Home > Imprisoned (Sinister Fairy Tales)(5)

Imprisoned (Sinister Fairy Tales)(5)
Author: KL Donn

We’re killers. Warriors.

She’s royalty and fine china.

There is no way that she would work with one of us, let alone both. I’m sure it’s against the rules.

Feeling intense eyes on me, I stare up at the woman who called for my princess and meet her cool violet stare. She sees something, knows something.

“That’s the mage,” I mutter to Ares as we walk up to the house together.

“I figured as much,” he comments. “You think she’s the reason I can’t get this fucking girl with us out of my goddamned head?”

Stunned, I look towards him. “You too?” He nods, and I feel slightly better, knowing he has these same sensations.

“What do you think of her?” Ares points to the woman, the mage, as we watch Arianna reach her. Placing an arm around the young princess's shoulders, I get the feeling there is more going on than we know or might understand.

Stopping on our walk up to the opulent front doors, I allow my gaze to scan slowly around the grounds. Brick walls surround the property. Masses of roses climb in various places, and there are at least three entrances into the estate from what I can see.

“Take out the mystical element they claim exists and look at it as a job,” I suggest. We've spent nearly a decade together breaking into and out of different scenarios, and this is no different. There just might be magic.

“Shitty security,” Ares mumbles.

“For royalty, I agree.” I turn around to face the entrance to the grounds. A large iron gate allows admittance and exit to vehicles, but there’s also a gate for pedestrians. “We need to find out who has access to the castle.”

“And who they’ve pissed off. My Interpol contact says Judas discovered this place ten years ago, but he doesn’t know for sure if the man has capitalized on the lack of protection yet.” Ares sounds distracted as we begin walking again.

“Was he able to get you inside the organization?” There isn’t a better man for that job. He has demons and would likely fit right in. Most friends, they wouldn’t allow their buddy to get sucked into that universe. For Matthew, though, it’s a challenge he welcomes. To see if he keeps a hold on his sanity or finally snaps. With Arianna in the mix now, whatever her part may be, I get the feeling she’s going to help him stay on the right side of the ledge when he reaches that dangerous precipice.

“Yeah, I go in tomorrow for an interview as a guard.” I stare at him, shocked; it’s so quick.

“You good with that?” I ask. Standing guard over women and children trapped in hell and being sold on the black market isn’t going to be an easy role. In fact, it’s likely the hardest thing he’ll ever do.

“Haven’t got much of a choice,” he responds as we walk up the steps to where the king and queen stand, waiting to greet us. For royalty, they appear normal. This country might be a throwback in time, but they’re also more sophisticated than I initially believed.

“Mr. McCall?” King Stefan holds out a hand, unsure which of us is me.

“That’s me, your highness.” I shake the offered hand. “What was that about at the gate?” I point a thumb over my shoulder. Something felt off about it, but I’m not sure what.

“That was the mage, Callista. And please, call me Stefan.” He grins.

“A fucking test?” Ares hisses. Nothing pisses him off more.

“Yes.” Stefan shows no remorse. “Callista wanted to be sure you were worthy men for our home. And what better way than to get a response from you whilst you hold Graeline’s most prized possession in your hands.”

“Arianna,” he sighs, and we both look up to see her gazing down at us, a subtle smile on her face and a shy look in her eyes.

“Today is her eighteenth birthday, and we’re having a celebration tonight. We’d hoped you would both come,” the queen invites us.

Ares and I share a look. Eight-fucking-teen. She’s a baby. I wish I could say the erotic thoughts I’ve been having about her dissipate, but they don’t. For some reason, they amplify.

I’m one sick motherfucker, lusting after such a young girl.

“We’ll be there,” Ares confirms before I can say a word.

The queen claps her hands with glee before declaring, “Excellent. I’m certain Arianna will be excited. Now, please allow Hawk to show you to your quarters for the duration of your stay.” She spins on her heel as a man around my size comes forward and bows ever so slightly, pointing the way to our rooms.






“Why did you send that man after us?” I glare at Callista; she’s never been so reckless before.

She shrugs. “I didn’t. Well, I did, but he was an old wolf, dying. I simply used his sacrifice for a purpose.” Her gaze shifts back to the men speaking to my father.

“And that was?”

“To show you the gentlemen's worth.” Calli walks away, and I’m left to ponder her meaning.

Their worth.

Why would she phrase it like that? What does she mean? Romantically? That can’t possibly be. I have no interest in romance…except, they make me feel things I’ve never known before.

But two men? Is that even possible or legal?

Staring down at them as they speak to a king, neither show intimidation from his title nor do they appear phased by anything that has happened here. I realize that to most outsiders, our little country is something from fairy tales, but I wish they would visit more. Explore our forests and partake in the beauty of the sea from the highest hilltops.

I wish I could make people understand that just because we haven’t caught up with the rest of the world, doesn’t mean we are barbarians. We laugh, love, and hurt just the same as anyone else. We simply don’t publicize it for the world to see and criticize.

These men, Apollo and Ares, men named after the Greek gods, they can help us. Not only with the missing women and children, but the world. They could be great allies to our homeland, and I intend to learn all I can about them.

Sensing their discernment, I give them a tentative smile, unsure of the attention they seem to provide me with so easily before I back away and rush to the staircase. I know Hawk will bring them up. He is our head of house and security. Keeping the property organized and safe.

I’m sure both newcomers will have many questions, and I intend to be the one to answer them as well as ask many of my own.

Reaching the stairs, I nod at Hawk and say, “I’ll show them the way.” His gaze narrows before he nods and backs away. Not many people will object to anything I have to say or do, but he will. Gaining his agreeance this time is too simple, and I have to wonder why.

“Gentlemen, welcome.” I smile up at their tall frames as they flank me on either side. My body shivers, and my ears buzz.

“Happy birthday, princess,” Ares greets, but he sounds like he’s mocking me.

“Do you always insult your hosts in foreign countries, or am I just special?” My gaze lifts to meet his steely stare, and I notice a twinkle of amusement reflecting back at me.

“He can’t help it. He was born a dick,” Apollo muses. I nearly choke at his choice of words.

Turning so I face them and walking backwards, I ask, “Are you both always so forward in your word choice?” My head tilts as I watch them.

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