Home > Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(62)

Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers #1)(62)
Author: Heidi McLaughlin

“I want what other wives have.”

“What other wives? Are you looking at LeBron James’s wife? Did you count how many endorsements he has when you looked at how they live? Hell, I’m just happy I get the occasional commercial, and Nike outfits me with shoes. Or are you looking at Gisele? Because she came into her marriage with Tom Brady as a freaking supermodel—what did you bring?”

“That’s rude, Julius.”

“Right, but you wanting to spend all the money I’ve earned so you can feel like you belong isn’t. Got it.”

The room is silent. Even my lawyer seems stunned by my ex. I wish I could live my life in hindsight because if I could, I would’ve never pursued anything with Elena.

“How much?” I throw it out there. Elena’s eyes widen. “As much as I don’t want to give you any money, I want out. I want to move on and have a healthy relationship with Autumn. I don’t want this divorce looming over me anymore. So how much is it going to take, Elena?”

“Ten million,” she says with a smirk.

“See you in court then,” I tell her.

“You just asked me how much I wanted, and I gave you a number. Now you’re playing games.”

“No, I’m not. But if you think I’m giving you ten million, you’re out of your mind.” I glance at my lawyer, who is watching the back and forth between Elena and me. “One million,” I throw back at her.


I scoff. “For five million, I want full legal custody of the kids with the stipulation that you can visit anytime you want, provided you stay in your own hotel or apartment. The kids live with me, no matter where I end up or where I decide to retire. I make all their decisions—every single one. We can rotate holidays, not that I think you’ll actually make time for them, but they need to know that they’re spending Christmas with their mom as well. I will provide a nanny when they’re with you to keep the kids in a routine. You’re more than welcome to take them on vacation as long as it doesn’t interrupt their schooling or any sports or activities they’re participating in.” I finish and look at my lawyer. “Am I forgetting anything?”

He shakes his head as his pen writes furiously across the paper.

“One condition,” Elena states.

“What’s that?”

“I want to formally meet your girlfriend. I get the impression she’s going to be around for a while, and I want to know who is going to be mothering my children.”

I let her words stew for a moment and make it seem like I’m pondering her request. I’m not. I’m fucking livid that she dares to act like she’s mother of the year. “I have no doubt Autumn will be happy to meet you, especially considering your first encounter with her didn’t go so well.”

Elena has nothing to say.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and send Autumn a text, asking her if she’s around to meet Elena. I don’t want to prolong this divorce any longer. “Autumn is home and excited to meet you. Shall we go?” I stand, not giving Elena a chance to change her mind.

“I thought you had practice?” she asks, reminding me that I told her she had to take a cab back to her place.

“I do, but I’ll take the fine if it means you’ll sign the papers today and be done with this marriage.”

I glance over at the lawyer, who nods. “I’ll send the papers over today.”

Elena says nothing during the drive back to the complex. I feel this meeting won’t suffice Elena’s curiosity about Autumn, but it’s a start. I’m not going to hide my relationship with Autumn, and if Elena has questions, she can ask me.

Back at the apartments, we head to my penthouse. I told Autumn to meet us there. It’s unlikely the kids will ever be at Autumn’s place. Inside, soft music plays, and a sense of calm rushes over me. I like having Autumn here, but I know it’s way too soon to ask her to move in with us. I don’t want to rush this relationship at all.

“Hey,” Autumn says as we round the corner into the living room. She stands to greet me. I kiss her. Not caring that Elena is there.

“Autumn, this is Elena.”

Autumn steps forward and pulls Elena into her arms. The shocked look on Elena’s face makes me laugh. As much as I want to monitor the conversation between them, it’s not my place. Elena’s going to say what she feels needs to be said, and Autumn will listen. I excuse myself and head into my bedroom. The pillow Autumn used last night still smells like her, and as I look around the room, I wonder what needs to change to make her feel at home. I know for sure we will need a lot of sleepovers before I ask her to move in, but I see it happening. I see her as a part of my future and a pivotal role in the children’s lives.

Of course, things could change. Autumn’s career could take her places I can’t go. I’ve done the long-distance thing with Elena, and that definitely didn’t work out in my favor. I could get traded, leaving Autumn behind. She loves her job, but she’s young, and being a stepmom before you’re thirty might not be something she wants.

The bedroom door opens, and Autumn strolls in. She sits down next to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

“How’d it go?”

“Awkward. She asked me my views on parenting, and I was honest with her. I told her I didn’t have any because this was all very new to me, but her babies are important to me. Elena asked me to promise never to undermine her when it comes to the kids, and I told her I would never undermine you. I told her I’m in no way, shape, or form trying to replace her—that she will always be their mom.”

“I caved and gave her money. It’s all she’s ever wanted from me. She’s angry she’s not living some elitist life because I refuse to live outside of my means. She doesn’t understand that at any time, my career could be done, and then what? But the kids are staying here, even Reggie, who isn’t going to be happy. So, I have to ask—are you okay with dating a single dad who plays professional football and may have to cancel a date or two if his kids need him?”

Autumn grimaces, and my heart sinks. Slowly, a smile forms on her lips. “If I had an issue, I wouldn’t be here.” She leans in, and her hand cups my cheek. Our lips meet. Our kiss is gentle, yet there’s a sense of longing. Our mouths move slowly against each other’s as my arm finds purchase around her waist. Autumn presses her body to mine, and everything within me ignites with fire. I want her. I want to make her mine over and over again until I’m spent, and there is nothing left to give.

She angles her body to move us to the bed, and I put on the brakes. “I can’t,” I say against her lips. The word “practice” is muttered, but it’s incoherent. It takes great effort to pull away from her. Autumn opens her eyes slowly, and I can see the yearning. “I’m already late for practice,” I tell her. “I desperately want you right now, but I have to go.”

“Later, then?”

“The second you walk in tonight, you’re mine.”

“I suddenly hate that I’m on the evening news.”

We both laugh at her statement. As much as I love watching her on TV, I too hate that she works until almost midnight. “I’ll watch and fantasize about everything I get to do to you tonight.”

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