Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(53)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(53)
Author: Jessica Joy

“So, what do we know?” Sawyer asks once Axel and Tully remove the headphones they had been using to listen in.

“I’m buying fuckin’ stock in those mics Tinker set us up with,” Axel says with a slight smile. “David and Dice, the Pikesmen who runs their garage, were there talking about their ’guest’ and what they would do with them now that their ‘usefulness is at an end’… David’s words.” my shoulders slump at this and I let out a little whimper, knowing he was referring to Lexi. “Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like Dice is a complete asshat. He argued with David for a while, and when Evan started crying, David left.”

At this my head snaps up, staring in terror at Axel. Gage takes over then, looking at me with a small reassuring smile. “Don’t worry lass. The lad looked fine. When Sir Shit-Stain walked out, Dice picked up a very upset Evan and calmed him down like fuckin’ Mother Goose.”

“At least he’s got that redeeming quality,” chimes in Tully, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Axel steps back in with a clear of his throat, “Yeah, but more importantly, they talked about his next drop. David said he was only stepping out for a minute, implying he was grabbing Evan and that he will be back in two days with another order for the shop. Since he had Evan with him today, it’s a safe bet he will next time too.”

“So that’s our in,” Sawyer states.

“What’s the plan?” Cotton asks from his spot laying on the floor between the beds taking a nap.

“We hit them Friday, during his next drop. He’s scheduled to be there by 8PM,” Axel says.

“Earlier in the day, I saw one of the Pikesmen take a bag of takeout through that door in the far back corner of the shop. My money is on that being where they are holding Lexi,” Tully supplies.

“That’s two days from now! How, how do we know that things won’t change? Why not just go now?” I ask, finally getting my voice back.

“He’s already come and gone with Evan since we’ve been talking,” says Tully, who’s still watching the monitors while the rest of us talk. “We’ll have a much better chance to save both of them if they’re busy with a delivery and cash exchange. It’ll take longer and we can be in place before they even arrive to maximize our time.”

“But, that’s two more days without me; two more days with him,” the last word I spit out like venom, my body shaking in anger.

“Tessa, listen. Look at me.” says Axel, any softness in his voice replaced with the calm cool of a man used to getting control of skittish soldiers. I turn to face him, ready to rage and fight. “If you want your son and your sister alive, you will follow my lead. You will listen to us and let us do what we do best, we deal with our shit. Do not even think of pulling your shit with me like you did with Roxy, I don’t work that way. Now go, sit with your man and deal with your emotions before they compromise this entire operation.”

He turns to the room, “we have two days to get our shit in order, let’s use every minute of it. I want this planned down to the millisecond; no mistakes.” Axel states. The other men grumble in agreement and start talking through the details of the plan to get Evan and Lexi back.

Sawyer leans toward me and whispers, “Come on Babydoll. Let’s get some rest.” all I can manage is a nod as I stare blankly down at the carpet, feeling like a kid sitting at the adult table, not allowed to speak.

After all the work I’ve done, all the effort, I still end up useless when it comes to keeping any of them safe. Hell, worse than useless, I’m in the way. Maybe Sawyer was right, maybe I should have stayed put.



Chapter 26






I waste no time in ushering Tessa back to our room, the slump in her shoulders telling me all I need to know about her state of mind. As soon as I get her settled on the edge of the bed she starts shaking again, mumbling to herself. “He was there… he was so close. He was there, I saw him!” the frantic, broken terror in her eyes claws at my heart.

“He’s alright Tess. I saw him. He looked good. He was upset when David brought him into the garage but cheered right up when Dice took him. He was smiling and looked like he was giving his pterodactyl shriek. We’ll get him. I promise you Tessa. We will get our little man back.”

Fuck. Didn’t mean to let that slip. When the fuck did we turn into an “our”? Hell, when did we turn into a “we”?

The last thing I want is to scare her off when she is this vulnerable. We had been doing so well until she saw that footage, coming together, connecting, synchronizing. Once the dust settles and she sorts through it all, maybe she won’t want me that way; I wouldn’t blame her. I want to be there for them, to be a part of their life, to be their life.

Fuck me, I need them. I can’t let her go. I won’t survive that.

Tessa slowly lifts her gaze to meet mine, shock clear on her features. Something slowly overcomes that shock though and I watch as a steady warmth lights her hazel eyes and I decide to press on.

“Tessa, Babydoll. I’m here for you, I’m here for Evan. I don’t ever want that to change. That little boy out there, he needs everything I can give him, now and forever. And you, fucking amazing, beautiful, powerful, strong woman; I don’t want to live another day without you in my arms. You and Evan, Tess, that’s all I need. That’s all I want in this life. You give me hope, hope for a future I never thought I would see. Hope for a life again, hope for a family. I know this is the worst fucking timing to be dumping all this on you, but I can’t let you go another second without knowing what you are to me. I’m going to get our boy back Tessa and then I’m taking you both home and never letting you go.”

So much for not laying it all out.

Tessa sits on the edge of the bed with her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide in shock. Tears stream down her cheeks behind her fingers and she is completely still. I drop to my knees in front of her, pulling her hands from her face. Bringing mine to her jaw, I swipe at the tears with my thumbs and she closes her eyes, leaning into my touch.

“Need your eyes Babydoll,” I urge.

She squeezes her eyes tighter for another moment before slowly opening them and meeting my gaze. Wonder, utterly amazed wonder is glowing in their depths.

“There you are gorgeous,” I croon with a soft smile.

“Sawyer I… You wonderful, stupid, ridiculous man,” she says on a choked laugh, a gloriously bright smile breaking across her face. Her eyes and smile say everything I need to know. Before she can find the words, I lean in and capture her lips with mine, attempting to impart all the unspoken words between us.

I slide my hands from her cheeks, bringing one to tangle in the silky fall of her hair and the other holding the side of her neck. Tessa lets out a little mewling moan and melts against me. Using my hold to tilt her head slightly, I deepen the kiss and sweep my tongue against hers, tasting her, savoring her. She matches me, touch for touch, lick for lick, nipping at my lower lip when I start to pull away.

I break the kiss and lean my forehead against hers. “You amaze me Tess,” I whisper. She drags me even closer by the edges of my Cut, slamming her lips over mine again. It’s an all-consuming kiss, the kind of kiss that makes you feel like it’s the first time you are ever truly living.

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