Home > Jinx, You're It (Trouble for Hire #3)(42)

Jinx, You're It (Trouble for Hire #3)(42)
Author: Cynthia Eden

No, he wasn’t. Most days, his luck was shit. That was why he was always tossing salt and making sure he didn’t duck under any ladders. He’d already had more than enough bad luck to last him a lifetime, thank you very much.

If others wanted to believe he was lucky, fine. He let them run wild with that idea. But deep inside, he’d always known the truth.

He didn’t feel lucky. Jinx felt cursed. Like he was the bad luck that could destroy people who got too close.

“It’s a good thing Landon was there.” She squeezed her eyes shut after making that announcement. “I can’t believe I just said that because the man annoys me most days…”

Ditto. Except, Jinx felt a whole lot more than annoyance.

Her eyes opened. “He stopped the shooter. Now we have a real lead. And maybe War is right. Maybe this is where it ends. We just have to figure out this guy’s ID. I’m sure Landon will have his prints run, his DNA checked. Every single thing that can be done will be done. And we can go from there. We can figure all of this out and perhaps it will be over.”

If it was over, what happened next for them? “You slip away?” He was still caging her. He needed to stop. He couldn’t physically hold her to him…

Though the thought was helluva tempting. Jinx wanted to hold Ali close and never, ever let go.

Back off. She’s dealing with enough right now.

He shoved away and put space between them. “I want a look at the guy’s face.” Because if he’d been working for the government, as Ali had suspected, then the sniper might not be in the system at all. He could be a ghost…

“Me, too.” Ali was definite.

He stared at her. “About Cyrus…”

“It’s not going to be him.” She was adamant. “Cy would never stare down the scope of a gun and try to kill me.”

She sure had a lot of faith in the bastard. The jealousy was back, stronger than ever. “Maybe he wasn’t aiming for you.”

Her horrified gaze held his.

“We wanted him to come and get me. Maybe that’s what he was trying to do.” Or, if she was right and Cy wouldn’t stare down the scope himself, perhaps he’d hired someone else for the job.

Jinx had worked plenty of missions in which snipers had been contracted so they could make a hit. Those guys—and ladies—all had a few things in common…

Secretive. Intense. Control freaks.

Ali surged forward. Her index finger jabbed into his chest. “This is over.”

His robe had gaped open. Shocker. Her finger hit his skin. He glanced down at it even as dread pooled within him. “You mean us?” You’re saying we are over?

“I mean you risking yourself! That’s over! It ends now. I’m tired of you being targeted. I’m tired of you being in danger.”

Speaking slowly, Jinx said, “I thought we agreed that I thrive on danger.”

She jabbed him again. “You don’t thrive on death! And I don’t thrive on the idea of something happening to you!” Her expression was stark. Her gaze swirled with emotion.

Jinx tensed. Well, hello, there…what is that I see? “Worried about me?” he murmured. “I am touched.”

“Jinx!” Her hand yanked away. “Would you be—”

“I am serious. Damn tired of people thinking otherwise.” He caught her hand. “I asked you a question, Ali. Are you worried about me?”

Her thick lashes flickered. “Of course, I’m worried.”

“Good sign. Very, very good.”

“You—you’re my friend, Jinx and—”

“No. Try again.”


“I’m not your friend. I’m pretty sure we’ve covered this before. War is your friend. Odin is your friend. You’re not fucking either of them.” If she had been, he would have kicked their asses. “Try again,” he repeated. “Because this isn’t one of those friends-with-benefits situations.” Not even close.

“It’s not…”

They had to get moving. A dead body waited. So did an investigation. But this was important. She was important.

So I’ll say my part and give her time.

Though he’d already given her time…several months. Months while he’d been waiting for her. Longing for her. Fighting the urge to go out and track her down…

But I’m not a damn stalker. I’m not some freak who wants to control Ali.

He just…wanted her. And he thought she wanted him, too.

Trying to keep his voice level, Jinx told her, “If we were friends with fuck benefits, I wouldn’t be jealous of a freaking ghost from your past.”

“Cy? You’re jealous of—”

A grim nod.

Her eyes widened.

“If we were just friends, I wouldn’t be so ready to kill anyone who threatened you.” He paused. Considered the matter. “Maybe I would.” His hand rose and curled beneath her hair as he tipped back her head. “See, here’s the deal. I don’t want anyone hurting you. Don’t want anyone scaring you. I want to make sure every damn thing in your life is perfect. That you are happy. That you can smile and laugh and jump half-naked into waves, if that’s what you want. Sure, I want to fuck you.” Like that was in doubt. “Endlessly. But I also—I need to know you’re good, Ali. Safe and happy. I’ll do anything necessary to make sure that a safe and happy life is what you get.” He could not look away from her. “I would not sacrifice you for anyone or anything. Know that.”

Shit. Were those tears in her eyes?

“Jinx?” She blinked. “That is probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

A tear slid down her cheek. He kissed it away.

“Why?” Ali whispered. “Why are you doing all of this for me?”

His forehead pressed to hers. “Don’t you know?” He wanted her mouth. But if he kissed her again, he’d be ripping that robe of hers away in seconds.

He pulled back. Dead body. Investigation.

“Jinx, I—”

“Jinx!” War thundered from the other side of the main door. “Odin’s grandmother is faster than you. Haul ass! Dammit, we know this guy! Come on before they take the body away!”

We know this guy…


Jinx stared down at the dead man. Blood had covered his chest, soaking his shirt. His eyes were closed. His hand was still outstretched, as if he wanted to grab the rifle that rested near his body.

The dead man was clean shaven. His blond hair had been cut short, a military cut. Made sense. The man was former military.

Once upon a time, he’d been a US Army Sniper. He’d been incredible in training. He’d received top ratings for camouflage techniques, target detection, terrain utilization, advanced marksmanship…The list had gone on and on.

It had been expected that he would be just as superior in the field as he was in training.

That expectation had been wrong.

He’d worked one mission with Jinx and War…and Ali. Just one…

And he’d nearly killed two civilians. He had shot them both. Ali and War had rushed the civilians to safety while Jinx had run to stop the shooter.

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