Home > Fall (Rise & Fall Duet #2)(30)

Fall (Rise & Fall Duet #2)(30)
Author: Grahame Claire

He cleared his throat. “And it’s been a while, but this is my brother, Lincoln, and his girlfriend, Lexie, and her brother, Eric.”

The man lifted his chin. “Garrett Calhoun. Everyone calls me Cal.” He pointed his thumb at Beau. “Except her.”

She flashed a saccharine smile. “I call you asshole.”


“And I call this interesting.” Miss Adeline rubbed her hands together. “Should we go have cereal now? I’m having Lucky Charms to watch this show.”

Pepper cut her eyes to the older woman, though she stifled a smile. “We’re out because you already ate them all.”

Miss Adeline held up her hands. “Must’ve been Sadie because it certainly wasn’t me.”

Pepper glanced at the dog uncertainly. With Sadie, it was very likely she had eaten the cereal.

“I probably should’ve mentioned the menu before the invite,” Teague said with a smirk.

“I assumed it would be your cooking.” Cal slapped his back. “My bad.”

“If we had any left, I’d share my Lucky Charms with you,” Miss Adeline purred.

“Have you already forgotten about your crush on Lincoln?” Pepper asked.

“Appreciation. Not a crush,” she corrected. “And he’s taken.”

“That’s never stopped you from ‘appreciating’ anyone else.” Pepper used air quotes.

“I can look all I like. That never hurt anyone.” She patted Lincoln’s cheek. “And you are still one handsome devil.”

“What about me?” Teague protested. “You asked for firefighters and I delivered.” He pointed to Cal.

“You certainly did.” She touched his shoulder as she ambled past. “I owe you.” She linked arms with Eric. “Let’s go, handsome. I want to hear all about this art class.”

He followed, happily chattering about how cool it was everyone came.

Lincoln stood beside me, hands in his suit pockets, scowling.

I rolled up onto my tiptoes and brought my lips close to his ear. “You almost smiled at the art class. Don’t think I missed that.” I inched closer. “What’s that mad look about now?”

He dropped his gaze to mine. “I don’t like him.”

I glanced back at Cal, whose grin had faded, now that Beau was giving him an earful.

“Teague does.”

His nostrils flared. “Beau doesn’t.”

She most certainly did not.

“Don’t get involved. She can handle herself.” I’d never seen Beau with that negative of a reaction to anyone, not even her father. But she didn’t need her brothers to intercede at this point.

“She’s my sister. I’m involved,” he growled.

I placed a hand on his chest. “Do it from a distance. You’ll be there if she needs you.”

He blinked at me as if the concept were foreign. It was hard to take a step back from the people we loved and let them handle things their own way. I had very little room to talk when it came to that.

“I don’t know how.”

I kissed his cheek. “Try to figure it out.”

He pulled me against him. “I had fun at the art class.”

My mouth dropped open. I’d witnessed moments of that, but with Lincoln’s frequent stone-like expression, it was hard to tell sometimes.

“You’re painting isn’t . . . that bad.” I snickered.

He scowled and gripped me tighter. “That wasn’t the point of the evening.”

“You’re right. Thank you for trying. It made Eric very happy.”

“What about you?”

I nodded, grateful that he also cared about my feelings. “Me too.”

“I don’t like to try new things.”

“Really? I’d have never guessed.” I grinned.

“You push my boundaries,” he continued, unaffected by my sarcasm. “I need that.”

I gripped the lapels of his coat. He had this ability to make me feel so much, not only with his words but his intensity.

“Comfort zones are overrated.”

“How about hellos?” He bent his head toward mine.

“Definitely. Unless they’re your version.”


His lips landed on mine before I could respond. It had been too long. His hellos never came at the typical times of a normal hello. They happened when Lincoln or I chose. And I liked the spontaneity of them.

This kiss held something different. Like we’d uncovered another layer of feelings to convey through it.

His touch melted everything else away. My mind could only focus on him. I felt so much, so acutely, as if it were too much for me to hold.

I leaned into him, needing his strength and support. Because whatever was happening inside of me was too much. Too much need. Too much want. Too much . . . everything.

Something broke loose inside me. I slid my hands around his neck in a frenzied motion and locked my fingers behind it. I kissed him back with all I had. Sparks fired in my brain. They set off a chain reaction in my body.

How? How does he make me feel all of this? With a hello?

He groaned as my tongue collided with his. That noise made me feel powerful as it vibrated through me. I could make Lincoln Hollingsworth need.

And while falling in love with him was frightening, it wasn’t so bad. Because every breath he took proved that he needed me as much as I did him.

When we came up for air, I was dazed. His chest rose and fell in a pronounced rhythm. He kissed the top of my head.

And as I slowly became more aware of our surroundings, I realized we were alone.

“When do you have a day off?”

I shook my head a few times to digest his question. “Sunday we only have a few deliveries.”

Lines on his forehead creased, though I had no idea why my answer frustrated him.

“We’ll pack up your apartment on Sunday then.”

I drew a circle on his chest as I stared at it. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Insecurity raced through me. What if he’d spoken the words without thinking them through? I wanted to take this step, but not if he had doubts.

He lifted my chin, bringing my view to one I’d never grow tired of.

“I’ve never been more certain of anything.”

A giddiness raced through me, confirming I felt the same. “And you don’t mind if Eric takes over your office?” That was his space and we were invading it with a vengeance.

“He can have any room he wishes.”

If I hadn’t known it before, I would have in that moment. Lincoln was the partner for me because he respected my brother.

I kissed his cheek again. “Thank you.” I laced my fingers with his. “We should go upstairs before everyone starts to worry.”

“I believe they’re well aware where we are.” He held me tighter. “And I don’t give a damn about food right now.”

My stomach dipped. “Oh no?”


I froze. “Teague called me your girlfriend.” The realization that I hadn’t even been jolted by the word was almost more staggering than the title itself. Because it had been natural.

“You’re so much more than that.”

I swayed. No one other than Eric had ever appreciated me. Lincoln didn’t have to say the words. I saw it in his dark eyes just how much he cared.

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