Home > Jinx, You're It (Trouble for Hire #3)(47)

Jinx, You're It (Trouble for Hire #3)(47)
Author: Cynthia Eden

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Not with Landing Zone waiting impatiently upstairs. There was one thing he was going to say, though. One thing he had to say before anything else happened. Any other interruptions or shootings or stalkings… “I love you.”


“I love you. I broke our rules, too.” Another smile. “Come on, you saw that coming, didn’t you? You know I hate rules.” He leaned down. Brought his mouth near her right ear. “Here’s a secret. I broke that rule on day one.”

Her head whipped back so she could gape up at him.

“Had to admit that because I couldn’t have you thinking that I didn’t worship the ground that you fucking walk on,” Jinx told her. “Because I do. Have that clear in your mind. I love you. Would have said that as soon as you made your big reveal, but then War had to appear.” He considered the situation. “Actually, I’d hoped to be the one to say ‘I love you’ first.” He’d had such grand plans. “But you beat me.”

Her own lips started to curl. “Jinx…”

He wanted to haul her against him. To kiss her and savor her and never let go.

And I will never let go. Ali is mine. I will do whatever it takes to keep her with me.

But he backed away. He still had his fingers circled around her wrist, and he lifted her hand to his mouth. Pressed a careful kiss to her knuckles. “Let’s go see what Landon has learned.” And… “We have to tell him that Cyrus is here.” She had to see the threat that her former friend had become.

There was no more denying it. He’d been a victim once, a long time ago, but the evidence had mounted that Cyrus was much, much more now.

He’s trying to hurt you, Ali. At least, that was what the signs would indicate.

Jinx knew he had to play this part carefully. A plan was brewing in his head, based on what Ali had already told him.

Jinx picked up the duffel bag he’d brought along. They headed silently up the stairs and made their way into War’s office. Landon was pacing when they entered, and his fast glance took them both in. Then narrowed on the bag. “What in the hell is that?”

“I estimate it’s about fifty grand in mostly small bills.” He tossed the bag over so that it fell near Landon’s feet. “We found it in Louis’s hotel room. I know you had a crew coming to the hotel, but I just didn’t feel right leaving that much cash out, especially considering what else we found.”

“Fifty grand?” War whistled.

Landon raked a hand over his face. “What else was there?”

Ali stepped forward. “A picture of Cyrus Hendrix. He’s here, in town. And he’s been watching me.”

Landon’s expression didn’t alter. “You’re sure of that?”

“As sure as I can be after all of this time. Louis was doing surveillance on me, and he took a picture of me at the beach, a picture that had Cyrus in the background.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “He printed the photos with a small printer we found in the hotel room. Don’t know why he printed them, though. Maybe he was supposed to deliver the photos to Cyrus as evidence that he was doing the job?”

“Plenty of clients still want hard-core proof,” War said. He pointed to the small printer on a nearby cabinet. “Guessing his client wanted evidence of—”

“Of me and Jinx together. Because Jinx was in the pictures, too.” She rocked forward. “I think Cyrus being in the beach picture was just an accident. Like I said, he was in the background. The focus of the picture was me and Jinx.”

“Sonofabitch,” Landon swore. “I knew that guy was gonna be a problem.”

Oh, he was a problem all right. But one that Jinx now knew how to handle.

“I shot the man who could have helped us to nail Cyrus.” Landon’s hands clenched into fists. “I didn’t have a choice, though. He turned on me with that weapon—”

“I have an idea,” Jinx offered. He waved his own hand in the air, all casual-like. “I think it will work nicely.”

Everyone turned to stare at him.

He offered them his innocent smile. Then he focused on Ali. “You can send Cyrus a message.”

“Uh, Jinx…” She slanted a glance toward Landon.

“Old habits die hard. Both for you and, I’m guessing, for Cyrus.” Ali still dipped into government files—not that he was about to tell Landon that fact—but Jinx was betting that if she did it, then Cyrus did, too. She’d found his signature before, and Jinx knew that once she went looking for him—now that she knew to look—she’d find him again. If not in the back doors that contained the government’s secrets, then on the Dark Web. Ali could find him.

She’d wanted to know who was stalking her. Based on the evidence in the hotel, they had a good idea of who it was. Now Ali would be able to reach him.

“If he wants you,” Jinx continued carefully, “then you lure him out. You exchanged messages with him before, and you can do it again.”

“Exchanged messages?” Landon’s body jerked as if he’d been hit by electricity. “When? How?”

Ali ignored him. She inclined her head toward Jinx. “Now that I know Cy is here…now that I know it might be him…”

“Might be?” Landon exploded. “Everything certainly is pointing to—”

“I can set up a meeting. I want to question him,” she added quickly before Landon could snarl again. Jinx thought Landing Zone sure looked as if he was ready to snarl. “I want to know why. I want to know how Cy went so off the rails that he would do this to me.”

“You can’t explain obsession,” Landon gritted. “The man is dangerous. You don’t get to have some catch-up session with him. You arrange the meeting, and we will be there every second to watch. My team will take control when he appears.”

Jinx could tell by the fierce gleam in Ali’s eyes that she didn’t like that plan.

“You take him into custody,” Ali said, “and then I get to question him.”

Landon spared a glance for Jinx.

Jinx inclined his head.

“Fine,” Landon agreed. “We have a deal.” But he didn’t sound happy about that deal. “Now how do you contact him?”

“Not like I just pick up the phone and reach out to him. He’s rather unlisted.” Her hands fell to her sides. “Don’t worry about the how. I’ll just let you know when the meeting is planned. And…it may take some time for me to find him, okay? So go do your work. Finish your investigation. I’ll be sure and let you know as soon as we have anything.”

Landon appeared less than thrilled, but Jinx knew the man didn’t have other options. After a grim nod, Landon marched for the door. Except…

He paused by Jinx. “A word. Outside.”

“Since you asked so nicely…”

Ali was frowning worriedly at him. Jinx gave her a reassuring wink.

Then he went out with Landon. Only they didn’t just stop outside that door. They headed down the stairs. Moved back into the bar. When Landon seemed satisfied that they were alone…

“Our deal stands?” Landon asked.

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