Home > Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(18)

Royally Taken (Royal Sons MC #2)(18)
Author: Elle Boon

“Clean up on aisle four?” Traeger asked.

“On it,” Cosmo agreed.

The next couple hours consisted of cops swarming Cosmo’s beach house, questions, and a lot of glares from the boys in blue. However, since Traeger didn’t have his cut on, he was looked at as ex-military who was down visiting his buddy, along with his girlfriend whose father was exactly what he was...a drug dealer and sex trafficker. The only hitch in the ordeal was her brother was missing.

“I won’t be safe until Rico is caught or dead, and even then, I’ll have enemies.” Kailani bit her lip. “I need to go.” She looked around Cosmo’s living room, exhaustion clear on her face.

Traeger tugged her onto his lap. “I know you had a plan, but you need to reassess and listen to me. I have an idea, one that’s better than what you had. My brothers, we take care of each other. I want you with me, not just for a night, but fuck, who knows. Come home with me, let’s see where this goes. You don’t need to worry about money or anything for the time being. Let’s just chill and get to know one another. You’ll still have your exit strategy. Let me and my MC protect you. It’s what we do and besides, you still need to get a tattoo, right?”

She laughed. “You’re using my wanting to get a tattoo as a reason to stay with you?”

He grinned. “Well, I was going to use my dick, but that’s just an added bonus.”

Cosmo snorted, coming into the room at the end of his sentence. “Seriously, you actually get laid with that line?” He handed Traeger a bottle of beer and one to Kailani.

“Brother, I don’t need a line to get laid.”

Kailani slapped his chest then kissed his cheek. “It really is a spectacular cock, though.”

“Speaking of your brothers, they called and said you should get your ass back to the clubhouse. They also said for you to bring the pretty lady, although I offered to keep her for you.” Cosmo grinned as Traeger tossed his beer cap at him.

“What do you say, you coming with me or what?” His fingers tightened on her thigh, wanting more than anything for her to come with him.

“I’ll come with you. Once things settle, I’ll reassess, but if my brother causes problems, or you decide I’m too much...” He silenced her with a kiss.

“Get a room, or better yet get the fuck outta here. I have a cleanup company arriving any moment. Hopefully one of them is wearing a short skirt and no panties.” Cosmo sat back with a sappy smile.

“Hey, why didn’t your perimeter alarms go off when we were ambushed?” Traeger asked, standing with Kailani next to him.

Cosmo crossed one bare foot over his knee. “It did, but I was in the area and silenced it. You needed to get laid, and I needed some action. Two birds with one...Cosmo.” He held up his hands. “Don’t get mad, get even.”

Traeger shook his head. “You’re a royal bastard, Cosmo.” His friend nodded but he did so with a smile.

“That’s what they all say,” Cosmo agreed.

Kailani wrapped her arm around Traeger. “I think I’m gonna like being with you. Life can be wild, but it’s also beautiful. My mother used to tell me it was okay to be strong. To know you’re strong, but also to be weak simultaneously. She said that’s when the magic happens. She said that’s when your spirit has the opportunity to grow and blossom from this place.” She rubbed her palm over his chest then her own. “Healing and restoration can happen...although I hate my father and all he’s done, I’m strong and I’ll probably always have a little bit of a struggle to hide my weakness, but that just means magic is happening, just like mi madre said.”

Traeger knew in that moment he was falling a little in love with Kailani.

Thank you for reading Royally Taken, book 2 in my Royal Sons series. I hope you enjoyed Traeger and Kailani’s story as much as I enjoyed writing them. Holy buckets, it was a short but wild ride and I can’t wait for y’all to read King and Ayesha’s story, which happens to run parallel with this one. King is the President of the Royal Sons and is kinda an alphahole, but you’ll love him so hard. Ps. His book is going to be a little, maybe a lot longer, so buckle up, y’all, their journey is gonna be a bumpy one. Continue reading for a look into their story and be sure and check out Royally Twisted, book 1 in the series to read Tymber and Ivy’s story.

The End

If you liked Traeger and Kailani’s story I hope you’re ready for King and Ayesha’s story. Read on for a look and Click Here to get your Copy Now!

Check Out Royally Tempted Here!



Royally Tempted,


Royal Sons Book 3

Check it Out Now!

King gave a nod toward Duke, making it clear Ivy and Tymber were to be allowed to leave, relatively unharmed, the sight of her purse and its contents mocking him. “Frog, Groot, front and center.” He waited for them to be within striking distance. “You took it upon yourselves to mess with my family. What do you have to say for yourselves?” The entire club had gone silent.

The loss of his little brother Luke, only month before, still cut like a knife to the gut, but he didn’t let it show. Ivy was like family regardless if she’d been fucking his brother or not. Shit, he still wasn’t sure how he felt about her little news she’d just blurted. He glanced over at Luke’s twin brother Duke, watching his reaction and seeing only anger burn in his dark gaze. Duke was more like him, mean as a rattle snake that’s been poked with a stick one too many times, while Luke had been the complete opposite, clearly in more ways than one. Fuck, Luke had been into guys and would rather have killed himself than faced him or Duke. He pushed that knowledge to the back of his mind to go over when he was alone.

Frog’s hands fisted at his side, while Groot stood as still as a tree as he’d always done.

“Well, don’t make me ask again. You won’t like the outcome of the evening, if you do,” he promised. His voice didn’t raise. He didn’t have to. If King needed to yell, shit would go down, and nobody would be left standing he didn’t want to be, and the two idiots with their eyes looking anywhere but at him would be the first to fall.

Groot shrugged his shoulders. “We thought it would show our loyalty if we messed up the bastard that made Luke off himself.”

Yeah, his brother, his flesh and blood, had taken his own life, thinking he had no other choice, and that was on him. He was head of his family, not only the MC.

He could hear the sneer in Groot’s tone as he said Luke’s name. “So what? Finding out my brother lived with a dude changed your mind? You decided to fuck the shithead up and destroy the place my brother called home?”

“He was fucking that prick,” Frog defended his actions.

“You went behind my back and took it upon yourselves to take action as a club then kept information from me. This upsets me, deeply.” He sighed and stood to his full six foot three inch height. “Groot, if I told you to get on your knees and suck my dick, or you were out, what would you do?” King waited, crossing his arms over his chest, his leather cut creaking as he moved the only sound in the room.

Groot wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Fuck, King, that’s not...that ain’t right. I don’t swing that way, man.”

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