Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(30)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(30)
Author: Jessica Joy

Clearly not happy with the response she’s getting, Crissy changes up her approach. She slides from her perch on the table and snakes an arm around my back and a leg around the front, trying to take my earlobe between her teeth. I brush her off with a light push. Growling a simple “fuck off” and putting some distance between us. I don’t want to be rough with her, just more insistent. Keek and Rox have a very firm rule about ‘nothing unwanted happens in this house,’ which means anyone can say no, but you gotta be good about it. The last thing I want is to cause a ruckus with one of the girls, causing an intervention with Roxy while Tess is here. I might have to hang a sign saying, ‘Do Not Touch.’ I motion to Gage for some Leprechaun support but he’s already on his way to the bar for another round. I motion toward Gage and Crissy finally takes the fucking hint. I look over to the other end of the bar and catch Tessa shooting fiery daggers at Crissy, who is now attempting to climb Gage like a damn tree.

The heated look of jealousy burning on Tessa’s face makes me grin as I take another drink and attempt to hide behind my bottle. She must have felt my eyes on her because Tessa’s eyes cut to me and she pops an eyebrow, clearly asking if that will be a problem. I furrow my brow and pull an incredulous face; she blushes a deep pink before she turns back to the bar and Kiki who is excitedly lining up shot glasses.

Nice try Babydoll.

Unable to keep my distance any longer I make my way toward the bar, coming up behind her. Pressing my chest against her shoulders, invading her space, I lean down and brush my lips over the shell of her ear. “Is she not bursting into flames fast enough for you?” I whisper, adding an extra measure of gravel to my voice. I’m rewarded with a soft hum and I can feel the shiver that runs down her spine at my touch.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she says haughtily, picking up one of the shot glasses on the bar and shooting it down. Kiki makes a little happy clap and skips off to serve another customer. When I throw my head back and laugh at her response, she shifts in her seat squaring her shoulders in defiance.

“Hmmm, I think I like you being jealous, Babydoll,” I murmur, kissing the spot behind her ear. She tilts her head just a little to give me better access and I press another kiss to where her neck meets her shoulder. She lets out a soft moan at the touch but then, as if remembering where we are, she stiffens and pulls away, taking another one of Kiki’s girly shots as a distraction.

Tess pulls a bit of a face and looks at Roxy, “what the hell was that?”

“I’m pretty sure that was her Dirty Girl Scout,” Roxy replies clearly not put off by my loving attention.

“What the fuck is in a Dirty Girl Scout?” Tess asks, trying to swat away my continued kisses at her neck and ear.

“Me,” I rumble into her ear, sending a little shiver down her whole body, giving her ass a little squeeze as I pull away.

Roxy laughs as I settle on the stool next to Tess, my arm still around her waist and I give her a quick kiss on the temple as I sit.

“Oh Darling, that was downright chaste compared to what these boys get up to around here. Hell, Gremlin, that jackass over there in the corner, is getting sucked off by one of the random hangers that I can’t seem to get rid of. They’re like a cock sucking hydra, you cut one off and two more show up,” Roxy laughs. Tess almost pulls a spit take at Roxy’s description, covering her mouth with her hand and doubling over with laughter. I risk a glance to the back corner and sure enough, Gremlin and his nasty ass are reclining in one of the leather club chairs with a random bottle blonde’s head bobbing in his lap. The fucker looks up at me and salutes before dropping his head back again.

“Dirty fucker,” I chuckle as I turn back to the bar. Tess turns her head to see what I’m laughing at, but I catch her shoulder, spinning her back around before she can look.

“You don’t wanna see that Babydoll,” I soothe.

“No one does. The sight of that assholes ‘O Face’ would give anyone nightmares,” Cotton adds as he steps up to the bar between Roxy and Tess, signaling Kiki for another beer.

“Cotton you pig. Didn’t your momma ever teach you it’s rude to reach across a lady at the bar?” Roxy chastises, slapping his hand away as Kiki hands him his beer.

“Sorry Rox. How else am I supposed to get you to put your hands on me without King having my balls for it?” he laughs, giving Roxy a sweet kiss on the cheek before winking at Tessa and turning to leave. Roxy slaps him on the ass as he passes and he gives a dramatic mocking howl, “Oh Mami, don’t tease me!”

“COTTON!” King bellows over the din of the party. Everyone bursts out laughing and Cotton actually blushes before he waves an awkward farewell and heads back to where he had been playing poker with a few of the Brothers.

“Lovable idiot, gets his name for what fills his head,” Roxy laughs, turning back to the bar and taking a sip of her drink. King appears out of nowhere and wraps himself around his woman possessively.

“That moron is gonna get himself shot one of these days, in an inconvenient place, like the dick,” he says in annoyance as he reaches for Roxy’s drink. She slaps his hand away and downs the last of it before turning in his arms to look up at him.

“Oh, he’s harmless love. Dumb as a bedpost, but harmless.” King grunts but leans down and kisses his wife long and hard. Tessa blushes and turns away, examining the new shot in front of her, this one bright orange. After entirely too long a moment, Roxy pushes King away, slapping at his arm playfully and catching her breath.

“Alright, alright you brute. You done pissing on my leg to mark your territory?” she laughs. With one last quick kiss for her, King turns and leaves, disappearing back into the crowd. Roxy watches her man go for a moment before turning back to Tessa.

“So, Tessa. You still with us or has our little band of hooligans got you ready to run for the hills?” she asks. Her tone is light and teasing but I can see an edge behind her eyes. I knew the test was coming.

“Oh, they are a bunch of puppy dogs I’m sure. Nothing I can’t handle,” Tessa says with confidence. “In all honesty, it’s been great. Chaotic, but welcoming; like any big family. Oh, and getting to kick Gage’s ass and clean him out is really only a bonus,” she says holding up a roll of what must be a week’s wages for her at the diner.

Roxy throws her head back and laughs. “I’m sure he just loved that! Fancies himself a bit of a shark, that one. I have been waiting years for someone to come along and knock him down a peg.”

“I do what I can,” Tessa says with a shrug, attempting modesty but the color in her cheeks shows that the praise is welcome. Roxy gives me a look over Tessa’s head and a slight nod. After returning her nod, I pull Tessa close to me and place a kiss to her temple, letting my lips linger there for a moment.

“Ready to head back?” I ask against her skin. She hums her assent and leans into me.

Roxy smiles knowingly and stands from her perch. “I’ll let you two get on with your night. Sawyer make sure you see Axel before you leave. And Tessa, if I don’t see you around here again soon, I’m coming hunting for you and that baby. I want snuggles!” she says, pulling Tessa into a hug.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’ll be back. And I really can’t thank you enough Roxy for everything you have done for Evan and me. The house is absolutely beautiful,” Tessa says, returning the hug.

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