Home > Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(45)

Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(45)
Author: Beverly Preston

Travis came up from behind and wrapped his long arms around Ember to assist. The cow gave another push and together they pulled on the chain until most of the calf was exposed. The energy of confidence radiating off him instantly diminished her apprehension and allowed her to catch her breath.

With one final push, the animal plopped to the ground. Its big black eyes bulged but didn’t blink.

Ember dropped to her knees beside the calf. “Oh no, is it alive? Is it okay? Does it need CPR? What should I do?”

“You need to take one of those deep breaths you’re always doing and calm the fuck down, that’s what ya need to do.” Contrition instantly contorted his profile. Travis slipped the chain from the animal’s hooves shooting Ember an apologetic glance, clarifying, “Pardon. She’ll be fine, just give her a minute. Falling on the ground like that gives her a little jump start.”

He swiped his hands over the calf giving it a hardy wiggle. Tuning out the scene behind them, she followed Travis’s lead and helped wipe the calf’s nose and mouth.

“You said she. It’s a girl?”

He lifted a leg to expose the underbelly. “Yes, ma’am. She looks perfect. You did a good job.”

“Thank you.”

Travis shook his head, chuckling as he flashed a wide smile.

“What’s so funny?”

“Just the mental vision I have going on right now of you giving that calf CPR.”

Embarrassment flooded her cheeks, but Ember couldn’t help but laugh. She nudged her shoulder against the side of his beefy arm before raising a gloved hand to offer a high five.

The momma, now released from the shoot that had been holding her head in place, sniffed the calf. Maternal instinct kicked in immediately. She cleaned and nuzzled the calf with her nose, encouraging it to stand. Within thirty minutes, she got the newborn on her feet and nursed inside the first hour.

Mesmerized by the magic of mother nature, Ember stared with fascination, taking in the adorable, docile calf laying on the ground beside its mother. White markings set between the animal’s eyes reminded Ember of a sunflower and her white feet stood out against the black hide.

“You look like a Daisy,” Ember said. Grabbing her phone from her back pocket, she snapped a photo of her first calf. “Can we name her Daisy?”

The men’s voices boomed simultaneously. “You don’t name your stock.”

Ember scowled. “But she’s so cute. Look at that face.”

“She is a cutie, but she’s not a pet or some photo opportunity. This calf is a part of this ranch, a vested interest, a paycheck. She’ll require your blood, sweat, and tears over the next year,” Mr. Montgomery stated matter-of-factly.

“But she still makes for an adorable picture,” Travis assured, standing at the fence, hands firmly gripping the metal bar. A rugged smile hooked the corners of his lips. “Well, it’s official. I’d say you’re a rancher.”

The loyalty in his tone sparked a dose of pride to balloon in her chest, engulfing her in a sense of triumph and accomplishment. Looking beyond his shoulder, she witnessed the same glimmer of victory in Mr. Montgomery’s eyes.

Heat flushed her face and gratitude momentarily strangled her response. In that instant, she felt strong enough to take on the world.

Jutting her chin upward, she tipped her head in typical Texan fashion. “Thank you.”

As much as these men’s opinions mattered to her, there was another that she couldn’t wait to share her experience with. Nash.



Blindly rummaging through her bag on the passenger seat with one hand, Ember searched for her lip gloss while making her way down the long dirt road. She’d never stepped foot on the Harris Ranch, but knew Nash spent Wednesday mornings with his father since recovering from knee surgery.

Glimpsing into the rearview mirror, she swiped a luster of raspberry across her lips and tucked a few loose strands into the braid cascading over her collarbone.

Nerves bounced in her tummy with every rut in the road, her brain attempting to decipher if she was making a mistake. He hadn’t answered his phone, but the morning buzz of excitement flooded her with courage, so she decided to chance it.

Easing her foot off the gas, she took closer inspection at her reflection, dissecting hidden truths glaring back at her. The anticipation of seeing him sparked an inferno inside her veins that grew to an out-of-control wildfire. The unruly and irresistible force started the moment they’d met and grew brighter with each encounter.

Learning to love a father she’d never known, embracing the crazy possibility of taking over the ranch, and leaving behind a life she loved, all seemed moot when she added Nash into the equation.

Nothing was simple or straightforward when it came to this man. Nash Harris was a delicious, addictive dance of dominance and sex appeal mixed with intellectual conversation, hidden scars, and holstered affection.

He’d taken up residence inside her mind, body, and soul, like a welcomed thief stealing pieces of her heart, hiding them in his pocket next to her panties.

Falling for a man like Nash seemed easy, but if she weren’t careful, she’d let him rob her blind.

Tires hitting the black asphalt, Ember caught sight of a grand two-story log structure in the distance. Gorgeous cream-colored limestone wrapped the lower half of the cabin and chimneys making the magnificent estate looked more like a mountain resort.

“Holy shit,” she murmured.

Apprehensions swirled like a swarm of butterflies set free in her abdomen. Ember’s hands turned slippery on the wheel and the pounding of her heart echoed in her ears taking in the luxurious structure. Even though it held the title of a Ranch, it appeared more like a diplomatic chateau. The gigantic log pillars and massive boulders bordering a sweeping, regal yet rustic, staircase wreaked of opulence.

She glanced over the dirty hood of her truck before turning her inspection downward to her tee shirt and jeans, realizing she hadn’t even changed out of her boots.

In the distance, Ember spotted Nash walking to his car parked out front of the entrance. Witnessing a stunned scowl creep across his sun-chapped complexion delivered a turbulent kick to her heart. It was too late to reassess her rushed decision.

There was no going back.



Chapter 17






Bewilderment drove a deep V between his brows spotting a signature red Walker Ranch truck coming down the drive. As the vehicle approached the house, he identified the driver with a crooked smile.

Ember pulled in, parked beside him, and cut the motor.

A silent alarm pounded brutally in his chest.

Uncertainty tightened around his wariness, curious as to her visit. Resting a hip against the hood of his car, Nash apprehensively raked both hands through his thick dark hair before shoving them in his pockets.

His trepidation calmed witnessing a saucy grin as she exited the truck. The joy and humbleness radiating through her tipped lips sent a rush of heat to his chest like an arrow hitting its bullseye.

Nash scanned over each article of clothing hugging her curves perfectly as she strolled toward him. The brown leather belt riding low on her hips held up a pair of dark jeans, and a shirt reading Whatever lassos your longhorn highlighted her perfect full breasts, practically dropping him to his knees.

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