Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(21)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(21)
Author: Dianne Duvall

Beyond that rested a smaller limestone circle that supported a large table with half a dozen chairs.

Bastien and Aidan had again helped him construct it all, which Cliff appreciated more than ever now that he lacked preternatural strength. Those damn stones were heavy! He’d found the fatigue that had struck mere hours into the build both weird and alarming. If Todd hadn’t been there, too, huffing alongside him, Cliff would’ve freaked out.

As it was, Cliff now worked out with heavy weights six days a week, wanting to keep his now-mortal body as strong and fit as possible.

Much to his surprise, Roland Warbrook had shown up the day they’d begun laying the stones and joined the building crew. At Cliff’s no doubt astonished look—the two of them had never been friends, and Bastien would never be one of Roland’s best buds—the elder immortal had merely shrugged. “I was thinking of creating something like this for Sarah.”

Of course he was. Roland loved that woman madly.

Cliff’s lips again curled up in a smile. The sofa and other furniture had been temporarily removed for tonight’s events. The grass along either side of the path was neatly mown. Multiple white chairs formed straight rows on each side of the path. White ribbons and clusters of flowers adorned the railing of the deck and proliferated in the outdoor living area where large pots overflowed with more greenery and colorful blooms. And in the center…

Seth would marry Cliff and Emma.

His heart gave a little leap. He was so excited he had barely slept the previous night.

Bordering the chairs and outdoor living space, the unmown meadow that flowed into the surrounding forest boasted wildflowers of every color of the rainbow.

He shook his head. Tessa had offered them that gift. Apparently she had been born with the ability to manipulate plants. And a week ago, Jared had teleported to the house with two big bags in his hands.

“Tessa asked me to sprinkle these wildflower seeds around the meadow,” he’d informed them. Then, without asking their consent, he had proceeded to do just that.

A couple of days later, it rained. Shortly afterward, Jared returned with Tessa at his side.

While Cliff and Emma had watched her curiously, Tessa had knelt in the meadow, flattened both hands on the ground, dug her fingers into the moist soil a little, then closed her eyes.

To their complete and utter astonishment, a profusion of green stalks had risen above the wild grasses, producing a sea of colorful flowers.

“That’s amazing,” Emma had whispered.

Cliff could only nod, speechless.

Tessa had smiled as she rose, then staggered.

Jared was at her side in a heartbeat, brow furrowed as he wrapped an arm around her to shore her up.

“I’m fine.” She’d smiled up at him. “I just need to rest.”

Cliff’s gaze found Tessa now in the small crowd gathered near the chairs. She did indeed seem fine, smiling as she chatted with Ami.

Marcus stood nearby with Aidan and Dana. Todd and Cynthia were there, too. Cliff had even invited Reordon. The network head stood off to the side, looking antsy as hell because he wasn’t used to taking time off. Beside him, Kate met Cliff’s gaze, nodded her head toward her boss, and rolled her eyes.

Cliff fought a laugh.

Emma’s family had arrived the previous day and mingled with the rest, who were careful not to do anything that might reveal their immortality or special gifts. The Williamses were understandably surprised by the suddenness of his and Emma’s nuptials since she hadn’t mentioned him to them until he’d become human. They would’ve wanted to meet him if she had. And Cliff had thought it unwise. Growling and snarling comments at people who weren’t there would’ve no doubt given them a bad impression.

Once her family had seen the two of them together, however, much of their concern seemed to recede. His father’s had as well.

That had been a heartrending reunion. Cliff had thought his father was going to have a heart attack. He’d been stunned, relieved, and furious all at once when he’d dragged Cliff into a tight hug and wept. Reordon had been unable to come up with an explanation for Cliff’s long absence and faked death. So Seth had agreed to let him try the truth. Emma had accompanied Cliff when he’d gone to see his father. And he’d needed her support. Seth had accompanied them as well, ready to step in and bury his father’s memory of the conversation if it went really wrong.

Or to provide proof that Cliff wasn’t talking out of his ass when he rambled on about vampires and immortals.

That had actually ended up being necessary. Nothing like watching Seth shape-shift into a lion to drive the reality of seeming unreality home.

Emma’s family, however, remained oblivious to his vampiric past and Emma’s true vocation.

A heavy hand clapped Cliff on the back, nearly sending him stumbling forward. He swore.

Bastien laughed. He loved rubbing Cliff’s lack of preternatural strength in his face now.

Melanie grinned and winked as she scaled the few steps to the deck. Cynthia broke away from Todd and followed Melanie.

Bastien shook his head as Melanie blew him a kiss. “I can’t believe we ended up with such perfect women.”

Cliff smiled. “Me either.”

His friend nodded at the guests. “Are you nervous?”

“Hell no. I’ve been dreaming of this for years. I just… sometimes freak out, thinking it isn’t real.”

Bastien again clapped him on the back, gentler this time. “It’s real, my friend.”

They watched Melanie duck into the house where Emma’s mother was helping Emma don her wedding finery and do whatever else it was women did to get ready on their wedding day. Or, in this instance, wedding night. Cliff had wanted his immortal friends to be able to attend. He wished Stuart and Miguel could attend, too. But both had trouble keeping their eyes from glowing.

“I still don’t know what Melanie sees in me,” Bastien murmured.

Cynthia tossed them a wave and joined the women inside. Feminine laughter drifted out of the house before the door closed.

Cliff’s smile widened. “I know exactly what Emma sees in me.”

His face lighting with amusement, Bastien arched a brow. “Really?”

“Absolutely. She loves my intelligence, my sense of humor, my strength, my affectionate nature, my passion, and my hot body.”

Bastien stared at him, unblinking. “Nothing wrong with your self-esteem, is there?”

Cliff laughed. “Emma told me that almost every time she saw me struggling. She didn’t want me to ever forget it.”

Smiling, Bastien shook his head. “I’ll ask you again. How did we end up falling in love with the two most perfect women in existence?”

“I don’t know. But I never would’ve met Emma if it weren’t for you.”

Bastien snorted. “And I wouldn’t have stayed with the Immortal Guardians long enough to meet Melanie if it weren’t for you.”

Surprised, Cliff studied him. “Really?”

“Hell yes. When Seth forced me into the fold, I planned to just bide my time until he and David stopped watching me like hawks, then leave.” His smile turned wry. “I didn’t know back then that Seth can locate us anytime he wants to unless we’re in that peculiar state of hibernation.”

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