Home > Cold Hearted Bachelor (Cold Hearted #3)

Cold Hearted Bachelor (Cold Hearted #3)
Author: Logan Chance






Paisley: 9 Years Old



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“I brought you a tree-house warming gift.”

Blue eyes, the color of my future kitchen, stare at the green and yellow tractor in my hand. Mom says it’s good manners to bring a gift when visiting someone’s new home. Not that this is Vaughn’s home, but it’s in the backyard of his new home and she gave his mom a set of mixing bowls. Since I didn’t have money to buy anything, I figured the next best thing is to give something I love.

“Thanks.” He takes the prized possession from my hand.

“Can I go up?” I’ve been told it’s not good manners to invite yourself in, but I’m nine, so he’ll have to give me a pass.

His eyes bounce between me and the wooden house resting on the branches of an old oak tree.

“Sure,” he finally says.

Before my brother shows up and tells him not to let me into their club, I scurry up the weathered ladder and duck inside the door. A cool breeze enters the windows, and I try not to do the thing my brother says is annoying. As I check out the space, I press my lips together, trying to keep it inside.

It’s too hard; I can’t.

“Mom has some curtains I could give you for your windows. And you could put the tractor on this table.“ I toss my blonde braid over my shoulder and rattle out more decorating tips—a shelf for the junk, move the chairs here, pictures over there—and unlike Spencer, Vaughn doesn’t tell me to shut up and get lost.

Mom says decorating is in my blood, that my grandma could walk in any place and transform it into something special. Spencer says she has to be nice cause she’s my mom.

“Yeah, I don’t know about decorating it,” Vaughn says. “Maybe I’ll rebuild it, bigger and better.”

“My dad likes to build things.”

“Yeah, he said he could teach me.”

I let the question of where his dad lives stay inside my mouth. Mom says not everyone has two parents and it’s not our business.

“Where’d you get the tractor?”

“It was my grandma’s.”

He holds it out to me. “Here, you should keep it.”

“No, it’s a gift.”

“What are you doing up here, Paisley?” my brother interrupts, sticking his nosy face in the door.

“Visiting.” I cross my arms. He and Vaughn may have buddied up since they moved here but he doesn’t own this tree.

He spies the tractor in Vaughn’s hand. “Are you in love, Paisley?” he teases. “Are you trying to k-i-s-s-i-n-g?”

My face heats hotter than the summer sun. At eleven years old, he’s very immature.

“It’s a present,” I snap.

“Mom said grandpa gave it to grandma ‘cause he knew he was gonna marry her.” He laughs, and I really wish mom and dad would consider giving him away.

“Leave her alone,” Vaughn says. “It was nice.”

He places the tractor on a tiny table and smiles at me.

“Paisley’s in love,” Spencer sings out in a low, goofy voice.

“Am not.” I stomp my foot and leave their treehouse in a huff.

Vaughn follows me out with an apologetic smile. “Thank you for the tractor.”

“Take care of it.” I grin up at him, hoping one day he’ll be my first kiss.



Paisley: 16 Years Old



I’ve decided tonight will be the night I get my first kiss. First kisses should be epic and unforgettable. And Vaughn James is the very definition of epic and unforgettable.

My secret crush.

For years these feelings I have for Vaughn have remained under lock and key because there is no doubt my brother, Spencer, would blow a gasket if he knew how I really feel about his best friend.

It’s like I’ve been living in a book, playing a character. Spencer and Vaughn are the inseparable heroes, and my role is the little sister who’s never cool enough to hang out with the boys.

For years I’ve perfected the facade of hating Vaughn. Pretending with Oscar-worthy acting ability not to care if he notices me but secretly coveting every moment we’re alone together.

It’s pathetic. And time to end. So, in a few minutes, Vaughn will finally view me as a woman and not as a little girl. I’m sixteen now, and Vaughn is about to be reminded of the fact that I’ve grown up. If I don’t do it tonight, I won’t have another chance. Tonight’s Spencer and Vaughn’s graduation party.

Vaughn’s going away to college, leaving me behind to finish two more years of high school by myself.

So, tonight, the acting stops. Vaughn will have no doubts about my true feelings.

With an affirming nod to the mirror, after checking myself for the millionth time, I deem myself ready. The new dress Gwen and I scoured the mall to find for tonight is perfectly provocative.

Gwen is the only person I’ve admitted my true feelings for Vaughn to. Although she thinks he’s not worthy, as my best friend, helping me trumps what she’s nicknamed, ‘Vaughn Vagina.’

The tight sky-blue dress makes me appear older than I actually am, but it hugs my body in a way I’ve never had a dress do before. Gwen did my makeup to make me appear less girl-next-door and more girl-next-door-with-too-much-mascara. Ugh.

Finally, I force my feet out of the bedroom before Gwen comes looking for me and our carefully crafted plan is ruined.

Focused on my objective, I ignore the blasting music and the bumps and knocks I receive walking through the crowded living room. The moment I spot Vaughn, leaning against the island in the kitchen, my heart thumps erratically at his signature laid-back confidence. He’s not alone, though. He’s talking to Amanda, a girl who also just graduated. She flips her glossy brown hair over her shoulder and releases a laugh so high pitched it could break glass.

It makes me want to vomit.

But I keep it together.

Vaughn’s blue eyes intensify and his mouth raises slightly in a slow smile. He likes her. It’s so obvious, and because I know him as well as I do, he’s getting ready to put the moves on her, which means I need to get this plan rolling immediately.

I walk into the kitchen on wobbly legs.

Vaughn glances over at me as I approach. His blue eyes roam over my dress, then quickly return to Amanda. Spencer rushes into the kitchen, shouting about a fight breaking out on the back patio.

Vaughn sprints after him.

“This is stupid,” I say to Gwen. “It will never work.”

Amanda leaves the kitchen like she’s annoyed to be near us. Which she most likely is.

“It’s going to work. As soon as Vaughn comes back in here looking for Amanda I’ll tell him she said she wants to meet him in Spencer’s room.”

“He’ll never buy it.”

Gwen places both hands on my shoulders, nudging me out of the kitchen. “Go to Spencer’s room, get ready for Vaughn.”

I laugh a little, not really knowing if I want to go through with this plan anymore but finally, I get moving.

I make my way to the stairs, taking a deep breath as I prepare my thoughts. Debating the validity of this plan the whole way.

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