Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(37)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(37)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

“We have noted an increase in criminal activity in the city and have already taken steps to increase patrols,” Jimnel reported. “But I will have a word with my men and see if I can’t enlist the aid of certain helpful individuals I have used before.”

“Spies, Captain?” Lilly couldn’t resist teasing him. Jimnel had been one of her father’s best students and was a longtime family friend.

Jimnel winked at her. “Indeed, Miss Lil. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He sobered when he turned back to Luc. “But come, I suspect that the King is eager to speak with you.”

Lilly looked upward as Luc turned to the captain.

“Just one more thing and we will go within.”

Shilayla made tight circles, and she descended into the courtyard as graceful as could be. Landing with only a small, delicate hop, she stood at Luc’s side, her large head cocked to one side as she folded her wings, much to the delight of the onlookers. Several gasps were heard from the crowd when she appeared and low, admiring murmurs followed them as they walked through the large portal and into the castle proper.

Lilly walked proudly beside the fair-headed warrior and his dragon partner, knowing a moment of satisfaction like no other when they entered the great hall and saw King Alric there, sitting on his throne, waiting for them. She knew from the glint in his sightless eyes that he’d already been told of their arrival.

“Glad I am to have you returned at last, Mistress Lilly,” the King spoke as they approached. “And you bring new friends, I hear.”

“My Liege.” She walked right up to the dais and sank to one knee before her King, the man she would follow to hell itself. “I bring Scout Captain Lucassian of the fair folk and his dragon partner, Lady Shilayla, as emissaries to your court.”




King Alric’s smile widened as his eyes tracked uselessly about the room. “You’ve done very well, Mistress Lilly, and will be rewarded for your good service to the kingdom. Please be welcome, Scout Captain and Lady Shilayla. I hoped your people would receive my emissary well but did not expect such quick response in kind.”

Luc bowed, as did Shilayla, though Alric could see them not. “Thank you, Your Majesty. We bear greetings and news from the Council of Elders of the enclave under the Veil.”

Alric stood decisively and stepped off the dais. He had long ago memorized the layout of his castle and was secure enough to move around freely within it. Lilly knew he sometimes despaired of being prisoner within his own home, but he detested having to lean on anyone else or be led around like a cripple when venturing outside his domain.

“Come with me, Scout Captain. Lilly, is the inner chamber suitable for the Lady?” Lilly knew his even having to ask that question was a blow to his pride, but Alric could not see the dragon and did not know if she would fit through the doors or in the rooms. Lilly moved to the King’s side, a position she had taken many times in the past.

“Lady Shilayla will be most comfortable, My Liege.”

“You are a kind man to consider my comfort.”

Lilly heard Shilayla’s melodic voice in her mind, and from the way King Alric’s shoulders stiffened, Lilly thought he did, too. Lilly shot a glance at Luc, and his raised eyebrow told her he’d seen the same thing she had.

“My Liege, if you would permit, I can guarantee your safety with our emissaries. Will you allow the rest of your Guard to remain outside while we talk? There are things best kept quiet for now that you need to know.”

“I have long trusted your guidance, Lilly. I will do so now.”

Lilly nodded at the royal guards who stood near, on either side of the King, should he have need of them. They were two of her good friends, Misha and Relin. They both trusted her, as she trusted them. She knew they would remain just outside the closed door, preventing any trouble or eavesdroppers.

The King led the way to his private inner chamber, but Lilly preceded him into the room itself to check for danger before Alric entered.

“The room is clear, Your Majesty.” She spoke the formal words for which he waited before entering. It was a ritual that had developed over years of the Royal Guard working with a blind King.

Alric entered and walked directly to his favorite chair, taking a seat as Luc and Shilayla entered behind.

“Please be seated wherever you like,” Alric invited. “I do not stand on formality in my private chambers.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Luc’s musical voice moved as he did, and Alric’s head swiveled to follow his motion across the room and into the chair on Alric’s right.

“May I sit at your feet?” Shilayla asked point blank.

Lilly looked at Luc and back to the King, waiting to see if he really did hear the dragon. She shouldn’t have been surprised when he answered her directly.

“Please do, milady. I can feel your heat already, and it is comforting in this cold hall.”

“Thank you, King Alric.” The little purr in Shilayla’s voice signaled her satisfaction to all who could hear her.

“I rarely regret my loss of sight anymore, but right now, I wish I could see you, Lady Shilayla. I feel your warmth and your magic, but I have no real idea of what you look like.” The wistfulness in Alric’s tone touched Lilly’s heart.

Shilayla settled in front of the King, in the space between the chairs and the fireplace that had no fire at the moment. She raised her head directly in front of the King and held still.

“You can touch me, if that will help.” She went on to describe her position, and Lilly found herself holding her breath as Alric reached out to touch the dragon’s scaly head. The smile that lit his face and curved his lips in such a free and open expression was so beautiful, she had to look away. Tears gathered behind her eyes as she met Luc’s equally emotional gaze.

Luc held her attention as the King and the dragon communed silently. Something passed between Luc and Lilly, too. Something neither could put into words, but both felt. She yearned for him but despaired at what could never be. Her heart already missed him, though her mind knew they still had work to do together.

“You are beautiful, Lady Shilayla.” Lilly had never heard quite that tone from her King. “I thank you for your generous heart.”

Shilayla’s great head moved back to settle on her folded front legs.

“Dragon sense can see into the heart of a man, King Alric, and I have seen into yours. My kind will be glad of our alliance.”

Lilly started, looking at Luc, but he only smiled with satisfaction. He’d known all along that Shilayla would be testing the King’s mettle. A quick glance at Alric’s amused expression said that he, too, now understood the dragon’s role.

“You are a crafty and noble creature, milady. My people can only benefit from contact with you and your kind.”

“You may not know this, but many centuries ago, snow dragons wintered here in your land. I have heard from the elders about the crystal ice caves in your mountains. If you are willing, I would like to explore them tomorrow while you do business with Luc. I have already done most of what I came to do in meeting you and taking your measure.”

“And I suspect checking out the defenses and possible hiding places in the mountains is another part of your mission here,” Alric asked without rancor. The faint smile around his lips indicated both amusement and admiration.

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