Home > Mated Enemies(49)

Mated Enemies(49)
Author: Jordan Silver

Now that we were here I found a new excitement in the place, I can’t wait to share some of my favorite places and sights with her. She’s right, not many are ever given the opportunity to visit the kingdom and none are ever allowed this deep into the royal palace.

She’s the first one here, the first to share my royal bed; she’s going to be the first for a lot of things. As is fast becoming custom, I wasn’t awake long before the feel of her pressed up against me switched my thoughts from one thing to another and before I knew it I was rolling her onto her back and sliding into her heat.

“It’s been hours since I’ve had you!” I whispered the words just as she opened her sleepy eyes. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my lips down to hers while still half asleep.






I can’t get over this place, how bright and clean and warm, I think it’s the warmth more so than anything else that has caught my attention, that and the brightness of the day. Even though night here is nothing compared to the earthly darkness that befalls each day, the difference between the light of day and night are still easily recognizable.

Right now it’s almost diamond bright outside, a kind of light that seems to sparkle and everything seems to shine and standout more. Like the flowers I was now gazing at, each blossom was perfect and roughly the size of my head, and the scent, my fairy heart was very pleased with all of it.

Bellaque walked quietly next to me while the young servant girl Lucien had chosen out of all that had been sent to serve me walked just a little ways behind, as I stayed close to the grounds of Lucien’s palace. He’d left not long ago, as soon as breakfast was over in fact to go see his grandpa who had summoned him as soon as he was alerted to our presence.

He’d used the excuse of me being too tired once I started to have a panic attack at the thought of meeting the sky monarch himself. And when his mother had wanted to come over he’d warned her off, but warned me that his warning won’t hold for too long where his mom is concerned. Pushy I think is the term he’d used to describe her.

I stopped just outside the garden not sure of where to go next. Lucien hadn’t said that anything was off limits, but he had ran off all the other servants that had been bustling about when we first woke for the day. I hadn’t minded the looks and peeks people were taking at me, or the way everyone whispered once they caught sight of me.

I’d prepared myself for that, knowing that I would be a stranger in a strange place. And though I’d balked when Lucien first mentioned that we were coming here, now that we were already here, I’m glad that we hadn’t put it off, that I hadn’t had any more time to make myself crazy imagining what coming here was going to be like.

But Lucien was being very protective to the point that he wanted to choose everyone that will be working near me personally, something I’m sure was not done. Last I heard him mutter to the head eunuch is that no one was allowed near the palace without his authorization; and that not even his mother, or the sky monarch can override his order.

Of course he could be doing it all for his precious son but somehow I don’t get that feeling. It’s not his son he’s thinking of when I wake in the middle of the night to find him watching me sleep, and those rare glimpses into his mind before he started shielding his thoughts from me tell a completely different story.

It’s my ability to read those thoughts that have allowed me in such a short time to accept that he means the words he say, that they’re not just meaningless drivel meant to make me let my guard down. I felt the warmth of his growing love even now as remembered words whispered in the heat of passion made me blush.

Up ahead I saw a magnificent sight. A white and gold building pretty much the same color as Lucien’s palace but this one was decorated inside and out in differing shades of yellow and purple that was very eye catching.

I know that those are the majestic colors of the royal family and figured since it was so close to his residence that the place must be a part of his palace pavilion. We hadn’t gotten this far last night so I have no way of knowing what and where everything was, but Lucien had promised to take me around once he was through with his meeting today.

As I drew closer I became more and more fascinated by the very splendor and magnificence of the building. It was some kind of great hall I saw as I stepped inside, with a throne room where two golden thrones sat upon a dais. The floors shone as if they were made out of glass but upon closer inspection were actually made of gold.

The walls were white marble with gold cornices and there were splashes of purple and yellow everywhere from the seats of the golden thrones to the curtains that had to be a thousand feet long.

I turned slowly as I took it all in, while the servant stood outside the door not daring to step foot inside. I could understand why, the place screamed royalty and I’m sure not many are allowed. No sooner had I had the thought than it was somewhat confirmed for me.

“You’re not allowed in here until after the ceremony.” I almost jumped out of my skin at the voice coming from behind me just as I was making my approach towards the thrones. I turned to see what has got to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Golden is the word that came to mind when I looked at her.

A sudden wave of nausea assailed me as if the child in my womb had decided that now would be a good time to hit me with my first bout of morning sickness. Of course it would have to be in front of this perfect specimen.

She’s the first member of the royal family I’ve met since coming here. At least I think that’s who she is, though Lucien never mentioned having a sister, or a cousin this beautiful.

In fact he’s never mentioned any female besides his mom to me in all the stories he told about his childhood home. But who else can she be except a member of the nobility with her air of elegance and her standing in the place she was even now telling me was forbidden.

Her gown was made of the finest silk, something even a novice like myself could tell, and the gems she wore, surely no one but a royal could afford such luxury. She was literally dripping with every kind of gem known to man and some that were not. But it was her regal air more than anything else that gave her status away.

I almost bowed in greeting but once again the kid revolted. If I didn’t know better I would swear that he either kicked or pinched me and I got the very strong impression that I wasn’t supposed to bow to her, so I didn’t and hoped for the best. Where the heck is that Lucien anyway? He hasn’t been gone long but still…

“I’m sorry, I’m not aware of all the rules just yet, Lucien said…”

“You mean his royal highness. How crude of you to call the crown prince by his given name. Did no one teach you the proper etiquette of the sky kingdom?” I looked around feeling slightly foolish at the sharp retort but even Bellaque had abandoned me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” I started to apologize but was once again cut off. Why is she so angry, it was just a silly mistake, no harm done! Then again maybe I shouldn’t have gone traipsing off all over the place. It was obvious that this place was something special so I guess I can see the reason for her displeasure.

“Leave before you’re seen.” I’ve never seen that expression ‘look down your nose at me’ in action before but she did it very well. I hurried away feeling chastened and embarrassed. The servant followed behind wordlessly with her head down and I got the sense she was afraid of the lady. “Where is Lu…his highness?”

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