Home > Imprisoned (Sinister Fairy Tales)(7)

Imprisoned (Sinister Fairy Tales)(7)
Author: KL Donn

“We’ve kissed her,” I say. Asher glares at me, but in his eyes, I see worry. He thinks she could be telling the truth too.

“No,” she gasps. “It’s begun then. Arianna will be whisked away. The kingdom will fall. I must warn the king.” Spinning on her heel, Callista rushes from the room.

“Wait a minute, witch!” I call after her. She continues on her way. “This can’t be fucking true,” I say to Asher. Except, I believe her.

“What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?” Asher curses, more under his breath, as he gathers his things, and we leave the room.

There are a lot of questions popping up and even fewer answers that'll be needed before I can proceed tomorrow. This is a hell of a lot more complicated than anything I ever imagined I would be involved in, and I’m not entirely sure if I should stay.

The sounds of music and laughter can be heard as we enter the foyer. People are arriving at the castle, and as we follow along behind them to whatever room is holding this party, we listen to the people's speculations and rumors about the princess.

Everyone seems to believe in this curse that the witch spoke of, as well. With a shared look mixed with doubt, worry, and instinct, we enter the ballroom, intent on finding answers.






I feel light. Breathless. Anticipation buzzes through my veins as I slip on my shoes and allow my dress to glide over my frame. As the hem hits the floor, I twirl in a circle. The skirt billowing in the breeze, and I feel all the worry from these past years fall from my shoulders as I think of the new men here waiting in the ballroom.

“You look beautiful, dear,” my mother’s soft voice whispers from the doorway.

“Thank you.” I smile.

“You look absolutely perfect, just like I knew you would.” Her eyes rake over my form as I walk closer to her.

Taking her arm in mine, I say, “It’s beautiful. You chose so well. I feel like a Disney princess now.” I giggle as I skip down the stairs and long hallway, stopping as I await the queen's appearance at my side.

“Are you alright, Arianna? Your mood is much different than this morning.”

“I’m fine.” Dismissing her concern, I pull her into the party with me, and immediately, my gaze seeks out Ares and Apollo. I don’t understand why, when hours earlier, I was so confused about my connection with them.

I stop as Mother strides to my Papa, and I search around the room, a smile on my face and doubt in my heart. She was right; my attitude has done a complete flip from this morning. Something is happening, and I have no idea what it could be. I need to find Callista. She normally hides during these things, not liking to be around so many people.

“You look beautiful, princess.” Apollo’s hot breath is in my ear as his hands settle on my waist from behind.

“Thank you.” I turn, breathless, as our eyes clash.

“Stunning,” Ares' voice murmurs as I feel his chest caress my back.

The sounds in the room, once loud, are now dulled as I’m lost in their embrace, awaiting the next development. I’m young, naïve, likely going along with whatever this is out of curiosity, but I can’t bring myself to pull away from them.

I long for whatever is about to happen and eagerly await their next move. “Everyone’s watching,” Apollo points out softly.

“Who the fuck cares.” Ares' rough cadence intrigues me. He wears an aloof mask of uncaring, but I get the feeling that he’s so much more than he appears.

“Rumors will run like wildfire.” Closing my eyes as they speak back and forth, my hips begin to sway to the intoxicating music, and I feel both men step closer. Their hardened arousals dig into parts of my body not yet explored.

Leaning back into Ares' stronghold, I place both of my hands on Apollo’s chest and get lost in the melody of the song as we move as one. Before I know what’s taking place, a mouth lays a kiss on my lips.

Hot, hard, demanding, I know it’s Ares. He takes from me what he wants. Slipping his tongue past my lips, I meet him with my own need, inhaling his breaths as he controls the movements.

The kiss devolves into softness but ignites in emotion, and just when I think he’s going to go deeper, drive for more, I’m spun around, and Apollo is taking over. He doesn’t hesitate to grasp the back of my neck and bend me to his will. Crushed between the two most powerful men I’ve ever seen in my life, I heel to their desires. A hand grazes along my front, touching, taking, holding me in a way I’ve only dreamed of, and I moan into Apollo’s mouth.

A loud clap of thunder breaks us apart. Out of breath and craving more, it’s not until I’m shoved behind Ares' back that I’m snatched from the haze that has overcome me.

“Well, well, well.” That voice. “I see my prediction has proven true.” The air shifts with the presence of evil. “Princess Arianna of Graeline, my dear child. Soon, you’ll belong to me, and you can thank your parents and these fine warriors of yours.” Chilling laughter fills the room as Ares and Apollo step to the side, allowing me to identify the person I’ve been dreaming of for what feels like forever.

“You,” I gasp, feeling lightheaded.

Her face is a mask of youth. Tall and elegant, this woman stands before the crowd in a midnight-hued dress, with her head held high. She appears…regal. Like she belongs.

“Me. My darling.” The more she speaks, the more my nightmares become reality. The visions become clearer, and I can see her perfectly from my basinet as an infant. “You’re remembering.” Her voice is quiet; only I can hear.

Stepping closer, I feel the men at my side each grasp a wrist, trying to stop me, but I pass right between them. Intrigued and terrified at the same time. Walking towards this stranger is a compulsion, however. I couldn’t stop my feet if I tried.

“What do you want from me?” I whisper as we’re standing toe to toe. A purple mist billows up from her feet as she reaches for my chin.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” I hear Apollo hiss.

“Silence,” the woman demands, and everything quiets behind me. I can sense movement, people trying to reach for me, but whatever this mist is, it's keeping them at bay.

Her nails dig into my face as she pulls me up, so I’m standing on my tiptoes, and I can feel when the sharp edges breach my flesh. Blood drips down my cheeks in slow rivulets as she leans forward.

With her lips a hair away from my own, she whispers to me, “They are your end. I am your beginning.” Confused, I open my mouth to speak, but she’s gone as suddenly as she appeared.

“Whoa, I’ve got you,” Ares says as my body collapses. Suddenly exhausted, I close my eyes as Apollo opens doors for us, and Ares carries me away.

I can hear the murmurs as we exit the ballroom. What happened will spread like wildfire before morning. Fear will become the people’s constant companion, once again.

“What did she mean?” I breathe out. Cryptic as her words were, I can’t help but believe them. For months, I’ve felt that something has been wrong with our country, and it is directly affected by her, but I had no clue why.

Now, I think I might understand more.

It’s me.

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