Home > Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(17)

Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(17)
Author: Elle Boon

“Let me get rid of this.” He slipped out of her, tugging off the condom and tying it off.

She nodded, not looking shy in the least. Once he tossed the used latex in the trash, he lay back beside her. “You okay?” he asked.

Kailani snuggled next to him. “Yes. No. I mean, I’m better than okay. That was wonderful. You made my first time, the very best.” She ran her hand over his chest, looking up at him without embarrassment. “When can we do it again?”

“Ah, isn’t this lovely? Mi hija being a puta for gratis.”

Traeger rolled to the side, taking Kailani with him. He’d felt the hair on the back of his neck standing up but had thought it was due to the amazing sex. Hearing the man talk about his daughter being a whore for free, he realized his mistake could cost them their lives. He wondered why Cosmo’s alarms hadn’t gone off. Yes, they were on the beach, but they had motion detectors fifty feet out, letting them know if anyone stepped on the property. How had Kailani’s father gotten so close without one of them being tripped?

“Put some clothes on, el chucho,” Mr. Trevino snarled.

Traeger didn’t take offense at being called a dog by the worthless piece of shit dressed in a suit. He snagged his jeans and shirt, putting them on while Kailani did the same. He noticed she didn’t seem to be quaking in fear, but anger poured off her in waves. Shit, he’d let his guard down. Looking behind the man, he counted five men with the asshole while he snagged his shitkickers that he’d taken off before he’d went inside to comfort Kailani. Of course, his gun was inside, but inside his boots he had two throwing knives, which left three fuckers and her father. Not too bad of odds.

“So, you decided to play the good little puta and sneak away with the other puta? Tell me where she is, and your punishment won’t be as severe.” Mr. Trevino stepped onto the patio.

Kailani moved to stand next to Traeger, but he put his arm out, shoving her behind him. “Tiana is with her sister. You and your sick little boy should probably be on the run, since your name and association are being told to the authorities as we stand here.”

The shorter man tossed his head back and laughed. “If that were true, you and mi hija wouldn’t be trying to hide from me, now would you?”

Traeger shrugged. “Is this called hiding?” He held his arms out, gesturing to the openness of the beach. “I mean, look at us. We were just fucking outside for all to see. Does that appear to be hiding out?” Traeger asked with casualness, continuing as if he hadn’t a care. “As you can see, I think not.” A muscle worked in the older man’s jaw. A sure sign he was getting pissed.

“Kailani, enough of this. Get over here so we can leave, and I’ll see to your punishment myself.” His words came out low, almost sweet like he was telling the weather, not threatening to beat a grown woman.

With a shake of his head, Traeger sighed. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” He kept his hand on Kailani’s arm. He’d seen movement behind the half circle of men behind Kailani’s father, knowing instinctively they weren’t with the Trevino’s. Whether they’d used him and Kailani as bait would be something he’d discuss later.

“You think you can let me do anything, el churro? You’re nothing but trash my daughter let between her thighs. I’ll have her properly...cleaned, and then she’ll forget all about this little interlude. Now, if you want to walk away from this evening, I suggest you release my daughter,” he ordered.

When he’d bent to put his boots on, he’s slipped both knives out and into the sleeves of his Henley. Now as he met her father’s eyes, he knew one of them wouldn’t be walking away. With a barely there nod, he released the first knife, striking the man behind her father in the throat, the second knife hit her father in the chest, not a killing wound, but one that knocked him down and out for the time being. Gunshots erupted, making him toss Kailani to the ground and behind the brick grill he’d slowly been working them toward as he’d been talking with her father. Fire blazed his left arm, making him look down to see he’d been hit by a bullet, but he couldn’t worry about that at the moment. Opening the latch where the ashes were kept, he found what he hoped would be there, a semi-automatic, and thanked his friend Cosmo for always being prepared.

“Stay down,” he ordered Kailani. She nodded once.

He looked over the top of the grill, searching for Mr. Trevino. The old bastard was up on all fours crawling toward the house and the doors he’d left unlocked when he’d brought Kailani out. “Shit. He’s heading inside.”

“Go, I’ll be fine out here.” Kailani waved her hand toward the house.

Traeger looked at her then where he’d seen her father go. “Come with me, but stay behind me, no matter what.” No way in hell would he leave her undefended.

Again, she nodded. His woman was game.

They stayed near the shadows, not wanting to draw attention to themselves as the three men and whoever was shooting at them had a literal fire fight on the beach. Traeger knew the cops would be arriving at any moment, but Mr. Trevino planned to be long gone. He slipped in the kitchen door, looking at the alarm to see which room showed movement. Once he found where the old man was, he pressed his lips to Kailani’s ear. “I need you to stay here. Please.” He gave her the gun. “Do you know how to shoot one of these?” At her nod, he gave her a swift kiss then made his way toward the garage and where the man who’d allowed his daughter to be raped and used was.

Traeger flicked the overhead light on, startling the other man. “You looking for these?” He pulled the keys out of his pocket. Mr. Trevino spun, aiming a gun at Traeger. Without missing a beat, Traeger launched the keys at him, making him drop the weapon to catch them. Traeger used the distraction to cross the space, taking the elder man down with a punch to the jaw. The knife wound made the other man slower, which Traeger used, pressing his finger into the hole.

“Son of a bitch,” Mr. Trevino cursed.

Traeger straddled his body, glaring down at him. “I should kill you for what you’ve done to Kailani.” He pressed harder against the wound.

“She’s not my daughter. That’s why I killed her mother. I should’ve done the same to her too. She’s lucky I let her live,” he spat.

A gasp made him look at the doorway. “You killed my mother?” Kailani stood with the gun held in her hand, shaking.

Her father lifted his head, hatred sparking in his dark eyes. “You look just like her. She was a puta. I loved her. Gave her everything, only to find out you were not mine. So I made you a puta just like her,” he spat.

Traeger punched him again, getting up at the sound of sirens getting closer. “It’s a blessing you’re not his daughter, Kailani.” He took a step toward her, his eyes going wide as she lifted the gun and fired. His ears rang as he turned to see her father lying on the ground, the knife he’d thrown earlier lying next to him.

“He was going to stab you in the back,” she cried.

Traeger took the few steps to her, removing the gun from her fingertips, and wrapped her up in his arms. The door to the garage flew open. His friend Cosmo stood there, his gaze taking in the dead man on the floor, then Kailani and him. “Well, fuck,” he said.

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