Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(50)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(50)
Author: Jessica Joy

Tessa comes out of the bathroom after a couple minutes and bounces onto the bed, curling into my side, and pressing a kiss to my chest. Obviously not so exhausted after all. She nuzzles her head into me as she settles in, clearly thinking her little ploy worked and she’s off the hook. I lay on my back with my hands folded behind my head and don’t let myself move. If she thinks she is off the hook just because we had fucking mind blowing sex, she has another thing coming. After a few more minutes of her trying to snuggle or get any kind of response from me, she finally gives a frustrated little huff and flops down across my chest. I let her pout for a minute longer before I decide it’s my turn to get some answers.

“Well, that was awesome,” I deadpan. “Now, what the fuck are you doing here Tess?” I ask, still not moving to look at her. I feel her tense against me and can’t help the grin that tugs at my lips. I quickly school my features again, not wanting her to see how much I’m enjoying this.

“Would you rather I went home?” she asks, her pout exaggerating even more as she lifts her head and bats her eyelashes at me. I lift my head slightly to look at her, raising a brow at her skeptically. Fuck, she’s cute when she wants to be. I roll my eyes at her, my face still stoic, and reach between us for her nipple, giving it one swift flick before settling back with my arms behind my head again. She squeals in shock and grabs her tit protectively as she rolls a little away from me, shooting daggers at me with her eyes as she gives me an incredulous look.

“I mean it. How the hell are you here? And why the fuck didn’t you listen?” I all but growl, dragging a hand over my face in exasperation.

“Funny thing about the ‘Find Your Phone’ feature, it works both ways when you have a family plan,” she says offhandedly, idlily tracing the tattoos on my chest. “And besides, I got permission from mom.”

“You… you tracked my phone?” I ask in disbelief, rolling onto my side to look at her.

“Tinker isn’t the only one who can figure that shit out. We are so talking about how your wonderful gift was really just a way to lojack my ass,” she snipes, pushing against my chest. I let her knock me back over and can’t resist the laugh that comes with it as I settle back against the pillows.

“Wait, you ‘got permission from mom,’ what the fuck does that mean?” she rolls to the edge of the bed and picks up the Sons Chit I had dropped at the beginning of her distraction attempt.

“Mom said I could go to the party if I made sure you came home on time. Plus, she let me borrow the car,” she says, playing coy.

Finally, it dawns on me, Axel and Gage are here so they couldn’t have given her their officer token, so it must be King’s. And there is only one person who would qualify as ‘mom’ in this entire ragtag outfit…

“Roxy. Roxy let you leave.” I had underestimated this woman. She’s resourceful and fucking bad ass in her own way. Convincing Roxy to not only let her leave but to give her the Sons Chit to prove that it was done with her blessing, damn. Will she ever stop surprising me?

“K Nikita. That still doesn’t answer why the fuck you’re here.”

“I told you Sawyer. He’s my son. No way in hell was I going to sit there locked in that fucking compound waiting for you brutes to save the day and return home to little ol’ helpless me. Fuck. That. You know my story, you know what I have done to keep him safe, to keep us safe. How dare you think I would sit by and let you take over! I am not some wilting violet, Sawyer. Far fucking from it,” she responds, her tone tight and controlled at the start and growing to a cold fury at the end as she pushes away from me, sitting up with a fierce light in her eyes.

I love the fight in her, love how fierce she is when it comes to Evan and how hard she’s worked to get where she is now. I want to protect her, to make it so she doesn’t have to fight anymore. The last thing I want is to take that fight from her. I would never try to cage her, that fight and fire are part of what draws me to her. Regardless of all of that, I still need her safe. I have to protect her; protect Evan. I’ve already failed them in the worst way when I walked out her fucking door. No way will I ever let something happen to either of them again.

“Fine, but you listen to me now. If you have the balls to carry that token halfway across the continent, then you better be ready to follow the rules it carries with it. You’re on the battlefield now, and in battle, we listen to our leaders. Axel tells Gage what to do, Gage tells me what to do, and I tell YOU what to do. If you’re not okay with that, get that sweet ass back home; right now.”

“Sawyer, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Now go find me a pair of panties since you wrecked my last pair. My bag is in the car,” she says as she throws a set of keys at me.

Fuck this woman. Fuck her wonderful, frustrating, curvy ass...

I guess I’m getting her fucking bags…



Chapter 25






Ride ‘im cowgirl! Yippee Ki-yay lass!”

The sound of a thick Irish accent trying its best to sound like a cowboy sends me diving off Sawyer toward the mattress without a thought. The momentum from my jump carries me further than I expected, and I end up falling between the bed and the wall, my feet tangled in the sheets leaving me awkwardly suspended off the side of the bed.

As if things can’t get worse this week, I now get to deal with the fact Gage has not only seen me naked, oh no, he got a full-on view of me riding Sawyer reverse cowgirl like my life depended on it. If he had been any further into the room, I’m pretty sure one of my tits would have smacked him in the face. That’s it, I’m dead. I can never show my face around any of these men again, especially the cackling leprechaun in the doorway. Good thing I was already planning on disappearing because now I have absolutely no other choice.

“Close the god damn door you insane fuck-wad,” Sawyer yells in mirth.

From my place on the floor the laughing of the idiot twins makes me blush all the harder.

I was so fucking close!

I struggle to untangle my leg from the sheets and pull myself up to peek over the edge of the mattress. Tweedle-Dee has an arm thrown over his face, still spread eagle on the bed and not even bothering to cover himself as his cock bobs in the wind while he laughs his ass off. Tweedle-Dumb is standing in the doorway, his shirt and jeans soaked with what I’m assuming was supposed to be coffee and a box of donuts spilled at his feet that he clearly dropped when he so rudely burst into our room. He is doubled over, clutching his stomach as he cackles and tries to shake the scalding coffee off his hands.

I can’t decide if I’m more mortified or pissed off by the whole thing. Mortification wins out and playing possum sounds like the best solution at the moment, so I slowly slide deeper into the crack between the bed and wall, pulling the covers along with me.

He’ll go away soon, he has to. Then I can get up, find the baggiest clothes in Sawyer has with him, and hide for the rest of eternity. Maybe I can just pretend it didn’t happen?

Nope, Gage totally did not just walk in on us. We totally were not in the middle of fucking for the fifth time since I showed up last night. Nope. None of it happened. If I deny it enough it becomes true right? I can just sit here and wait to wake up and all will be right with the world again.

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