Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(64)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(64)
Author: Jessica Joy

As soon as the SUV pulls to a stop Sawyer turns fully toward me in his seat, squeezing my shoulder to get my attention. “We aren’t staying. I’ll have Cotton and Tully grab our things and put them in the other SUV. Gage and your sister will take your car back.” he explains. At the mention of my sister I come to attention and go to look around frantically for her. Sawyer’s hand that has been around my shoulders comes up and presses the side of my face away from the back of the car we are in, ensuring I don’t see Remy’s body.

Fuck. In the mess of everything that had happened I hadn’t even begun to process that loss. Call me selfish, and maybe it makes me horrible, but I just can’t right now. I am still not sure I totally believe I have Evan back in my arms, and I need to see my sister, see that she is truly safe. After I know they are both settled and safe for sure, then I can start to process everything else.

Jerking my head away from Sawyer’s hand, I tug Evan’s sleeping form closer up on my shoulder and scoot across the bench seat toward the door. I need to see my sister. I trust the men to handle the logistics of everything. Right now I need to get my arms around my sister before everything hits me and I break.

No. I can’t break. I can’t afford to break. I need to be strong for Evan and Lex. God knows what she has been through. I need to be there for my sister.

Pushing the door open I stumble out into the parking lot, rubbing Evan’s back when he nuzzles further against my neck in his sleep against the bright sunlight. The car from Roxy and the other SUV are both backed up to the curb in front of our block of rooms, Tully and Cotton are both bustling between the rooms and the cars, packing everything up and getting us ready to leave as soon as possible. Looking around the chaos of our little group, I search for Lexi and don’t see either her or Gage anywhere.

Sawyer comes up behind me, pressing his hand against the small of my back in a comforting gesture before leaning down and speaking softly near my ear. “I’m gonna go get the car seat settled. Gage has Lexi in his room if you want to go see her. I’ll come get you both when we are ready to go.” not knowing what else I can say, appreciating the fact he is taking control and just handling everything, all I do is nod and make my way to the room.

When I get there, the door is propped open and I stand in the doorway, afraid of what I will find inside. Standing there for another moment, I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and am surprised when I see the room is empty. Cautiously, I step into the room and look around again, but when I don’t see either of them still, my heart starts racing. Where the fuck are they?

I finally notice the sound of the shower running when I get about half way into the room and my heart plummets and I growl, “I swear to Christ if that fuckin lephrechaun…”

“Ach Lass, I’m hurt ye would even think such horrid things!” comes Gage’s booming voice from behind me. I spin and find him sitting in the chair under the window, one ankle propped on the opposite knee, reading a book.

“How did you… I didn’t… what’s going on?” I ask. Dear christ the day is taking a toll on me, my brain just isn’t keeping up anymore.

“She’s taking a shower, I’m standing guard, and Cotton refuses to let me close the door so he can finish doing a sweep of the rooms.” Gage explains, closing his book and offering me an indulgent smile.

“I don’t know if I will ever be able to thank you enough for saving her Gage.” I say earnestly, emotion once again clogging my throat.

“It’s what we do Tess. You’re Sawyers’ now, which means you’re Sons. We protect our own.” Gage says like it’s no big deal that he and his Brothers just stuck their necks out so completely for me and my family.

“Well at least let me take it from here. Lexi will ride and stay with me and Evan on the way back.”

“No I’m not.” at the sound of Lexi’s raspy voice I spin on my heel to face her. I haven’t seen her since our parents funeral, but even after years of distance, she still looks just as I remember her. Slightly taller than I am, slender and fit… her build downright tiny compared to my curvy stature. Her long bright red hair currently wet and hanging limply over one shoulder already starting to curl and twist in the soft waves I have never been able to fully pull off. She is wearing a faded Forsaken Sons Mechanics t-shirt and red plaid lounge pants. By the way she is swimming in the oversized clothing I can only assume they are Gage’s.

“Don’t be ridiculous Lexi, of course you can stay with me.” I respond, not fully processing the cold indifference in her eyes as she stares blankly back at me. “I’m not leaving you again Lexi.”

“No. I don’t want to stay with another stranger.” Lexi responds flatly.

“Exactly. So come stay with Evan and me.” I press again.

“You don’t get it. I’m riding with and staying with Gage. I don’t know you anymore,” there is no malice in her tone, just cold indifference as she turns and closes herself in the bathroom again, not sparing me another look.

What the fuck just happened?

I can’t process Lexi’s brush off, my mind feels like I’m slogging through molasses and nothing is making sense. It’s like she didn’t know me, didn’t care. She’s all I have left, we are all each other has… how can she be so indifferent?

Because you are the one who left. You are the one who abandoned her. Of course she doesn’t want to stay with you, she doesn’t know you anymore.






You ready for this, Babydoll?” Sawyer asks from the front seat. It’s been three days since we left Seattle and our motley little crew is finally pulling into Proctor on our way to the compound. The trip back took longer than any of us were expecting, but with Evan we had to stop and give him breaks more than we would have liked and the little wounds everyone took made sitting still for long hours pretty much impossible. I must have taken too long to respond because he turns and throws me a look over his shoulder.

“Honestly? All I want to do is go home,” I say with a sigh. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the Club and all, but I’m exhausted and really just want to get Evan home.”

“I feel ya. Let’s just make an appearance, let Alice moon over E-Buddy for a couple minutes, and then we can head home,” he coaxes.

“Alice will be there?” I ask, slightly confused.

“Yup. King called everyone in for a welcoming party, Old Ladies and all.” The grin on Sawyers face is infectious and I can’t help but return his smile.

“Just a few minutes?” I ask tentatively.

“Just a few minutes. Then I have every intention of bringing you home and finally claiming my woman properly,” he says with a wink.

“Your woman, huh? What, gonna take me out back and piss a circle around me or something?” I laugh.

“I mean… If that’s what gets you going…”

“Do I really need to be here for this?!” Axel groans from the passenger seat.

“Go back to sleep asshole,” Sawyer says, punching the VP in the arm.

“The thought of you claiming anything with that micro dick of yours roused me from my slumber from the sheer terror and disgust of it all,” Axel grumbled, shifting in his seat to shake the sleep off.

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