Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(18)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(18)
Author: Jessica Joy

Around 3 o’clock I finally decide it’s close enough to when she should get home that I can get started, not planning on talking to her first, it’s nicer that way. She has that whole ‘strong independent woman who don’t need no man’ vibe going, and I don’t doubt for one second that it’s accurate. She doesn’t need a man to take care of her, and from the little bit of interaction I have had with her I don’t think she wants one either.

So why the hell are you trying to be exactly that Mr. Doesn’t Fuck with Moms?

I’d like to plead the fifth to that line of questioning your Honor, so let’s just go with it. I’m being helpful, and let’s just leave it at that. I make my way over to her front porch and get to work on the door without a word. After a couple minutes Tessa comes to the door, whipping it open with a frantic look on her face. Okay, maybe I should have knocked to let her know I was out here and not just some creep trying to break in. Her eyes land on me and her brow furrows in confusion. Clearing my throat, I wave lamely up at her from my crouched position on her front mat.

Well glad THIS isn’t awkward, you dumbass.

“Sawyer? What the hell are you doing?” she asks, her frantic, near panic morphing into something bordering on anger. Great.

Piss her off right off the bat. Good move. Get it together and salvage this mess.

“Came over to fix the door for ya. You know, playing good neighbor and all,” I offer what I hope comes across as an easy smile.

“You’re what? Why? I... Uh… why?”

This is going great. What the fuck did you expect dumbass? That you could come over with no plan and she would throw herself into your arms? Punch yourself in the dick for that one. Right damn now. Figure something out before she calls the cops, idiot.

“I’m fixing this loud as shit door. Can’t have a squeaky door spoiling your little voyeuristic adventures again, now can we?” I tease.

“My… what?” she stammers in shock, a deep blush creeping up her neck. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Regardless, you don’t have to fix my door. Thank you for the offer though. Let me just go call my landlord and have him handle it,” she rambles, that frantic look returning to her eyes as she tries to talk her way out of this situation. She really is too damn cute.

“Clay’s your landlord Tess. Clay’s a Brother, and a bossy fucker at that, I’d be the one he would send to fix it anyway. I figured, may as well skip the, ‘Sawyer! Get your lazy ass off that barstool and do some work.’ shouting step and just fix it for ya,” I say with a cheeky little smirk as I try and turn back to my work.

Tessa opens her mouth to argue but freezes for a moment; closing it again with a “humph” and a pout as she connects the dots. She stares down at me for a few moments, internal conflict clear on her face, but a look of resolve comes over her features and she seems to visibly relax with acceptance. She gives a silent nod and walks back into the house, leaving the main door open when she goes. I take that as a sign for me to continue my work.

Tessa appears in the doorway again a little while later with a water bottle. She stands there for a moment before she smiles down at me and holds the water to me. I take it from her with a soft smile and quiet thank you before turning back to my task, not wanting to push her farther than I already have.



About an hour later I have the screen door fixed and moving on a new hinge, with a new handle and lock. I’m packing up my tools and cleaning up the mess when Tessa appears in the doorway again, this time with Evan on her hip. He looks at me skeptically at first, but when I offer him a grin and say hi to him, he breaks into a giant toothless smile and giggles.

“All set here. You should be able to lurk and ogle in peace and no one will be the wiser now,” I tease.

“Ah gee, my hero. Though I wouldn’t have to lurk if this dude that lives across the street didn’t keep begging for attention running around half naked in the snow. You know, as totally normal, sane humans do,” she responds with a surprising amount of snark along with that heart stopping smile.

“Well I’m sure that stunning specimen is only trying to scare off any shady characters that might be lurking nearby, showing just how intimidating he really can be.”

“Yeah, more like prancing around like a peacock vying for the females’ attention”

“And did said peacocking have the desired effect?” I ask, shooting her my most suggestive smirk and an eyebrow waggle which is promptly repaid with a deep blush creeping up her neck and over her cheeks. She clears her throat and adjusts the baby on her hip before looking back at me, her features schooled now, the blush and teasing glint in her eyes of a moment ago carefully tucked back away behind her mask.

“I haven’t gotten my first check from the diner yet so I can’t exactly pay you for everything you’ve done, but would you like to stay for dinner tonight as a thank you? It’s pizza and movie night. You are welcome to join us. That is if you are partial to Disney movies.”

Wow, I seriously was not expecting that turn. I figured I had a lot more work ahead of me before I got an invite, but hell if I’m gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Disney movies are my jam. Give me some Woody and Buzz bromance any day and my cooking sucks so I’d love to stay for dinner. I’ll finish cleaning up here and be back shortly; anything I can bring?”

“Um, great. If you want a beer you might want to bring some. I don’t really keep a lot of booze in the house. I have everything else covered. See you in a little bit then Sawyer,” she says, a shy smile tugging at her lips as she says my name, and fuck if I don’t love the sound of her voice curling around it.

“Sounds good, see ya in a bit,” I offer as I gather up my stuff and turn to go.



Chapter 10






How the fuck did this happen? I go from having one conversation with a stranger over a week ago to inviting him over for dinner. What the fuck is wrong with me!? Apparently, all reason leaves my mind, fleeing the raging lady-boner that surges forth when I see him and his tight jeans and strong back...

No! Stop it… I need to focus!

I have been panic cleaning for the last hour praying that he likes longer showers, anything to give me a little more time. I’m just starting to get the pizza dough together when there is a knock on the door.

“Everything is gonna be alright. It’s just dinner. One little pizza night and that’s it. Nothing more. We got this bud,” I say with a slight note of panic in my voice as I turn and look at Evan who is happily chewing on some now nondescript food in his highchair. Glancing down to make sure I’m not covered in flour or anything else embarrassing, I run my hand over my hair and go open the door to let in my stranger dinner date.

As I pull the door open, I’m knocked back a step by the sight before me. Sawyer is standing on my front porch, his hair still slightly damp from his shower and slicked back like he pulled his fingers through it. I have no idea how men do it, but he has cleaned up his beard and left the perfect amount of stubble that is irresistibly sexy and makes my fingers itch to trace his jaw. The dark gray military style button down and dark jeans he’s wearing make me seriously question how he can be just as sexy now as he was shirtless the other day. Hot damn, if my baby maker hadn’t been screaming loud enough already, it’s practically going hoarse with the sight before me.

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