Home > A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(9)

A Rancher's Love (The Stones of Heart Falls #4)(9)
Author: Vivian Arend

“You’re helping take care of horses for people who stable them there?”

“And I give lessons. A few times we’ve gotten to do some serious training with animals who need a little extra attention before they make good rides.” He kept staring around as they walked. “Every place I’ve worked is like a tiny jigsaw piece of this place.”

“You really should work here,” Ginny said. “I don’t know why you never applied.”

His expression grew solemn. He shook his head. “Timing doesn’t always work the way we want.” They walked in silence for the final distance, then Tucker gestured her ahead of him up the steps onto the wooden porch outside Luke’s house. “Ladies first.”

“You just want to watch my ass,” she murmured softly as she passed him.

The sputter that escaped him was a reward all in itself.






Tucker was in dangerous territory and hated it with everything in him. Not only did he need to be careful because Ginny seemed primed and ready for mischief, but he had to admit, he was worried.

Like he’d confessed to Ginny earlier, part of him was twelve years old again. uncertain of how he fit in at Silver Stone. The sensation was made worse because he knew exactly how he wanted reality to be.

Entering into the warm comfort of the sprawling ranch house gave him another of those torn between the past and the future sensations. The scent of coffee and something sweet and spicy drifted on the air.

He automatically helped Ginny take off her coat, hanging it on one of the hooks by the door.

Then he paused because she was staring, her expression somewhere between amusement and an all-out smirk. “What?”

She gave a quick little curtsy. “Thank you for being a gentleman.”

It would’ve made her happy if he’d rolled his eyes, so instead he caught her by the shoulders and pushed her into the main part of the house. “Coffee first. You’re too hard to interpret when I’m low on caffeine.”

“Poor baby,” she crooned. “Tell you what. I’ll get the coffee, you raid the fridge. Luke won’t get as cranky if you’re the one rooting around in there.”


Their entrance into the house had finally been noted. Luke and his wife Kelli were seated on an oversized but ancient looking couch. Across from them on a slightly newer, but equally enormous couch, was a smartly dressed and very attractive couple.

“Tucker.” Luke rose to his feet and gestured him over. “Come meet everyone.”

The dark-skinned man on the couch rose as well, extending a hand. “Merry Christmas. I’m Jack Emment. This is my wife, Diane Jakarta.”

“Merry Christmas to you both. I’ve heard good things,” Tucker said, shaking Jack’s hand then reaching over to do the same with Diane. The beautiful Black woman had a mass of tight curls that were braided in an intricate pattern then gathered in a huge cascade over her right shoulder. “You must have an extraordinary sense of humour if you’ve been hanging out with this guy for any length of time and still like him.” He jerked a thumb toward Luke.

“Darlin’, Luke and Kelli are two of our favourite people,” Diane said, her voice sweet southern honey. “And from the way he’s been talking about you, you’re one of his favourite people.”

“That’s because he’s currently ahead of me in our annual summer who’s better than who score,” Tucker said conspiratorially. “But I aim to change that up pretty quick.”

“You also beat me up the last time we fought,” Luke reminded him, “But I’m not holding any grudges. Much.”

“Not what I heard…” Tucker said before clearing his throat and glancing toward the tree. “Oh, look. Decorations.”

They were still laughing as he turned toward Kelli who had leapt to her feet and was now approaching with a grin. He knew her from way back as well. One of the Silver Stone ranch hands, and if he remembered correctly, she’d been around since the summer he turned nineteen. Now no longer a ranch hand, but married to the man Tucker still considered his best friend, her changed situation gave him a kick. “Kelli James—excuse me, Kelli Stone. Congratulations and hot damn. You always knew how to pick the best.”

She squeezed him tight, patting his back with enthusiasm. “We missed you,” she complained as she pulled away and offered an uncharacteristic glare. “The first summer you didn’t show up, I got stuck with most of your shitty chores.”

“Sorry about that. As much as I loved coming out here, the reality of a full-time job finally reared its ugly head.” There’d been more at play than that, but the answer sufficed for now. He glanced to the side, looking for Ginny.

The damn woman was in the kitchen.

“Hey. Ginny. Come and say hi to our friends,” Luke ordered.

“Coming. Just have to get some wake-me-up happening.” She grabbed two mugs and walked boldly toward them, handing one to Tucker before placing her own on the side counter and going through the whole greeting routine. “It is really nice to finally meet you,” she told Jack and Diane sincerely.

“And you.” Jack settled back on the couch, arm curled around Diane’s shoulders.

Kelli all but vibrated with excitement. “I know I got to hug you last night, but it wasn’t enough. Plus, I kind of want to repeat what Emma said and declare you’re not allowed to ever go away again. I missed you, girlfriend.”

“Missed you, too,” Ginny agreed, hugging the other woman tightly.

Tucker was the only one in the room who could see Ginny’s face, and the slow breath in she took, and the way her eyes squeezed up tight. Her expression was laced with so much sadness—which seemed odd in conjunction with what the women had both said was a happy event.

He pushed aside his curiosity, waiting until Ginny was free to gesture her toward the only other chair in the U-shaped seating arrangement. “Sit. I’ll grab us some food.”

“I can wait,” Ginny countered. “You sit.”

Nothing was ever straightforward with this woman. Still, he wasn’t about to start arguing in front of Luke’s very classy friends. Tucker planted his ass in the oversize easy chair.

Then he barely held onto his coffee when Ginny settled on the oversized arm rest, hip against his torso.

“How long are you visiting?” Ginny asked Diane.

“Two weeks.” Diane glanced out the window and shivered visibly. “Which goes to show how much I love you guys, because there is snow on the ground.”

“Right? What’s up with that?” Jack asked, deadpan serious. “Snow in Alberta in December. Who would have guessed?”

Diane snickered, but she tapped her fingers on his shoulder. “Stop it.”

Ginny crossed her legs, which pressed her hip a little tighter against Tucker’s side. He could not get over how oblivious Luke and Kelli were to the fact that Ginny was inches away from sitting in his lap.

He focused on keeping his drinking arm steady as he took a sip.

“That’s a very shiny looking ring,” Ginny commented. “I seem to recall Luke telling me that you two weren’t married, so the Mr. and Mrs. must be a recent addition.”

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