Home > Mated Enemies(33)

Mated Enemies(33)
Author: Jordan Silver

“What’s that? What the hell is that?” Annalise looked out the car window as all of us turned to see the vapor that surrounded the car.

“Get out of the car.” That was Zoe’s pragmatic answer as we all piled out and stood to the side looking over at the car. No one stopped to help which was strange, and it looked like they didn’t even see us standing there on the side of the road as they drove by without a care in the world.

My neck started to burn and I clapped my hand over the mark there as reality started to dawn. No wonder he didn’t bother to show up when I was making my grand escape. His little trick was doing all the dirty work for him.

“Natalia what’s going on, what’s wrong with you?” I had a split second to come up with a solution to what I now knew was a lost cause. “I need you three to listen to me. The car is not going to move with me in it.”

“What, what’re you saying?”

If I show them the mark on my neck and explain what I’m beginning to think it is, they’ll never leave. But I need them to go, to be safe so I can find some place to hide. “It’s the mating, it’s too close we’re locked in somehow. I can’t leave, but you can. I’ll stay here and find some place to hide.”

“Are you crazy? We’re not leaving you here to face this alone.” I’ve never in all our years together pulled rank, but there’s always a first time for everything. “Yes Zoe, you are. You’re going to take Phoebe and Annalise and the three of you are going to go somewhere safe until I come find you. That’s an order!”


“No buts, I’ll be okay, I can hide out long enough through the night until he sun comes up tomorrow. If the three of us stay together there will be too much energy concentrated in one place, easier for him to find me. But if I’m alone and shielding I might stand a chance until morning.”

I kept my stern face on and did not waver even as I lied to them for the first time. I couldn’t let on that even as we stood there I could feel his presence breathing down my neck and the mark on he’d left on my skin was starting to feel as if he were inside me, a part of me.

They looked at the car and back at me but with a lift of my brow I got them moving. I wasn’t surprised when the car started right away, or when the strange hazy like vapor evaporated, letting them pass. I watched as they drove away as slowly as possible before turning to head back into town with tears in my eyes.

I didn’t know where I was going, I couldn’t go back home. I can’t just drop in on one of the many friends we’d made over the years because that would be putting their lives in danger. So I kept walking, putting one foot in front of the other as I tried to come up with a plan.

I still had some time left, it was just after one in the afternoon. We’d made good time driving to the city limits. I had money and more than enough plastic on me that I could get a room somewhere but I have to be sure to be far away from him. Shoot, I don’t even know where he lives, we’ve never had that conversation. And yet I’m essentially supposed to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him.

Not that that’s unusual, that’s pretty much how imprinting works but still, I could’ve done with a little more time. The nuisance on my neck had calmed down as I walked back towards town which made me think he might live somewhere close by or not too far at least. Which defeats the whole purpose of my little escape plan.

I looked back towards the direction of the car but it was long gone of course. Just as I started to feel sorry for myself my phone rang in my pocket and I answered it to find Annalise on the other end of the line. “Stop worrying and go home. I’ll call you guys in a couple of days to let you know that I’m okay.”

I could hear the tears in her voice when she answered me, and saw them in my mind’s eye, parked on the side of the road. I started to give her a final message for my parents but nixed the idea in favor of getting them well away from here. If I gave them any indication that things may not turn out right they might go rogue and I can’t have their deaths on my conscience.

So I convinced them that I had a plan and that everything was going to be okay. Just another adventure in a long line of many. They didn’t believe me, but there was nothing any of us could do, so we all pretended that everything was fine.

It all seemed so surreal as I walked along the sidewalk. The picturesque little town that I’d once found such joy and comfort in had become my prison almost overnight. As I looked at the dwellings as I passed them by, I found it almost irrational that behind those walls human beings were going about their lives without a care, while I, a being who is significantly stronger with powers they can only dream of, was trapped.

How did it happen? Just a few days ago I was listening to my sisters sing a ditty about the sun coming out tomorrow. All I had to look forward to were more carefree days and the coming summer months that were my favorite time of year.

I kept switching up between fear and frustration, I can’t say that I was really truly angry, who would I be angry at? I can’t blame the crown prince because I’m sure he didn’t choose me out of a hat, not that he had anything to do with me being chosen for him. When you think about it, he’s in pretty much the same predicament as I.

Not really though, if I remember correctly, my ancestor died, his lived on and was the cause of the great divide between our people. No matter how I try to shake it off my mind keeps coming back to that one thing. And since there’s no precedent, nothing that gives us another version of what could possibly happen if we even attempt this madness, I keep coming up with the same answer. Run!

I was hot and sticky by the time I reached the first storefront almost an hour later and stopped to buy a bottle of water. A whole hour had gone by and I was still no closer to a solution. It wasn’t time to shield yet since I had a few more hours and I would need all my strength to stay hidden from him. But I need to find a place to hole up in the meantime.

The mark on my neck had stopped throbbing the closer I got to town and was pretty much placid now. The sneak had done this on purpose I’m sure. So much for him being caring and understanding. I ought to punch his lights out the next time I see him. Uh-oh!

Not now Natalia! My nymph’s sudden appearance reminded me of what he’d said about my egg and I tripped over my feet as I came to a standstill on the sidewalk. I counted the days on my fingers and real panic kicked in. Oh hell no!

I started running with nowhere to run to, but just knowing I needed to get out of sight. Realistically I knew he couldn’t be out and about for a few more hours but it felt as if he were dogging my every step. I had a real new fear and worry now as I looked at the buildings for an inn or hotel. If mating with a vampyre doesn’t kill me, carrying his child would be the next thing to death.






What the hell is she doing now? Damn! We’re not even married yet and she’s already giving me fits. ‘Can I sleep Natalia?’ I’d followed her in my half sleep state to the town limits since her frantic shit had awakened me at just before noon.

I wasn’t too worried since I knew her every move and I knew by now that the mark I’d left on her would do its job. Though I hadn’t intentionally marked her that night, I was beginning to see it as the best move I could’ve made. Providence had stepped in where my dumb ass had almost dropped the ball.

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