Home > Finding Home (The Long Road Home #3)(50)

Finding Home (The Long Road Home #3)(50)
Author: Abbie Zanders

Pete pulled his arm back and swung. Jaxson dodged and hit Pete twice in the face with two quick, solid jabs. Pete was stunned for a moment, and then he spit out blood from his split lip and charged at Jaxson again.

His rage made him sloppy. Jaxson twisted his body at the last moment, ignoring the shooting pain along his lower back, and then he entwined his fingers and brought both hands down on the back of Pete’s neck in a heavy blow. As Pete’s upper body went down, Jaxson’s knee came up. The resulting crunch and squish were satisfying.

Pete went down on his knees, grasping his face with both hands as Jaxson stumbled back out of reach.

Like most real fights, it was over almost as soon as it’d started.

“Now, we’re even,” Jaxson said, turning and walking away.

“The hell we are.” The telltale double click of a handgun being cocked stopped him in his tracks.

A heartbeat later, he heard a thump and a groan. Jaxson looked back and caught the sight of Pete falling facedown into the dirt.

Cage stepped out of the shadows. “I never liked that guy.”

“Thanks. I should’ve known he’d play dirty.”

Cage shook his head. “That’s the problem with you Army types. You’re too trusting.”

Jaxson snorted.

Cage pulled the clip and tossed the gun to Doc, who had appeared with the others. “Want to take a look at him?”

“Not really.”

“Okay. What should we do with him? Leave him here?”

“No,” Smoke said. “We don’t want some kids coming out this way and stumbling on him. Let’s let his buddy Joe give him a ride home.”

“Where is Joe anyway?”

“Damnedest thing,” Cage said, shaking his head but he was grinning. “He tripped on a root and went face-first into a tree. He’s out cold about twenty yards to your left.”

Smoke exhaled. “I guess we’ll have to get them both into Joe’s truck then.”

Doc laughed. “Yeah, about that. Penny, Sam, and Bree planned a little surprise of their own.”

“What surprise?” Jaxson asked.

“You’ll see.”

“Let’s wrap this up,” Kate’s husband Mad Dog said. “I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry,” Heff muttered.

They made short work of getting Joe and Pete to Joe’s truck. Jaxson had to laugh when they opened the door and found piles of pig shit inside.

Underneath all that sunshine, Penny was fierce.

But then he’d already figured that out.

Anticipation bubbled inside him as he set off to find her. He had one more thing to take care of before the night was finished.

* * *


The butterflies in Penny’s stomach grew more active as the evening went on, making her think that maybe she shouldn’t have eaten as much funnel cake as she had. The darkening sky meant the fireworks would be starting, and she figured that was as good a time as any to share her plan with Jaxson.

There’s no reason to worry. He’ll be happy.

She hoped.

Thus far, his behavior over the course of the evening had been encouraging. It was the first time they’d openly appeared as a couple in public, and she’d had her concerns about how he would handle it. Of course, it probably helped that they were hanging around with the Sanctuary gang. There was strength and comfort to be found in numbers.

Oh, plenty of eyebrows had been raised, but for the most part, reactions had been positive. It was a timely reminder that the naysayers did not speak for the majority.

The tide was turning in Sumneyville. Penny could feel it. People were tired of the bullies running things. Whether they realized it or not, Matt Winston and his guys were quietly giving the citizens of Sumneyville hope again, herself included. She just wished she’d be around to see it. Hopefully, Jaxson would want to come back and visit often.

They stopped at the edge of the crowd that had gathered in front of the stage where a live band was playing.

“Is that normal?” Jaxson asked.

“Is what normal?” Penny asked, looking toward the stage. “An accordionist jamming back-to-back with an electric guitarist?”

“No. That.”

She followed Jaxson’s gaze to where a trio of older women were dancing along to the music, shaking their polyester-clad booties with cowbells in hand.

“Yep,” Penny confirmed. “Those are the Slag Sisters. They come every year. They were part of a traveling polka band back in the day. Even performed with Stanky and the Coal Miners a couple of times.”

Jaxson gaped at her in disbelief. “That’s not a real thing.”

“Yes, it is,” Sam agreed, nodding. “Look it up.”

The number finished to rousing applause. The lead singer thanked everyone and announced that the fireworks would be starting soon.

Their little group joined the crowd moving toward the field to watch the show. Announcements continued over the mounted park speakers every five minutes with thanks to the local sponsors.

They settled on an embankment with a good vantage point. Jaxson sat down first and then patted the area between his extended legs in invitation. Penny accepted, relishing the feel of his warm, hard chest at her back and the feel of his arms wrapped loosely around her waist.

The area continued to fill until the park lights went out, signaling the fireworks were about to begin. The show started as it always did, with adequately spaced single launches. The display would get progressively more impressive over the next fifteen minutes or so, culminating with a big finale.

“Jaxson?” she said quietly.


“When are you planning on going back to Campbell’s Junction?”

She didn’t miss his hesitation or the slight tensing of his arms and chest.

“In a few days.”

Those butterflies in her stomach stopped fluttering and dropped like stones. “So soon?”


“You didn’t say anything.”

“I was waiting for the right moment to tell you.”


Another firework burst above them, sending out a cascading shower of red and gold. Penny caught sight of Sam and Steve, Kate and Chris, Tina and Doc, Sandy and Heff, Bree and Cage. From the outside, she and Jaxson probably looked similar—two lovers quietly enjoying the show. The difference was, on the inside, she felt as if she were standing on the edge of a cliff, one small step from a freefall.

She took a deep breath and summoned her courage. This was it.

“I want to go with you.”

He didn’t immediately discount the idea, which gave her hope.

“Can you swing another couple days off so soon?”

“No, you don’t understand. I’m not talking about a couple of days. I’m talking about leaving Sumneyville permanently.”

* * *


Jaxson suddenly felt as if he couldn’t breathe. Two more fireworks exploded above them before he found his voice. “Permanently?”

She turned in his lap, her eyes searching his. “Yes, permanently.”

He blinked. “But this is your home. Your life is here.”

“My life is wherever you are.” The words came out in a whisper, as if afraid to be spoken.

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