Home > A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(13)

A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(13)
Author: Vivian Arend

Should she put this conversation off for a while longer? What right did she have to dump her anger on him now?

They can’t fix it if they don’t know it’s broken.

Her mother’s voice arrived, as always, right when she needed it. Guardian angel or just a really well-balanced psyche that knew when enough was enough?

Ginny sighed.

Tamara’s gaze sharpened, and she spoke before Ginny could. “What’s wrong? I know we haven’t had that much time together, but it’s clear something’s bothering you.”

Ginny nodded then met Caleb’s gaze straight on. “Why didn’t you tell me when things got bad with the ranch?”

Caleb blinked. “We did. We called and got your ideas about ways to—”

“That was at the eleventh hour, when the options were a miracle or selling out.” Ginny spoke slowly, but her usual firm optimism had changed to a nearly quivering whisper. “I wasn’t here, and I should have been.”

“You were taking part in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—”

“—that would have meant nothing if we’d lost Silver Stone.” Her throat was closing up, but she had to get this out. “In some ways, it feels as if my work means nothing anyway, because I wasn’t here, wasn’t part of the family to deal with the worry and the day-to-day struggles.”

“I didn’t want you to have to face that. None of us did.” Caleb leaned forward on his elbows, every bit of attention focused intently on her. “You were a part of us, though. Your calls and visits were highlights for everyone.”

“I’m glad to hear that, really. But still, there was a solid year and a half where things could have gone badly, and you never told me. I was even home for a month in the middle of that time, and no one said a word.” She shook her head. “Maybe you didn’t want me to face that worry, but by not telling me, you left me out, Caleb. You didn’t give me the chance to be a part of the solution. To be here to help make things easier to face.”

“You would have had to give up your apprenticeship.”

“And I would have done it in a heartbeat. Because I’m a part of this family, and I want to be here for you. You’ve always been there for us. Finding out later that I wasn’t a part of it doesn’t make me feel protected. It makes me angry. I should have been told.”

Tamara had sat quietly throughout the entire conversation up to now, her grip on her cup growing tight enough that her knuckles turned white.

She put the cup down and faced Caleb. “I never knew this.”

This time he turned his confused glance on his wife. “Knew what?”

Tamara gestured at Ginny. “That your sister wasn’t fully aware of the challenges we were facing. We talked about her all the time—about the things she could do to help when she got home, with the gardens and other areas. But it sounds as if you never passed on any of those thoughts.”

“They were plans for down the road.” Caleb’s confusion grew deeper. “I’m lost.” He shook his head as he looked at Ginny. “I’ve been trained a little better since you left in the fine art of listening when someone is telling me a thing, so I’ll start again. Ginny, we never made you aware of how bad things were—for reasons that made sense to me at the time. You’re saying that was the wrong decision.”

He paused and gave her a chance to respond.

“It was.” Ginny swallowed around the knot in her throat. “I am so happy to be home. I am so happy to have a home to return to, and I know that’s meant a lot of work and sacrifice on all your parts.” She included Tamara in her comment as well. “Please don’t think I’m ungrateful. This isn’t about that at all. And your good news is incredible, and I feel as if sharing this is a childish rant, stomping all over the beautiful cake you’ve presented me. But it’s been burning up inside me for the longest time, and I don’t want it to taint anything we do going forward.”

“Hell, kiddo. I’m sorry.” Caleb got to his feet and opened his arms. “Come here.”

She was in his embrace a moment later, tears falling freely. The safe, secure place in her brother’s arms felt right—

But she wasn’t a child anymore.

“I didn’t leave to go traipsing across the countryside on a holiday. I know gallivanting across Europe sounds exciting in concept, but in reality, it wasn’t always. It was damn hard work, and at times I was scared. Or I’d finish up the day dirty and exhausted, same as if I’d been at home. But I wasn’t at home, and I would’ve been if I’d known.” This time she said it clearly. No quaver in her voice, just complete honesty. Then she didn’t shout, didn’t demand, just calmly finished. “Please don’t leave me out again. I need to know I’m valuable to you. And protecting me by keeping me ignorant isn’t the way to show that.”

“I promise,” Caleb said, his voice a low rumble against her temple. “Of course, I can’t promise I won’t screw up at all, because making mistakes is what big brothers do best.”

“Ha.” She let out a long breath. “I’m sorry for dumping on you tonight.”

“Trust me. I’m far happier we’ve dealt with it now before you’ve got a full supply of herbs at your disposal.” Caleb snorted as she dug her fingers under his ribs. “Your magic elixirs are dangerous, witchy woman.”

Tamara raised a brow.

Ginny smiled sweetly. “Laxative tea. I don’t even remember what he did, but he deserved it.”

Two little girls zipped into the room, running full tilt into Caleb as he released Ginny from the hug.

“Dad, the movie was so funny,” Sasha shared.

“Sasha giggled so hard, water came out her nose,” Emma said softly, hands pressed to her mouth.

It was impossible not to feel the joy radiating from these two. Ginny dropped to a squat and examined Sasha closely. “Doesn’t look as if there’s permanent damage.”

Sasha made a face so reminiscent of Caleb it was eerie. “It was water, not glue.”

Behind them, Tamara snorted. “That’s a very specific observation that I don’t think I want any more details about. You two go with your daddy and get ready for bed. I’ll be in to say good night in a minute.”

“Good night, Auntie Ginny,” Emma said, turning her face up for a kiss. “You’ll be here tomorrow, yes?”

“For a whole lot of tomorrows,” Ginny promised.

One more hug from Sasha, and an impulsive additional hug from her big brother. Caleb pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m glad you’ll be here tomorrow, too.”

The girls swirled away, bright happy leaves dancing around the tall sturdy figure of her brother.

Tamara laid a hand on Ginny’s arm. “Here’s where I apologize. I screwed up big time.”

Ginny shook her head. “You said you didn’t know. I don’t hold you responsible for a mistake Caleb made. Plus, I get that it was a mistake, and he meant well. This is done, and we can put it behind us.”

“You’re right, and we will move past this, but I still need to apologize because I should’ve known better.” Tamara looked sheepish. “You’ve heard the saying assume means making an ass of u and me?”

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