Home > Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(47)

Catching Ember (Buckle Up Series Book 1)(47)
Author: Beverly Preston

“Don’t mind her, she’s miserable, ruthless—” He paused reining in the list of nasty adjectives describing his sister. “—and rude as hell.”

“Damn, no wonder you never mentioned her,” she murmured, showering him with a wide-eyed look of understanding.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” Nash shook his head and cast his gaze to the side, attempting to mask the anger and embarrassment threatening to explode like a penned bull waiting for the chute to open.

“No need to apologize.”

“I always want to tell people she’s crazy, but she’s not. She’s just mean as fuck with zero morals. Verging on the edge of barbaric most of the time.”

After a few awkward beats of silence, Ember lifted their conjoined hands and pressed her soft lips to his fingers, pulling him from his anger-filled haze. Meeting her stare, Nash was hit with the full force of her unwavering strength and feisty beauty. The sweetness brewing in her eyes drew him in like gravity, unraveling the stitches of his soul one seam at a time.

“And to think I used to pray for a sister,” she teased in a gentle voice.

Nash tipped his head back, his torso shaking with rough laughter as he peered upward to the heavens. Once the hilarity started, neither could stop laughing, each making the most of a twisted moment in time.

Ember snuggled into his arms, propping her lifted chin on his chest. Her honey-colored eyes wandered over his features, studying each affliction hidden within and absorbing the feedback into her brain.

After a few minutes, every ounce of animosity slipped from his strained muscles, thankful she hadn’t blast him with a dozen questions regarding his family. Most women he’d dated previously would’ve hit him with endless questions, and several would’ve instantly morphed into a would-be-therapist, deeming themselves capable of fixing the problem. Little did they know, his relationship with his sister was beyond repair.

Nash hauled her into a full embrace, each inch of her body and soul tethered to him by an invisible thread creating the perfect fit.

It was too late to back off. He was addicted. This beautiful, spirited woman was an emotional wizard, turning him inside out and sideways. And he liked it. He liked it a lot.

“You asked if I was busy?” he finally managed, nipping the lobe of her ear with his teeth. “Unfortunately, between my schedule and dad’s doctor appointments, my day is packed, and tomorrow isn’t much better.”

Ember lowered her gaze, burying her concern and a response in the hard planes of his chest. The disappointment spindling through her sent a swift blow to his gut.

“As much as I’d love to celebrate your big day by hauling you up to my childhood bedroom to make every single one of my teenage fantasies come true,” he paused, taking in the pink hue now covering her cheeks. “How about if I pick you up at six Saturday night?”

A small spark of excitement set flame to her sun-kissed complexion, turning his heartbeat unruly.

“Saturday night it is.”



Chapter 18






The riches we hold in our heart are far more valuable than those we pull out of the ground.

“Look at you! Your hormones are all swimming in pleasure and your brain’s inundated with dopamine.” JC wiggled her brows. “It’s such a great high, isn’t it?”

“Not gonna lie, it’s pretty amazing,” Ember admitted, delight plumping the apples of her cheeks.

Chloe picked up the pace of her trot, pinching the ear of her brown stick horse to make the neighing noises as they neared the barn.

“You know it’s a proven fact that love is more addicting than drugs.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back that horse up a bit. Matter of fact take it all the way to the stables! I didn’t say anything about love.”

“I meant in general.” JC smirked, lashes fluttering innocently. “I’m merely pointing out that since Chloe and I arrived an hour ago, in between calving stories and ranching strategies, you’ve mentioned his name a few times.”

“I admit, I have been enjoying myself. Nash is—” Ember’s hands churned in a circle in midair floundering to find the perfect description. “—amazing. He’s so intelligent and put together, but still rough around the edges.”

“The rough edges are my favorite,” JC interrupted with a sigh, squeezing her shoulders upward in giddy appreciation of her husband. “Once you’ve had a taste of that sweet, but oh so sexy masculinity…there’s no going back.”

“Nash is positively a fine specimen of a man.” Ember’s enchanted laugh of approval coasted along the cool evening air.

Peering off into the distance, her thoughts drifted along the light breeze whipping through the pasture, attempting to dissect what she enjoyed most about Nash.

Everything. I like everything.

“Momma! Momma!” Chloe circled back, exhilaration flowing wildly from her little body, pointing her tiny finger beyond the barn. “It’s a real cowboy!”

Ember recognized Travis’s silhouette approaching on horseback with Jet at his heels. His large, shadowed frame stood out against the radiant hues of reds and oranges of the late day sun.

“Chloe insists that anyone wearing chaps is a real cowboy.”

“She’s not too far off,” Ember agreed.

“Ember, can I go for a ride?” Chloe’s dark mink curls bounced up and down beneath her pink cowgirl hat.

Travis tipped his hat in a cordial manner, a broad smile sneaking its way out from beneath the brim. “Evening y’all.”

“Can I ride the real horsey?” The exuberance filling her brilliant green eyes was undeniable.

“Well, aren’t you a cute little peanut,” Travis chimed sweetly, curling his well-worn gloved fingers to say hi. “Only if it’s okay with your momma.”

“JC this is Travis White. He’s our best hand and specializes in working with the horses.”

“We met briefly at The Garage,” JC reminded, reaching out to shake his now bare hand.

“Nice to see you again, Mrs. Rider.”

“Please, call me JC. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Not a problem at all,” Travis obliged. “Come on up here, peanut.”

JC hoisted the little girl up to Travis and he rested the child in front of him on the saddle, encouraging her to wave as they headed to the bullpen.

“How’s that going?” JC shifted her chin toward Travis, casually tucking a chunk of light brown hair behind her ear.

“Travis? He’s probably the biggest asset to the ranch other than Mr. Montgomery. Even though I know absolutely nothing, he treats me with respect. I guess you could say he’s kind of like a mentor. He’s taught me quite a bit, or at least attempts to teach me. My riding skills have really improved. He’s been working me up from cantor to gallop.”

“This cowboy terminology is spinning my imagination into all kinds of filthy positions,” JC snickered, theatrically fanning her face. “Can you define that for me?”

Ember nodded in agreement, laughing so hard she hinged at the waist, arms crossing over her midriff to hold it all in. Catching her breath, she wiped the wetness leaking from the corner of her eyes.

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