Home > Worse Guy(38)

Worse Guy(38)
Author: Ruby Dixon

I lick her clean, reveling in the taste of her as her cunt squeezes and flutters around my pumping fingers, and when she finally sighs with satisfaction, I feel as if I have won a dozen tournaments. Nothing in my stolen memories compares to the dewy sheen on Bee's golden skin, or the taste of her permanently etched into my hide. Nothing is better than the little noise of protest she makes when my fingers slide free from her cunt, as if she misses my body.

It will be enough.

"God almighty," Bee says hoarsely, pressing the back of one hand to her brow as I pepper kisses along the insides of her thighs and scrape my tusks against her skin. She's so soft and perfect that I want to keep touching her, always. "You're good with that mouth of yours."

"I am a champion," I agree. "Can I…make you come again?"

She sits up on her elbows, staring at me. "So soon?" When I nod, her thighs primly clasp together. "I need time to come down, Victor. You…" A look of understanding crosses her face and she pats the bed next to her. "You need to come, don't you?"

"Again. Yes. Touching you felt so good. I wanted it to be just about you, but…parts of me do not listen well."

Bee chuckles and scoots over to the edge of the narrow bed. When I get to my feet, her eyes widen at my cock, painfully erect and leaking. "Oh, yeah, I can take care of that for you." Her voice turns to a throaty purr. "Come lie next to me. I'll make you feel good."

In this moment, I do not care that I am too big for the bed. I do as she commands, not caring that my feet (and most of my calves) dangle over the edge, or that my big torso swallows the bed like this, stealing all the room from her. I do not care because she tugs her tunic off, exposing her glorious body to me. She leans over, her teats brushing against my thigh as one hand goes to toy with my sac and her mouth closes over the tip of my cock.

In this moment, I do not care about anything at all but Bee. Bee and her sucking mouth, Bee and her teasing fingers, Bee and her incredible scent.

I am completely and utterly hers.






Three Weeks Later





I'm humming as I do the dishes. Since Victor made breakfast, the cleaning falls to me. It's hard not to be happy when your man loves to cook and he woke you up with a pussy-licking that still makes my knees tremble an hour later. I smile to myself at that thought. My man. He's not really my man, but it's fun to imagine. There's nothing official between us. It's mutual pleasuring, me using my body to encourage Victor into model behavior. There's been no talk of the future, and I've learned not to look too far ahead.

I'm enjoying the moment too much.

I peek outside and bite back a laugh at the sight that greets me. For a week now, Victor has been talking about how “untidy” the rock path looks. How the stones don't follow any sort of order and how the colors are all over the place. He's out there organizing them right now, hauling the rocks out of the ground and sorting them into piles by color and size. I have no doubt that when he's done, the path will look fantastic.

I've learned a few things about Victor in the last few weeks. He loves being outdoors. That isn't surprising to me—for an alien who spent his first several weeks in a cage and then constantly trapped in one room, of course he does. He wanted to start a garden, but because of my allergies, he's not able to dig up the soil. It was incredibly disappointing for him, though he said he understood, so I talked with Akris, and a week later, we acquired several small fruit tree saplings. They're not native to the planet and will need constant care, but Victor was thrilled with them. I've never seen a man filled with such joy. He hugged me a dozen times (and then licked me senseless that night). He even thanked the guards. I've never seen Herrix speechless. Now every day, Victor tends to his trees, and he's so damn proud of his tiny orchard that it makes me ache.

Victor is also a neat freak. The pump house is gleamingly clean, all the rust gone from the controls. The yard is tidy and we keep the house in perfect shape. It took about a week or so for Victor to come around to the idea that the house was much more enjoyable when it was clean, and now he's constantly tidying up. I think he likes having control over his environment. Of course, he always tells me that it's just because he wants to be the best, and that includes at tidying.

Our days have settled into a quiet routine. Maybe it's boring to a gladiator who is used to a life of excitement, but Victor seems happy. We eat our meals together, we clean together, we sleep together, and Victor tends his trees while I go through my messages. We have lessons on everything, from the air-sled that we borrow from Herrix and Akris to drive around the property, to simple math and learning how to read. Victor devours any and all information with single-minded intent…and then demands a reward later that night.

And oh god, the rewards system is killing me in all the best ways.

Victor demands rewards day and night, and because I'm as addicted to him as he is to me, I happily give them up. We've touched each other in every way possible under the sun, except for when it comes to his cock. He refuses to even consider having sex with me, so we kiss and rub and lick our way to pleasure multiple times a day. I wake up to having my pussy eaten out more often than not, and when I don't, I pout over breakfast until Victor tosses me onto the table and feasts on me. Maybe this wild need for each other will slow down over time, but for now, I'm dizzy with the intensity of our relationship and loving every moment of it.

The comm panel chirps, an indication that someone's waiting to connect. I bite back a groan, wiping my wet hands, and then peek out at Victor. He's still in the front yard, moving paving stones, and my nose twitches as the earth is turned over. He's very careful about it, because he doesn't like it when I suffer. I don't want to point out that even this small movement is playing havoc with my senses, because I know he likes to work outside in the sunlight. I rub the side of my nose as the panel chirps again, and then head over to answer it.

First Rank Novis's stern blue face fills the screen. "Female," he greets. "You look well enough."

I smile sweetly, gritting my teeth. I've corrected Novis on the whole “female” thing enough times at this point that I know he's doing that nonsense on purpose, so I'm determined to ignore it. "This is a pleasure, First Rank. How are you doing today? Enjoying this lovely weather?"

"It is sufficient." He pulls up a data pad and studies it. "I would like an update on the subject. Has he shown any signs of aggression in the last week? Any anger issues?" He looks up from his pad. "Have his eyes turned red?"

It's like he doesn't listen to a single word I say. "Of course not." I keep smiling, hoping it'll make my tone less saccharine when I really want to just scream in frustration. "Victor has been a model student." I use that instead of the word “subject” because it irritates me when people don't see Victor as a person, just a project. "Zero signs of aggression. Zero instances of his eyes turning red. I told you that his spikes have receded, right? We determined that it was because he no longer feels on edge, as if he has to protect himself. He's learning to trust, First Rank, and he's flourishing in a stable environment."

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