Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(34)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(34)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

He seemed to lose his balance, but she was there, holding him, willing him to stand for just a little longer while they sought the bliss she knew they could achieve together. After this, she swore, she was going to teach this man how to swim at the first opportunity, but for now, it was enough just to be in his arms, in the water. She felt protected—and protective of him—in an unexpected way.

She hadn’t had many lovers in the past, but she’d never felt about any man the way she felt about Luc. Having only known him a short time, she already felt a soul-deep connection with him that would not be denied. That and the amazing passion that rose between them at the slightest provocation…well…it was a heady combination.

She could admit, in the privacy of her own mind, that she did, in fact, love him. Hard as she’d fought against it, she had fallen hard for the fey warrior who was like no other man she had ever known. And yet, he had all the best qualities of the men she had admired in her life. Loyalty, honor, skill with arms, respect for all those he met, quick wits and tempered strength. She’d seen him with his family and had no doubt of the depth of his feelings for those he loved.

That he might love her in return—even just a little—made her heart leap in her chest.

His tempo increased again, and she couldn’t hold it in any longer. A high-pitched groan ripped from her chest as she reached for and found the pleasure only Luc had ever shown her.

She felt him shudder, and for a moment, they were floating free until Luc got his feet back under himself. She wasn’t worried. She was a strong swimmer, and if he’d needed her help, she would be ready to give it. After she enjoyed the bliss he’d brought her a little longer.

Floating sounded really good, but she didn’t want to leave him in the water that seemed to scare him. Yet, he’d still rushed into the lake when he’d thought she was in trouble. Wonder filled her heart all over. He’d been willing to risk his own safety in a large body of water he wasn’t skilled at navigating to rescue her. He’d rushed into the lake, without thought for his own safety. That had to mean he really cared. Didn’t it?

She looked out over the water and saw the last orange and red rays of the setting sun. With a sigh, she rested her head on Luc’s shoulder.

“I wish I could freeze this moment in time,” she mused, feeling satisfied and lethargic after the lovely, long moments of pleasure.

She felt him rubbing his chin against the top of her head. The affectionate gesture made her smile softly.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen again, but I can’t say I’m upset about it,” he admitted in a low rumble. “I tried to stay away, but I just don’t think I can.”

“Same here,” she admitted, still watching the pretty colors in the sky and the reflections on the lightly rippling waters of the lake.

“My heart nearly stopped when I saw how far out you were in the water,” he admitted, his tone wry.

She lifted her head off his shoulder and turned to smile at him. “Someday, I’m going to teach you how to swim.”

He smiled back. “I’ll hold you to that. You looked like a fish when you swam back to me. Or one of those mythical mermaids from a sea story.” He stroked her cheek with a gentle hand. “Have you ever seen the sea?”

She nodded. “Once. My family journeyed to the shore once when I was young. I will never forget the vastness of the water or the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. It was majestic.”

“Someday, I would like to see it,” he admitted, a faraway look in his eyes. “Though we who live under the Veil seldom travel far from it.” He shook his head regretfully.

“Maybe that will change,” Lilly said. “Things are already changing,” she reminded him. “If your people ally with my King, I suspect there will need to be more traveling outside your protected Veil in the future.”

He tilted his head, as if considering her words. “You could be right.” His tone was much lighter than it had been, even as the sky darkened.

“We’d better get back to camp before we lose light completely,” she said, feeling the regret deep in her bones. How she wished she could just stay here, with Luc, forever.

“You are wise beyond your years,” he teased as he began walking toward shore. He paused to remove his clothing and work on washing it with handfuls of scrubweed while she left the water completely and put on the change of clothing she’d brought with her.

“What are you going to wear?” she asked, looking around as she gathered up her wet things. He had not brought a spare shirt or pants with him.

“I’ll just put these back on,” he replied with a shrug as her brows rose.

“But they’re sopping wet,” she objected.

“Not for long once Shilayla sees me,” he reminded her with a grin. “She’ll dry out your washing, too, if you like. Having a dragon around makes some tasks a lot easier, you’ll find.”

Lilly shook her head in wonder. “It never occurred to me. I was just going to lay these wet things by the fire overnight.”

Luc shrugged as he put his wet shirt back on after rinsing it out thoroughly. “That works, too, I guess.”

They walked back to their little campsite, arm in arm. There was no going back now, Lilly realized. Being together might be more painful in the end, but at the moment, it was much more difficult to be apart. Of course, they might not get another chance to make love on this journey, now that they were nearing civilization and the end of their quest. Once they were around other people, it would be more difficult to be seen as a couple.

Particularly in King Alric’s court, it was important that Luc be seen as an independent representative of his people. They would have to hide their relationship, lest the courtiers start gossiping and undermining the alliance. Lilly was just a messenger, after all. Few knew the extent to which Alric trusted and depended on her, and the King and Lilly both wanted to keep it that way.




Shilayla and Zallra were lazing around the campfire one of them must have lit when Luc and Lilly returned to camp. He had set the logs and kindling in the circle of stones other travelers had conveniently left, but had not kindled a flame, preferring to clean up first and knowing he could not leave a fire unattended. The dragons had taken care of lighting it, and both were in a semi-conscious state after having eaten their fill of whatever game they’d been able to catch. Shilayla’s rounded stomach proved she had eaten well.

Luc let her be, knowing his heartmate often slept after ingesting a big meal. He would stand watch while the two dragons rested.

Used to standing watch alone while Shilayla slept when they were on duty, Luc was delighted by the fact that Lilly sat up with him, sharing quiet conversation around the campfire. She told him more about her family’s trip to the sea when she was a child, and the wonders that could be found in or near the ocean. He told her about life under the Veil and the various festivals they celebrated. He also talked of his expected elevation to guard, which both he and Shilayla were anticipating with eagerness. Though, he admitted to her, now that he’d traveled more widely, he would miss the freedom of being a scout.

The Guard trained constantly but were called into action only rarely. The Scouts had much more freedom to pass beneath the Veil and fly free in the outer lands.

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