icky for being there.”

“Are you going to talk to Julius?”

I shrug. “I know I should, but I have a feeling he’ll tell me nothing has changed, and I don’t know what to do with that.” Peyton and I continue to discuss my love life over lunch. She tells me she’s excited about my opportunity and asks me to text her when I’m about to go live so she can tune in.

When I get home, Julius is waiting outside my apartment door with a bouquet of roses. He sees me and straightens. “I got tired of you not responding, so I thought I’d wait here until you came back.”

“You could’ve been here for days.”

“It’s a risk I was willing to take.”

I laugh and open my door. Julius follows me in and into the kitchen with the roses. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

“They’re not enough,” he says. “I know Elena was nasty to you the other night, and I figure that is why you’re ignoring me. I’m sorry about what she said.”

My lips go into a thin line. I don’t know what to say. The way she acts isn’t his fault, but I can’t help but feel like the situation is. “You guys have a lot to work out.”

He grimaces. “Not really. She’s in a panic because the finality of her actions is closing in on her. I think she thought I wouldn’t file, and when she received the notice, she saw the money start to disappear. As long as she’s my wife, I’m responsible for things like the house and her car. Once we’re divorced, she’s on the hook, and I think she freaked out.”

“Did she go back to L.A.?”

Julius shakes his head. “No, she’s moving back apparently, which is good for the kids. She’s out looking for a place right now.”

“Oh.” I turn my back and start to clean my kitchen a bit. I can feel his presence when he steps closer. Does he think I’m going to carry on a relationship with him? That I’m going to be the other woman? He’s right. The children need their mother, but I don’t need Elena and her volatile disposition when it comes to me, and I have a feeling she’s not going away quietly.

“The divorce is going to happen, Autumn. Elena knows this.”

I turn to face him and can see the pain in his eyes. “That’s good. I, uh…” I swallow my words. I don’t know what to say to him. “I should probably get ready and head to the station. I have a ton of work to do.”

Julius’s expression falls. He wanted me to say something else, but I just don’t have it in me. I need time to think about what I want. I’m too young to be mixed up with a messy divorce. He steps forward and kisses me on my cheek. “I’ll watch your broadcast tonight,” he tells me. “Let me know when you get home?”

I nod, and he backs away. When he gets to the door, he says, “Nothing has to change between us, Autumn. You’re the one I want to be with.” Julius closes the door quietly behind him.

“Things have already changed,” I say into my empty apartment.









It’s been two days since I’ve seen Autumn, and the empty feeling I have growing in my gut is very unsettling. We’ve texted a couple of times. Short, to-the-point words that leave me with a lot of questions. The flirting conversations I’ve grown accustomed to are missing, and I have an overall sense of dread that things aren’t the way I want them. The gap I feel between us is my fault, and I can accept responsibility for my actions, especially when I dragged my feet when it came to filing for divorce. The minute I realized Autumn was someone I wanted to spend all my time with, I should’ve been in the lawyer’s office. Hell, the second I found out Elena had an affair was when I should’ve done something. I procrastinated, and now I think I’m going to end up paying in the long run.

After our forty-five-minute weight training session, we make our way to the cafeteria to grab breakfast before our nine a.m. team meeting. Because we won on Sunday, Coach had our breakfast catered this morning. It’s a reward and one we strive for each week. It’s Coach’s way of showing appreciation, and since we’re football players who like to eat, he goes all out for us. After I get a couple of plates of food, I take a spot next to Noah. Alex Moore and Chase Montgomery are already seated and stuffing their faces. I can’t say I blame them. I’m starving.

“Hey,” Alex says as I sit down. He looks forlorn, an unusual sight for Alex. He’s the happiest guy I know, aside from Noah.

“What’s eating you?” I ask him.

He shrugs, and I glance to Noah and Chase, who offer no help at all. Alex sighs heavily and then emits some low groan, which is so exaggerated you’d think he’s spent time with Roxy and asked how to get what she wants from me.

“Dude, you’re acting like my kid. Spill.”

“Maggie was offered a job in England.” Maggie is Alex’s girlfriend or, more aptly known around the team as the perfect woman because she not only puts up with Alex but makes sure the Pioneers are included in the best events to give us optimum publicity. Unbeknownst to the fans, the sports teams fight for the spotlight. Professional athletes get a bad rap because, let’s be honest, we do some stupid shit. That stupid shit can make it so businesses don’t want us around even though we can bring many people. Maggie, though, she always turns a blind eye and wants us at all her events. She runs the Children’s Museum, and when she took the job, it was some rinky-dink playroom. Now, it’s this fantastic, interactive experience for children, and it’s all because of her. So, I’m not surprised other organizations want her.

“Is she going to take it?” Chase asks.

Alex shrugs.

“It’s what? An eight-hour time difference?” Noah asks.

“Yeah, something like that. I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I feel like I’m losing her.”

“Maybe she’s ready to settle down, and this is your wake-up call,” Chase, the perpetual bachelor adds.

“There aren’t many times in life when I will agree with Montgomery, but this is one of them,” I say to Alex. “You and Maggie have been together for as long as I’ve known you. She probably wants to get married and have children.”

“So, I should ask her to marry me?”

“Is that what you want?” Noah asks. “Do you see yourself married to Maggie?”

Alex shrugs. “I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it. I thought we were content with owning a house and just living life.”

“Content is not a good thing,” Noah tells us. “Content means you stopped trying. I’m happily married. I love my wife more than my own life, but nothing brings me more pleasure than knowing I did something to make her day better or made her smile. I work hard to make sure she knows how much she means to me. I plan dates and fly her mom up here when I think Peyton needs her and buy her flowers because I walked by the florist when I was out. It’s the little things just to remind her that she’s the love of my life.”

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