Home > Mated Enemies(37)

Mated Enemies(37)
Author: Jordan Silver

“Not anymore.”






Is he crazy? “Are you insane?” He didn’t bother to answer as he dragged me along to the low-slung sports car at the end of the alley. He pulled open the passenger door and got me seated inside before strapping me in and moving around to the other side.

He threw the car in gear and peeled away as if expecting me to jump out and run. “Hey, slow down, you drive like Annalise.”

“You mean the bitch?” My mouth dropped open in surprise. I don’t recall him meeting my sisters and how dare he?

“My sister is not a bitch.” I folded my arms and glared out the windshield as every reason why I shouldn’t be here with him came rushing back to my mind. I wanted to smile and grin though because the butterflies in my tummy were a very good indication that I was still alive.

I felt euphoria that that part was over, and now that it was I’m wondering just what exactly had happened between our ancestors that had made things go so wrong? Granted between my thighs ached and there was a sweet dull pain somewhere inside me that made it hard to sit even on the butter smooth seat of his very expensive car, but all in all, no real harm done.

“She’s the epitome of it; at least what humans think it is anyway.” Did his voice always sound like that? Like molten gold poured over ice? Maybe it was just a leftover from what we’d just shared back there but it was doing strange things to my nerve endings.

I almost jumped out of my skin when he reached over and took my hand in his before bringing it to his mouth. He seemed way more relaxed now while I was a bundle of nerves.

I was strung so tight I forgot the fact that I was in his car going who knows where. The spell ring had been lifted and everything was back to normal outside the car window as he sped through the downtown area. And though I was on tenterhooks, I didn’t feel the fear that had been there in the beginning.

I searched inside myself for any remnants of it and it was just gone; it’s the oddest thing. Now I felt the way I guess any young girl would alone in a car with a guy she’d just let take liberties with her in an alley. But there was so much more going on here; way more.

Neither of us spoke a word to the other as we were both lost in thought, at least I was. He seemed to be concentrating on the road and I wanted so badly to ask him what he was thinking. I could still sense him in my head but not to the same extent as before. Maybe that’s why I’m so placid when I should be screaming bloody murder.

“A baby!” I shot bolt upright in the seat, almost pulling my hand out of his and was only saved from propelling myself through the windshield by the seatbelt that cut into me as it held me back safely. “Ouch!”

The car came to a screeching halt in less than a second flat. Car horns blared as people drove around us, some of them with their fingers out no doubt. He’d stopped dead in the middle of the road without any warning. “What did you do to yourself? Let me see!” He was serious!

I watched in near wonder as he undid his seatbelt and turned to me, pulling mine away from my body and lifting my sweater to look me over. “It doesn’t hurt.”

“Are you sure?” He ran the back of his fingers along the place that the belt had dug into and all I could do was nod my head yes.

“I’ll look at it when we get to the house.” I felt like Alice and I hadn’t had so much as a whiff of a psychedelic substance. He drove slower now once he started driving again and I was at the edge of my seat, literally.

I tried remembering everything he’d told me the night before. All the stuff I hadn’t really been paying attention to because I hadn’t planned to stay. Was he really serious about that stuff about him feeling pain if I’m hurt? I pretty much thought that anything he said up until what, fifteen minutes ago, was all designed just to get me to let my guard down.

But the deed was done… hey… “A baby? Who said you could…?”

“I think there’s one thing I should warn you about now. For the rest of our lives, I’ll give you everything you desire, but when it comes to offspring, that’s my department and you’re not to interfere.”

Now my fairy self would’ve looked at what he said methodically and tried to see the origin of the thought. But to my nymph who was in full attendance, those were fighting words. The equivalence to throwing gasoline on an already five-alarm fire.

“Not…. Are you mad….? You just….” I had a few choice things to say none of which he seemed to hear or give a good damn about. Until he interrupted me in the middle of my blasting him for being a chauvinistic pig.

“Princess, there’s something I think I should share with you now, before we go any farther.” Oh here we go! I knew it was too good to be true. I braced myself for whatever words were going to come out of his mouth next.

“I’m never going to argue with you.” Huh? What does he mean? “You’re not?” He shook his head. “No! You can have an opinion, you may even disagree with me, when we’re alone of course, but once I make a decision it’s final.”

Before I could recover from that monumental level of bullshit he pulled into the long driveway of his monstrosity of a house and practically dragged me out of the car because I refused to get out. Maybe I should warn him about the nymph, since she seemed to be here to stay, at least for the night. Nope, let him learn the hard way.

The same men from that night at the restaurant were there looking anxious, as if they’d been waiting for us. One of them stepped forward as if to say something but Lucien held up his hand and rebuffed him without breaking stride. “Not now uncle. Dennis!” He called out to someone who happened to be a very posh looking middle-aged human, vampyre mix.

“Your highnesses!” He bowed and from the way Lucien rolled his eyes I was guessing this was not a regular occurrence.

“No one comes near my room!” He took me through the house up the stairs and into his bedroom without stopping once for me to take in my surroundings.

Of course my eyes went right to the bed, which was a massive sea of red with black accent pillows. I recognized it on sight, it’s the one he’d shown me in the vision earlier when he was inside me.

There were mirrors everywhere and antiques which my fairy would love but I didn’t have time to peruse since the animal begun tearing at my clothes in haste before he threw me down on his bed and came down on top of me, spreading my legs with his to make room. All in seconds! I don’t think I even had time to blink.

He lifted his chest off me and pulled the dark lightweight cashmere sweater off over his head while pinning my body to the bed beneath his before losing his pants. I didn’t have time to form a thought before I felt the blunt thick head of his cock once again driving back into me . “Oh saints!” Why did he feel so good? Why couldn’t it be anyone else but him? My sworn enemy…

He pulled my head back by my hair, hard! “What did you just say?” Oh crap, how could I forget that he could read my mind?

“Nothing, it was just a thought.” The fiend nipped my jaw and then his mouth went after that mark again.

I could feel him hard and heavy resting inside me as he made love to my neck. My eyes were rolling back to the whites when he moved his lips to my ear. “You’re lucky you were untouched.”

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