Home > Perfect Grump (Bad Chicago Bosses #3)

Perfect Grump (Bad Chicago Bosses #3)
Author: Nicole Snow






Losing Sleep (Reese)



“Reese, you can’t keep blowing money on Millie like this,” Abby tells me over the phone as I’m weaving through busy Chicago traffic at rush hour.

“Why not?” I whine back. “It’s my money and my niece.”

“Um, that last doll you bought her came with a convertible and her own high-end makeup kit. Like, better than we can afford in our non-plastic lives. You need your money. Besides, she’s getting spoiled.”

I toss my head back and laugh.

Maybe she has a point, but I wonder...why complain now?

I’ve been buying my adorable bumblebee stuff for years, and my sister never minded. Why does she suddenly care? It’s not a contest. Everybody wins when you’re lavishing a smiley little girl with gifts.

For once, it doesn’t strain my purse, either.

But I guess that’s what older sister single moms do.

They worry.

“Don’t worry, sis. I told you; I got a new job that pays. It’s not like the other places stiffing drivers left and right. I’m making ninety-freaking-thousand per year plus benefits. Big girl Chicago money.”

“Congratu-freaking-lations, Miss Big Shot.” Abby laughs. “I mean it. Your last gig barely covered rent. I’m happy for you.”

“I think it’s going to be good. I mean, nothing’s ever perfect, but—”

“But? You’re already finding flaws in a job that pays that much?” Abby laughs again.

“Well...so you remember that architect lady I picked up a few weeks ago? The older one who designed that insanely cool cabin-like building on the lake? She basically insisted I come in for an interview to drive for her permanently. I wasn’t expecting much, especially when I found out she’s kind of a big deal...I definitely didn’t expect a job offer. But I got it, and yeah. A woman could get used to not being poor.”

“That’s awesome! But driving downtown Chicago in rush hour?” I swear I can hear my sister physically wince over the line. “Yuck. They’d need to add another zero to that salary if it were me.”

“Oh, Abby, it’s nothing new to me.” It’s my turn to laugh. “I love driving for her. Beatrice Brandt’s an angel with badass wings. Sweet, whip-smart, and classy. Surprisingly down-to-earth for a billionaire artist. She’s kinda like the grandma we never had.”

After a brief silence, Abby says, “Yeah. I guess that’s nice. So all you do is drive her around all day in hell-traffic?”

“Almost.” I swallow at the image trying to invade my mind. A maddening image of a very annoying man who’s built, tall, sexy as sin, and—no. I will not let it in. Not. Today. Satan. “Look, if she was the only person I had to chauffeur around, this job would be paradise—”

“Oh. But it’s never that easy, is it?” Abby asks.

“I chauffeur her two grandsons around, too,” I say with a sigh. “One of them is ice-cold, growly, and has an entire tree stuck up his ass. Everybody calls him the Warden—”

Abby giggles. “What? Why?”

“Oh, his name’s Ward. But he’s not so bad if you stay on his good side, which isn’t that good...”

“You mean, the other guy’s worse? How?”

“The other guy, he’s...” Even though I’m in a locked town car with the windows up, I look around to make sure no one’s in earshot.

Where do I even start with describing the enigma that is Nicholas Brandt?

How do I explain what happens when ice-cold arctic air impacts a tropical front, and the storm settles into an emerald-eyed beast-man chiseled from pure stone?

“He’s hot, for one,” I venture. “Abby, I mean, really, really hot. Think GQ model meets Instagram fitness freak with lasers for eyes.”

“And that’s a problem?” she asks.

“Looks, no. He’s just weird. Hot and cold with everybody he works with, kinda reckless, unpredictable, armed with terrible jokes and brutal pickup lines. With me, he’s also almost too friendly.” I shudder.

“What, he’s trying to coax you into bed so you lose your job? Holy shit, tell me where he lives right now and I’ll show him reckless.” Abby’s tone goes stern.

I giggle. “No, no, not like that. He’s not coming on to me or being gross. You don’t have to worry. The guy’s just...well, oblivious. I think I’ve chewed bubblegum that’s more perceptive than this dude.”

“What does that mean?”

“He won’t leave the privacy screen up whenever he’s in the car. I feel like he’s lonely because he keeps talking my ear off.”

“Okay. So? Last I checked, lonely rich guys weren’t invented yesterday.”

“You don’t get it, Abby. He’s treating me like his confidant because he...he kinda thinks I’m a guy.”

That’s not quite accurate, but it’s close enough.

Technically, I think confidants carry on actual conversations.

Definitely not the kind of hilariously one-sided ego monologues I’ve heard since the day my boss slid into the back seat.

“Wait. What?” Abby pauses. “No way. There’s nothing manly about you. Is he blind? Deaf? Both?”

My stomach tightens.

I can’t decide whether I want to laugh or cry at how incredibly stupid this is.

“Try telling him that. The dude talks to me like I’m a frat boy. He runs his mouth so much, I never get a word in edgewise. I doubt he’s ever heard my voice. I think he’s probably one of those bosses who needs to be every employee’s best friend. I mean, the less said, the better, right? If people are mistaking me for a guy, maybe I should wear some makeup and business skirts. Nix the bulky coat. But it gets so flipping cold this time of year, even with the heat on. Spending all day roaming the streets gets frosty even with the heat cranked up.”

“Nah, don’t need to get rid of your coat for this clown. Mistaking you for a guy? He needs to get his eyes checked.”

I look up from where I’m parked and see movement.

My heart jumps in my throat.

Here he comes.

There’s no mistaking his toned silhouette. He’s stuffed in a sleek black suit with silver pinstripes and a green shirt under his blazer that matches his piercing eyes far too well.

“Speak of the devil. I’d better go,” I say, already hoping he just needs a quick hop across town and not a forty-minute trek to his brother’s lakeside estate.

“No problem. Talk to you later. You should have some fun with this!”

Easy for her to say.

Nothing about driving for a self-absorbed egomaniac falls under fun.

Millie squeals in the background, forcing a smile from me.

“Reese, are you still there?” Abby asks.

“Yep. Ten more seconds.”

“Millie wants to say hi. Do you have a second?”

Not really—Captain Oblivious is like five paces away from the car—but I’m not turning down my three-year-old chatterbox niece.

“Make it fast,” I say.

“Auntie Reese!” Millie says in her adorable baby voice.

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