Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(22)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(22)
Author: Jessica Joy

“I know it’s been a long day, but I promise what I have planned will be relaxing for you. You look gorgeous as always, Evan is already taken care of, but…” I lean in closer, taking an exaggerated sniff of her shoulder. “Yeah you do smell like a burger cooked on an exhaust pipe… Good thing I brought the bike.”

“Asshole!” Tessa exclaims under her breath with a gentle slap to the shoulder. She tries to step away but I pull her a little closer, not ready to let her go quite yet.

I lean in again, pressing a tentative kiss on her cheek. “You smell delicious Babydoll,” I whisper into her ear before moving her to arm’s length and standing up. “So. Come with me?”

“One question first. What do you mean by Evan is already taken care of?”

“Oh, I swung by your place and talked to Betha. She said she would be happy to stay with E-Buddy a little longer. I promise I won’t keep you out late. I’ll have you home in plenty of time for bedtime… and a bath,” I respond, rather proud of myself for planning ahead for once.

“Excuse me?” she all but screeches, shoving off my hands and stepping back from me.

Oh Shit. Wrong move.

“I stopped and talked to Betha before heading over here. She said it wasn’t a problem to stay longer,” I say calmly, hoping to diffuse the situation.

“Sawyer. You can’t just talk to my babysitter without talking to me first!” she says through gritted teeth, clearly trying to keep a hold on her temper and keep the volume down for the folks around us.

“Tess wait, I…”

“No Sawyer! I am not just one of those club floozies who bend to your every whim. I won’t just jump at your beck and call. I have plans and opinions of my own. They are MY business and I will not let you steamroll your way through my life just because you’re used to getting your way!” she is furious, every word escalating the flush in her cheeks and volume. She is practically vibrating, her fists clenched at her sides clearly ready to punch me out if I move too quick or wrong. This woman is a foot shorter than I am and more trim than strong, but I have no doubt that this little kitten has some very sharp claws.

Damn, she is sexy when she’s pissed. Wait. No, I need to be careful here, neither the time nor place, I need to back down from this right.

“Okay, okay. Let me explain! Please?” I ask, holding my hands up in a placating gesture.

“Please,” She says, venom dripping from her voice. “I would love to hear how you thought, for even a second, that going behind my back and making plans for Evan without talking to me was a good idea. Enlighten me, oh Mr. Badass Biker,” She bites, crossing her arms over her chest and cocking a challenging brow at me.

Well, I’m fucked. Hercules couldn’t dig me out of the pile of shit I’ve dove into. Maybe play it cool?

“Yeah… okay. So... Looking back on it now, that wasn’t the best idea I have ever had,” I chuckle lamely.

“Ya think?”

“Down kitty. Put the claws away and let me explain Babydoll? I really meant well,” I explain. She rolls her eyes but stays silent, tapping her foot in impatience. I cast a glance around the diner and notice everyone is looking anywhere but at us.

“I know you’ve been working like crazy since moving in and have had almost no time to just chill. Have you been into the city yet?” I ask, trying to deflect her anger to something that might make her curious.

“Well, I mean…” she evades, not meeting my gaze.

“Exactly. So, let me take you out. We can go for a drive to see some sights. Yes, I stopped and talked to Betha before coming here, but I was just trying to take some weight off so you wouldn’t have to figure it out yourself. Look, I’m bad at this; you’re right that I’m not used to working together with someone for the little things in life, but I want to figure it out. I don’t expect you to follow my every whim, I don’t want that either. If I’ve overstepped too far tonight, and you’d rather head home to the little man, I understand. I was just trying to help and spend some fun and easy time with you.”

She looks at me for a moment, like she is trying to gauge my sincerity. I meet her gaze, hoping she finds what she is looking for reflected in mine. After a long pause, she closes her eyes, pinches the bridge of her nose, and heaves a heavy sigh, dropping onto the stool next to me.

“I’m difficult Sawyer, my life isn’t easy. If you’re just looking for your next conquest, please just move on. I have no desire to be a notch in the belt of your life and I really will not subject myself to a yo-yo dating life. Evan doesn’t deserve that turmoil and I simply can’t handle it,” she all but whispers, her voice pained as she stares down at her clasped hands resting on the counter. I force myself to stay still, fighting the urge to pull her close, to smooth those worry lines creasing her brow and kiss the downturn of her lips away.

“I may not know where this is going or what will happen, but I do know this; I know that you deserve more than one night. And I know that I just want some time with you, and if you let me, to take some stress off your shoulders even if only for a few hours that I can pry you free,” I say. I can see her breath catch and hold as she finally looks back at me, a mix of surprise and terror on her face.

What the fuck happened to this girl that has her so damn scared?

“Give me a chance Tess. Let’s just take it a day at time and see what happens. I know I want that,” I pause, holding her stare.

“Okay,” is all she whispers. A bright smile breaks across my face and I can’t resist the urge to lean forward and press a kiss to her forehead.

“Okay,” I whisper back. She gives me a weak smile and I can feel the trepidation rolling off her in waves. Hopefully, she will settle in and release some of this nervous energy she is carrying around when we get out on the road and she is on the back of my bike.

Alice magically swoops in at the right moment and refills my mug. “Take care of my girl Sawyer, or I’ll make sure Clay comes and straightens you out,” she says with the most threatening look I’ve ever seen from her.

Thankfully, Tess starts chatting about her day and we settle into an easy conversation for a little while, both finishing our coffee before heading out. As we are about to stand up to leave, François leans out from the pickup window and calls Tessa, “details mon cheri, details. I demand to hear the full tale over coffee and crosswords,” he calls in his thick French-Canadian accent before disappearing back through the opening.

With a teasing look, I turn toward her and put a hand on her knee as I say, “coffee and crosswords?”

“Oh shush you, you know you have nothing to worry about from him.”

“Why Tessa… whatever your last name is… are you admitting I don’t have competition for your affections?” I tease, bouncing her knee between my hands, making her sway on her barstool.

“Johnson. Tessa Johnson, nice to meet you. And I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about, you cocky bastard. I have a deep and abiding affection for François. His sausage and creamy gravy are of the gods and sometimes a girl just needs her fix!”

A laugh catches in my throat and I try to cover it with a cough, only managing a nod in response.

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