Home > Dirty Arrogant Boss (Cocky Billionaire Series)(18)

Dirty Arrogant Boss (Cocky Billionaire Series)(18)
Author: A.M. Hargrove

“Molly, why didn’t you ever tell me? You know I would’ve been there for you.”

“Yeah, but it was something I needed to keep to myself.”

“From the way I see things, Hugh did you a huge favor and now your dad has a chance of being released.”

“Wait, so you’re siding with him?”

She wore guilt like a crown. “I guess I am. It’s not that I blame you for keeping your father’s issue a secret and not telling anyone, but you can’t blame that part on Hugh. He didn’t know. Think about it. He was only trying to help you by using his connections.”

Chloe had a valid point. Was I being too hard-headed and ridiculous? Maybe. I’d kept this secret for so long, it was hard to let go. Perhaps it was time.

My head dipped up and down. “I think you might be right.”

A grin tugged at the corner of her mouth. “There’s no ‘might’ about it. All you need to do is kiss and make up.”

“He might not want me anymore.”

“Then you’ll live a wonderful, fulfilling life without him. Just you and your child. But I have a feeling that won’t happen. Why don’t you go find him and tell him now?”

“I don’t think I’m ready. There are too many things going on and my dad’s upcoming appeal too. Now I have to figure out how to pay that attorney.”

“Understood. But waiting too long isn’t fair to Hugh. Think about how you’d feel.”

She was right. I left the reception soon after and fell asleep early that night, my heart burdened with too much. When the skies turned gray, I gave up on sleeping and got up. I needed some exercise, so I put on my sneakers and took a walk. Forty-five minutes later, when I was in the parking lot of my condo, the sun was rising over the horizon. A new day and a new beginning. For starters, I needed a doctor’s appointment for my baby. And then I had to get some legit work done. The last couple of days had been a bust. The files on my desk were stacked too damn high. Maybe I’d go into the office and get an early start on the week, even though it was Sunday.



Two Weeks Later


It was early morning and I was preparing to face the dreaded Monday. My phone tweeted and I was excited to see it was Chloe. “You’re back from your honeymoon! I missed you. Was it amazing?”

“It was. Let’s meet for lunch today and I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Then I’ll see you at twelve.” She made a reservation and gave me the name of the place.

It was a good thing Chloe didn’t care about my appearance because I looked like hell today. Purple half-moons occupied the spaces beneath my eyes and my skin was sallow. Maybe it was because I’d thrown up twice after I got to the office. I needed a remedy for that. Morning sickness was no joke.

The hostess at the restaurant greeted me and I gave her Chloe’s name. She pointed me in the direction of our table. As soon as I saw Chloe, she stood, and I hugged her, but then a dark shadow loomed behind us. I glanced up to see the figure of a man standing there. At first I thought it might have been the waiter. But then I realized it was no waiter. It was Hugh. What had Chloe done? Why had she invited him here?








It was true what they said about pregnant women. Molly had a glow about her, or maybe I was just so damn happy to see her.

“Why is he here?” Her question was quiet and didn’t hold rebuke.

I stepped forward to answer. “Hear me out.” Chloe looked at her friend as if asking her permission as Molly looked ready to bolt. I jumped in again. “I asked for her help. Don’t be mad at her.”

Chloe was a pistol too. “No, I knew what I was doing. For the record, she planned to talk to you.” Then she aimed her gaze at Molly. “I wouldn’t have gone behind your back, but he begged me to do this. And the two of you really do need to talk.”

“Fine,” Molly said, taking a seat.

“Thanks,” I said to Chloe.

She whispered something to her friend. Before leaving, she said loud enough for me to overhear, “Give him a chance.”

Molly didn’t respond. Chloe sighed before giving me a tight smile and leaving.

I sat, took my napkin and put it in my lap before finally meeting Molly’s eyes. Before I could blurt out the speech I’d prepared in my head, the waiter arrived. “What can I get you to drink?” he asked.

A former version of me might have ordered for the both of us. But Molly had changed me. I held her gaze but didn’t answer, letting her order for herself.

“Just water,” she said.

“Still or sparkling?” he asked.

“Either—no, sparkling.”

He nodded. “And you?”

I could kill for a stiff drink, but I said, “Same.”

“Do you need another few minutes for your order?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said as Molly said, “No.”

The waiter’s gaze bounced between us. Most likely he sensed the tension and didn’t know what to do. I held onto my patience because Molly was angry, and she didn’t yet understand why her anger was misplaced.

“Go ahead,” I said to her.

She glared at me but answered, “I’ll start with a salad. Then I’ll have the lobster bisque, a steak medium.”

“I haven’t decided yet,” I said to the waiter. “Let’s start with water and salads for now. Thanks.” He nodded gratefully before leaving.

“You got me here. What is it you want to say? And then I can leave.” She wasn’t making this easy for me.

“I’m sorry,” I said simply.

“That’s it?” she said, trailing off with a mocking laugh.

“No. I wanted to tell you this at the wedding… Anyway, I shouldn’t have intervened without speaking to you first. But it came from a good place, I swear.” She opened her mouth, but I kept going. “I reached out to a buddy of mine with no idea you worked for his firm. If I’d known, I would have never done it.” I could tell she wanted to cut in, but I held up a hand, determined to finish. “Again, if I’d talked to you first as I should have, we wouldn’t be at this point. I ask you forgive me knowing my intentions were good.”

When I was done, she said nothing for what felt like a few minutes, and I waited for her verdict.

“You were wrong for not talking to me. Do you know how embarrassing it is to admit your father is a felon?”

“But he was innocent.”

“That’s not what people think when they hear that. Most who are convicted claim innocence. And the last thing I wanted was for people to look at me differently.”

“I can respect that and again, I’m so sorry for revealing your secrets, though unintentionally,” I said. “I didn’t even give your boss your name.” Her lips pursed in disbelief. “I gave him your father’s name. Again, if I’d known you’d worked there, I wouldn’t have done it because I would have known he’d put the pieces together.”

Her expression lost some of the fire that had been there. “I wish you’d talked to me first,” she said.

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