Home > Worse Guy(40)

Worse Guy(40)
Author: Ruby Dixon

Well, I'm awake now, too. I rock against his seeking hand, gasping when he thrusts one large finger deep inside me. I twist my fingers against the blankets, looking for something to hold onto as he tugs my hips up—

The comm chirps again. And again.

Victor growls, his hand sliding away. His fingers leave my body with a wet sound. "I'll get it."

I bite back my frustration as he gets to his feet, licking his hand. I guess my orgasm has to wait a few minutes. "Answer in the living area," I tell him, running a hand through my dark curls. He's going to want to talk to me, too, so I'd better get dressed. "Tell him he needs a hobby."

Chuckling, Victor slips out of the bedroom, buck naked, and I suspect he intends on giving Novis an eyeful out of revenge. While that makes me smile, it also reminds me that I need to dress quickly, because we can't look as if we rolled out of bed together. I grab my clothes and shove my legs through my pants, swapping out my wrinkled sleep tunic for a fresh one. By the time I drag my hair up into a knot and head out into the living area, I look reasonable.

When I go into the living room, though, Victor has his back to me, his tail twitching over his taut buttocks. I can tell from the set of his shoulders that he's on edge, and there's a series of hard points appearing under the skin of his back, which tells me his spikes are going to pop soon.

"Good morning," I say brightly, and then feign surprise. "Oh, Victor, you're not dressed. Did I interrupt something?"

He moves to the side, glancing at me, and I finally notice the face on the comm screen. It's not Novis at all. It's Lord va'Rin.

I bite back a gasp of shock, because this is completely unexpected. It's always First Rank Novis that checks in on us. Whenever I ask about Lord va'Rin lately, I'm told he's busy, or he's off-planet, or he's in meetings. The impression I get is that he has no time for Victor, so it's startling to see him right now. "Lovely to see you, my lord," I say, putting on my brightest smile. I try not to look over at Victor, because if I do, I'm going to cringe at his blatant nudity. "It's nice of you to check in on Victor's progress."

Lord va'Rin gives us both a studied look. I keep smiling, even though I feel like a faker under his stern gaze. Lord va'Rin probably isn't much older than Victor or myself, but he always looks so proper and somber that I feel like a child in front of him. A naughty, naughty child, I add mentally, thinking of Victor and how he licked his fingers before he came in here.

The lord tilts his head, his long, smooth black hair gleaming almost as brightly as his polished, metallic horns. "Do you often greet your callers in such a fashion, Victor?"

"Only when they call at dawn," Victor retorts, crossing his arms.

Lord va'Rin immediately asks, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Of course not," I chime in, beaming. "We're happy to see you at any hour."

A ghost of a smile curves Lord va'Rin's mouth. "It is indeed early. You'll have to forgive me. I've just returned from being off-world and my schedule is awry." His focus turns to Victor. "I've heard interesting things about your progress. Both First Rank Novis and several of his guardsmen speak highly of your transformation. They say that under Bee's tutelage, you have shown yourself to be non-violent and capable, adaptable, and most of all, willing. In fact, the reports I have received are downright glowing."

I clasp my hands in front of my chin, utterly delighted at the praise Victor's receiving. I want to blurt out his praises, but this moment is for him, not for me. I want him to feel good with all he's accomplished.

Victor only grunts. "I'm not a monster."

"I know you are not. In fact, one of the other clones of Crulden the Ruiner is settled quite happily here on Risda III. That's how I knew you had the potential of being something different than what you were created for. He set a good example. And after glowing reports from"—he glances down, checking something off screen—"Guardsmen Herrix, Akris, Riffin, and First Rank Novis, all of whom have thoroughly interacted with you, I'd like to offer you a position."

I go still the moment Riffin's name is brought up. My mind immediately races—what is he thinking? What new angle is Riffin pursuing? I thought he realized we were done. It's too much for me to hope that he'd come to understand that we're not meant to be together and decided to be the bigger man. Even aliens can be petty. I'm so focused on what Riffin might be up to that it takes a moment for the rest to sink in.

"Position?" Victor asks, a frown on his face.

"Yes. You've proven that you can be trusted, and I've been told that you've got the pump house working in top shape." That small smile plays on Lord va'Rin's mouth again. "So I'd like to offer you a position at another pump house farther down the coast. There's a cottage on the shore I've put aside for you. It's a bit more of a remote location, but it has an excellent garden and orchard, and you'll be well-paid and given an air-sled of your own."

Victor is silent for a long moment. He rubs his chin and then glances over at me. "I…do like a garden. But what about Bee?"

This time, Lord va'Rin's smile is wider. "Bee has shown me that the humans do indeed need a social worker to champion them. You'll have your position, and I've let the port manager know that you're to have an office in town, centrally located, as well as a house of your choosing. We can work out the details of your pay."


Oh. This is wonderful. At least, it should be wonderful. I can't help but feel there's something I'm missing. "Thank you, Lord va'Rin." When he nods, I glance over at Victor, grinning. "You can help me set up my office with that air-sled of yours."

"Actually…" Lord va'Rin's mouth flattens. "Victor will not be close. The position I am offering is on the coast. I have a guard-station there and Victor would be near them. It's quite a lovely stretch of land, but I'm afraid it's nowhere near the human settlements."

Oh. "I see."

Victor takes one look at my face and storms out. I fight back my disappointment, managing a smile somehow. "That wasn't a temper tantrum, by the way. I think he's just a little overwhelmed—"

Lord va'Rin chuckles. "You do not have to defend him to me. I know the difference between frustration and a rampage. I've actually spent quite a bit of time with Crulden's other clone, who goes by the name of Mycrul. They're very similar in some ways and completely different in others. As long as there are no red eyes and spikes, I'm not concerned. But now that we may speak privately, I wanted to ask you…" He gives me a searching look. "You seem unhappy with my offer for employment. Is it not what you wanted?"

Am I that obvious? I always work so hard to disguise my true feelings. It's just… "You're sending Victor away."

The lord nods. "I am. Make no mistake, I think you have worked wonders with him, and I have every confidence in Victor himself. I feel he is trustworthy, and so I want him to have a job where he has the freedom to do as he likes. I want him to be happy."

I swallow hard and manage a bright nod. "I understand."

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