Home > Dawn Unearthed (Ravenwood Coven #1)(51)

Dawn Unearthed (Ravenwood Coven #1)(51)
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan


Chapter Twenty-Two






My bear clawed at me as I walked into the pack circle area. I couldn’t believe Alden would do this, and yet, why shouldn’t I? Why shouldn’t I think that the brother who had been slowly pulling away from us all this time would do this? He wanted power, not the change that came with an ever-evolving world. He only wanted the title. He hadn’t wanted Sage as my mate. I shouldn’t be surprised Alden would stoop to this.

A pack challenge? One for alpha?

I couldn’t walk away from the path before me, but given the way Alden had set things in motion, only one of us would walk away from the circle tonight.

My bear chuffed, anger radiating through both of us.

Sage gripped my hand before I stepped into the circle, and I looked back at her. “What’s going to happen?” she asked.

I squeezed her hand. “I’m going to introduce you to the pack, and then we’re going to see what Alden wants.”

Her eyes widened, but she lifted her chin. “Anything you need. I’m here for you. But, Rome? Will you have to fight him?”

I knew any other bear near us would be able to hear, but I didn’t lower my voice. “If Alden forces my hand, I will. Let’s see what we can do first.” I leaned down, gripped the back of her neck, and kissed her hard on the mouth. Sage rose to her tiptoes, meeting my kiss. I deepened it, claiming her as mine in front of the entire pack.

“Be safe.”

“Be safe and be with me,” she whispered back.

I nodded and met Trace’s gaze. My brother lifted his chin and moved to stand on one side of her, Jaxton on her other. Rowen, Ash, and Laurel were with us, as well, the six of them by my side. Ariel had gone on ahead to meet with the others and the elders, and I hoped to hell she didn’t get into trouble for warning me. Alden should have waited to call the pack circle until I was here. Since he hadn’t, he was trying to forego some of the formalities, and Ariel leaving her post as she had could be seen as treason.

All because Alden wanted power. And if he won, he would kill Ariel—if not others, as well. I would not let that happen. I would not let any of this happen.

“You finally arrived.” Alden smirked as if he had been the one to invite me.

“I see you’ve called a pack circle without me. Care to explain?” I asked, my voice a growl.

“It is time the pack comes back to where it was best. We must make our pack what it once was, make it good and righteous again.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. My anchor slid over my skin, wanting blood. I didn’t blame the bear. “Our pack is strong. We are compassionate. We have strength in numbers, in our bonds, and in our purpose against a common enemy. Why are you calling a pack challenge now of all times? On this day that we buried a friend. On a day we are formulating plans to protect our town. Why are you doing this?”

Alden narrowed his eyes, just for an instant, then went back to looking like his perfect businessman self. He played with the cuffs on his long-sleeve shirt and shook his head. “Don’t you see? This is why we are here. You have spent so much time with your witch and this coven, you have forgotten what our pack needs.”

“I am alpha, dear brother. I know precisely what this pack needs. And that is strength and protection. Of all sorts.”

Alden tilted his head as he stared at me. “Strength of all sorts? And yet you spend all your time protecting the coven and not yourself. Where were you when I called this challenge? You were with the witches and the hawks. You were with others. Not your own.”

“I was with him, brother. The town and most of our den was with him when we buried Penelope. Where were you?” Trace asked.

I nearly bit back a growl. Trace was allowed to speak since we weren’t in a full alpha challenge yet, but I didn’t want Alden’s attention on him. I didn’t trust the man I called brother.

“You were there for a witch, yet you haven’t been here for your pack. You were alpha. You were supposed to put your pack first above all else.”

“No, he’s supposed to put his mate first. Together, they rule as an alpha pair to keep our pack safe,” Ariel called out.

“No one asked you, fourth,” Alden growled.

“We are not a full pack circle yet, as I have not called it. Therefore, Ariel can speak however and whenever she likes,” I ordered.

“I have called the pack circle about you, dear brother. Therefore, I am the one in charge here.”

There were murmurs from all around, and I shook my head. I was grateful that those who had come to this hadn’t brought the cubs. The triplets weren’t here, nor were the other cubs of the den. They didn’t need to see what could happen next. What would happen next.

“You are mistaken. I am here, I am alpha. And as such, since we are having a pack circle, and I have arrived and allowed it to be, let me introduce you to my mate. Your alpha.” I held out my hand. As if we had rehearsed it, Sage stepped forward and slipped hers into mine. “Sage is my mate. She is a witch. And she is of the coven. She is part of this town, Ravenwood. We are Ravenwood. She will protect us, as I will protect both you and her.”

“I will protect you, as well,” Sage said, looking at me. I winked at her, even though my bear was on alert because I knew this couldn’t be the end of Alden’s plans. Something would happen; I just had to figure out what.

“You see?” Alden gestured with his hands towards the center of the circle. “He brings her here to our pack circle. We don’t need the coven,” Alden said, staring at me.

I tilted my head, studying him, alert. “Oh? The coven formed this town. If it weren’t for them and their magic keeping our wards, we wouldn’t be able to congregate en masse like we are. We are the largest pack in the nation because of Ravenwood. Sure, there are other towns like Ravenwood, but they aren’t as large as ours, and their packs aren’t as considerable. We are symbiotic with the coven and those of magical nature. We work with them. And yet, you say we should cut ties?”

“The coven has done nothing but hurt this town. Look at what the witches are doing now. Look at their necromancers. They are witches, too, don’t forget. And they are bringing death and destruction. They are scaring our cubs and hurting our future.”

There were murmurs, agreements about the necromancers, and I could hear Rowen and the others whispering to one another. They couldn’t get involved, and I knew they would understand. Sage was the only one who might be confused, but she stayed silent, standing by my side. I could feel her magic pulsating within her. She’d be ready to defend me if I needed it, but she also understood that this was my time to speak.

There was so much strength in her, and she surprised me at every turn.

I had fallen in love with her the moment she showed her true colors, how she fought for herself and others.

She was my mate now. My alpha, as well.

The rest of the pack would have to get on board with that.

“The necromancers are a problem, yes. Just like there are rogue shifters, there are rogue witches. And when we had to fight our last rogue, Rowen and Laurel were at our side to help. The fae and the hawks were with us and did not judge the whole for its parts. Penelope was at our side to help heal our wounded. She is gone now, and we need to avenge her. We need to protect this town. We don’t have time for your dominance games, Alden.”

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