Home > Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(60)

Spartan (Forsaken Sons MC Book 1)(60)
Author: Jessica Joy

I lose sight of Sawyer as he moves past the windows and my heart jumps into my throat. There is no doubt in my mind that I will not be taking a full breath again until everyone is back in their vehicles. A bright flash through the windows followed by the series of pops makes me jump, my knuckles white on the leather of the seat.

Jesus, what was that? Gunshots? Of course it was that you stupid girl, those weren’t toys they were carrying.

No less than a minute or two after the gunshots, movement along the far edge of the building catches my attention. Focusing to follow the movement in the dim light, I see David sneaking out from the far side of the building and making his way toward his truck.

He’s going to drive off, I know it! He’s going to take Evan and I’ll lose any chance of getting him back!

Feeling the panic start to take hold again, I look over to Axel and see he is focused on the near corner of the building, waiting for the boys to come back out. He doesn’t see David and he isn’t moving. I have to do something.

I throw the door open, “SAWYER!” I scream, hoping he can hear me. In a heartbeat Sawyer rushes from the shop, his eyes searching everywhere and locking in on me. Pointing frantically at David’s truck I scream, “SAWYER, the truck!” David, clearly having heard me, is frantically running across the lot to his truck.

Sawyer sprints for the truck and I see him raise his gun, ready to shoot David as he rips open the door and dives inside. Sawyer takes aim but then pulls up short, lowering the gun as David pulls the door closed behind him.

Evan. He knows Evan is in the truck and won’t risk hitting him.

Sawyer pivots and shoots low at the rear tires as the truck jumps the curb, speeding off down the street with a shower of sparks in tow.

Remy rushes out of the garage at the sound of the gunfire, and they both make a beeline for us, quickly climbing in. “The fuck back in truck Tess!” Axel shouts as the boys mount up. Axel guns the engine, the SUV leaping onto the road, doors slamming as the boys grab a hold of the handles and we buck our way down the street. Even with the flat tire, David is speeding down the street, clearly hoping to lose us in the unfamiliar territory but the shower of sparks from his rear rim is like a beacon for Axel to follow. I have a rough idea of where we are, I’ve rarely been to this part of town, but I can guess where David is heading.

“He’s heading for his plating shop,” I say. Axel grunts in response as he weaves through the streets after the truck. We aren’t gaining much ground on David despite the blown tire. I don’t understand it, regardless of the tight corners and bends he’s trying to lead us through we should be gaining more on him. After a few more twists and turns, Axel misses a turn and a chorus of screamed curses echoes through the small space, he guns it and tries to catch up the next block down. The pulse of the streetlights whipping past as we drive pulls my attention to a flash of red near Sawyer.

Blood, there is blood on his face.

I take a moment to look at him, and see that he isn’t hurt, so it must be someone else’s mess. I turn my attention back to the road, trying to figure out where we are. Three turns later I finally recognize a gas station with a green dinosaur and I guide him back to the correct route a couple of shortcuts later we can see the bright red sparks ahead of us pulling into the parking lot of a multi-story industrial building. I recognize the logo painted above the giant doors facing the street.

“That’s it! That’s his shop!” I yell. Axel whips the SUV into the parking lot slamming on the brakes, tires skidding on the gravel as the car slows to a stop in front of the building. We all fly from the car and run toward the corner of the building, toward where we saw David’s truck pull in. I see Sawyer turn to me with a determined look on his face as I hit the ground running and I already know what he’s going to say.

Fuck that shit.

“Don’t even fucking start,” I snap at him as I run past him, hot on Remy’s heels. I hear his loud sigh behind me before he takes off after us. I’m hardly halfway to the door before Sawyer runs past me, growling his displeasure as he passes.

Yeah, yeah, scary. You can spank me for it later.

Sawyer and Remy sprint ahead as Axel and I bring up the rear. Axel keeps checking behind us to make sure we don’t get caught by surprise, a heavy backpack bouncing on his back as he runs.

When Axel and I round the corner, we see Sawyer and Remy flanking a door next to the loading dock, guns drawn and ready, waiting to enter. Sawyer looks up and Axel’s gives a quick pointed shake of his hand, signaling them to head inside. Remy reaches for the handle and shakes his head, throwing up a little ‘X’ with his hands.

Must be locked.

Axel jogs up and pulls something from his backpack. He motions Sawyer and Remy back a step and aims what can only be a shotgun at the door, firing two quick blasts at the wall and lock. Sawyer quickly yanks the mangled door open before he and Remy disappear into the darkness beyond.

My ears ring from the noise and I can’t breathe as I wait, straining to hear any sound through the ringing. What feels like hours pass before Remy appears in the doorway again and motions Axel and I inside.

When my eyes adjust to the dim light, I glance around to get my bearings. Crates of parts are stacked along the walls and there is a little office in the corner to the right. To the left and in front is the loading dock doors and a path to the workshop floor. The whole area is a tall two stories with a metal roof and trusses. There are lines of machinery hanging down over large, gross looking, vats. Everywhere you look there are bare hooks or hooks with parts hanging on them, apparently, they dip into those vats of liquid. Everything smells like chemistry class; oil, solvent, acid.

At the far end of the workspace, toward the front of the building, what looks like a jacuzzi from hell is letting off steam and bubbling. A catwalk runs around the perimeter of the building, I’m assuming to give access to the ventilation and overhead machinery, with an access stairway leading up from the corner farthest from where we’re standing. Every surface of these vats, especially down by that terrifying bathtub, looks like a corroded battery.

Movement catches my eye near the loading dock, and I see Sawyer and Remy heading deeper into the shop, their black clothes blending into the darkness. As soon they pass the first set of vats, a rattle of gunfire erupts from somewhere deeper in the shop.

“Fuck, contact left, catwalk!” I hear Remy shout. The higher pitched crack of his pistol ringing out; a thunderous boom, boom, boom, chasing right after. The clank of metal on metal with a rattle of the catwalk telling the ending of a story. A new rattle comes from further down the building; an anguished shout coming from one of the men.

“Shit, get to cover!” I hear Sawyer shout.

I can’t help the scream at the chaos as I jump up instinctively. Axel grabs my arm and drags me behind a giant bag on a pallet full of some powder, it doesn’t even shift as we huddle behind it.

I hear the louder and lower report of Sawyer’s gun as I hear Sawyer’s voice calling out over the echoes. “He’s got the baby! Watch your fire!”

The warehouse goes silent as the gunfire stops all at once, echoes slowly fading. Once the silence reasserts itself, I have to fight the urge to recoil as David’s acidic voice calls out.

“Call off your dog’s Bethany!” he practically spits my name.

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