Home > All the Sauce (IceCats #4)(25)

All the Sauce (IceCats #4)(25)
Author: Toni Aleo

I nod. “Things change. People change.”

“You’re absolutely right.”

“And you still are.”

She scrunches up her face in confusion. “What?”

“You’re still too good for me,” I say, leaning in and pressing my lips to her cheek. “So, say yes.”

I pull back, and her lips slowly move up at the side as I take her hand in mine, threading our fingers together. She glances down at our hands and then back up to me. “I’m not dressed for the beach.”

“We can stop and get you a bikini.”

She snorts. “No, we cannot.”

“We can, but I won’t push that. You got on shorts to match that sexy bra of yours?”

Her eyes sparkle. “I do.”

“Then you’re good.” She goes to argue, but I squeeze her hand. “Can you drive? I rode with Dart.”


“All right, let me get my stuff.” I bring her hand up, kissing the back of it before walking away like I just scored one hell of a breakaway goal. I didn’t need a good pass or setup; I had the goal in mind, and I scored.

And I’m nowhere near done with Angie Paxton.



“You honestly drive like a grandma.”

Angie’s eyes widen as she gasps, “I do not! I drive safely!”

I snicker. “Who taught you to drive?”

“My dad.”

“Exactly. Benji is such a cautious driver.”

“Yes, because he doesn’t want to die,” she informs me as we kick off our shoes. “Who taught you to drive?”


She scoffs. “I’m surprised you’re still alive. She’s the worst driver I know.”

I laugh loudly, the sound mixing with the crashing of the waves as we reach the beach. “Funny, that’s what my mom says.”

Angie flashes me a bright smile as I spread out a large blanket that I took from the couch. I pull off my hoodie as she lays out the food from Nauti Dogs on the blanket. We ate the fried avocados on the way to my place because she drives so slowly and I couldn’t wait. I sit down, unloading our bag full of every type of hot dog they had as she sits down across from me. She takes a long pull of her Diet Coke, and I open one of the dogs, digging in.

“God, I’m starving.”

She shakes her head. “You’re always hungry.”

I nod. “I’m a growing boy, but I worked out like three times today.”

Her brow perks. “You did? Why? I struggled to work out once.”

“We had morning skate and then morning conditioning, and I knew you came at night, so I made the guys go bench with me since this morning was all legs.”

She flashes me a small grin. “You came because of me?”

“Uh, yeah. When Evan said you didn’t answer him, I needed to find ya.”

“That’s not creepy at all.”

“I didn’t think so,” I say simply as I take another bite. “Why did you have to force yourself to go today? You’ve been going almost every day, haven’t you?”

She picks at the coleslaw and bacon on her barbecue hot dog. “I have. Been pretty damn consistent, actually, but I had a bad day.”


She shrugs. “You don’t want to hear about my bad day.”

“You’re right. I asked because I was trying to be ‘nice,’” I say with one air quote since I’m stuffing my face with my other hand.

She fights back a grin and gives me a stern look. “Do I get to spank you since you used the nice word?”

I pause mid-bite. “God, yes. Do you want me on all fours?”

She chokes with laughter, and man, I love the sound. It’s throaty and even has a little snort. Super joyful. Especially when her eyes light up like they are right now. Even in the dark, with the light from the moon and from the inside of the house shining on her, I can’t get enough. I want to consume her like I am this hot dog. “Stop.”

“Fine. Tell me about your day, or I will literally get on all fours and wiggle my ass at you.”

More laughter around her bite, and I think I might find the way she eats even sexier. She does this cute little thing where she covers her mouth but looks right in my eyes. God forbid there is sauce on her lips, because that tongue comes out, and I’m left fighting for my next thought. “I’m not sure which I’d rather do.”

“Wow, okay!”

She laughs, her face so bright and happy. I wish she would take off some clothes. She has to be hot, but she stays in her dark-colored sweats. “I told you how I don’t like my boss slash roommate’s boyfriend, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, he’s a dick.”

“Super dick,” she agrees. “He’s just very rude to me, so I told London about it this morning, and she just kind of blew it off. Said I was being sensitive and that he was just messing with me.”

“The fuck?” I say, making a face. “Do you think he is joking around?”

“No, not at all,” she says around the bite she just took. “He’s outwardly being mean to me.”

“What’s he saying?”

She looks away then, shrugging. “Just calls me names.”

“What is he, five? What the hell?”

“Exactly. But according to her, he would never be like that. It’s as if she doesn’t even know him, but what bothered me the most was that she wouldn’t even hear me.”

“She’s not your friend,” I say simply. “A friend would listen to your concerns and address them, even if she doesn’t think them to be true. It’s validating the person, ya know?”

“Exactly!” she says, holding out her hand to me. “Man, your parents really did a good job raising y’all.”

I smile proudly. “It’s true. We’re all amazing,” I joke, and she scoffs.

“So cocky!”

“Hey, I’m only cocky about the stuff I know to be true.” She rolls her eyes, but I’m not done with the whole friend thing. “But you should tell her about herself.”

She shakes her head. “No point. I found out where I stand, so I’ll start looking for another place to live. I just hate to go back there.”

I waggle my brows at her. “You are welcome here. I have an extra bed in my room.”


“It’s Evan’s bed.”

“Y’all still shared a room?”

“Yes. He’s my twin.”

“I can’t with how cute you two are, little best friends.”

She looks up, and I capture her gaze with mine. “Funny, I was just thinking how I can’t with how gorgeous you are.”

She squints at me, fighting back a grin. “Did you grab a beer to look cool?”

“Don’t need one. I’m drunk off the fact that I know you like me,” I retort, and once more, she rolls her eyes.

“So damn cocky. And you must be drunk, because I look like shit.”

I don’t allow her to look away, my eyes burning into hers. I know she doesn’t believe me or even see her beauty, but I do, and I’ll continue to tell her the same until she realizes it.

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