Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(42)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(42)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

Regardless, she had decided that she was going to enjoy these stolen moments with him, for they would likely never come again. If this was all they were to have together, then she would take what she could get and not look back. She didn’t want to regret wasted moments in the future…when she was, once again, alone.

Luc brought her to a high peak of pleasure with his mouth then stalked his way up her body, leaving her no room to move while he claimed her fully. He slid within, holding her gaze as he took possession, and she welcomed him in her body…and in her soul.

They made love, again and again, long into the night. Lilly lost all reason and most of her heart in those stolen hours, but she found, with the morning light, she could not regret it. Luc had given her the most amazing pleasure she had ever known, and she liked to think she’d done a bit of the same for him. She’d been daring. She’d been wild. She’d done things to him, and with him, that she’d only ever dreamed of before. She’d enjoyed every stolen, scandalous moment. Her only regret was, when morning came, they’d had to part and pretend to the rest of the court that they were mere acquaintances rather than fiery lovers.




The next morning, Luc and Lilly breakfasted early in the great hall with the sleepy court then went out into the castle forecourt to meet Shilayla. She spiraled down into the paved area in front of the main doorway with grace and ease, much to the delight of the early risers who watched from wherever they were able to see.

Luc greeted his heartmate with joy. It was always strange to be parted from Shilayla for any length of time. He was glad to have her back with him, and he knew she felt the same.

“It’s almost time for our meeting,” Lilly reminded them after greeting Shilayla’s return with genuine warmth. “I’ve been thinking of a route to the council chamber that is large enough for you, milady,” she said to the dragon. “If you’ll both follow me, I’ll take you around to the west entrance.”

While Lilly led them through the castle via hallways tall enough for Shilayla to pass comfortably, Luc and his heartmate spoke silently of what she had seen. They’d been in communication for some time already before she had landed, but Luc hadn’t spoken of the dire news she brought to Lilly yet. Better she hear it along with her King. Nevertheless, Luc knew his expression had to be stormy. Luckily, Lilly was too preoccupied ferrying them through the hallways to notice.

When they arrived at the council chamber, a place had been cleared for Shilayla to sit in the middle of the floor, with narrow tables around her in a U-shape. Luc was pleased by the King’s—or perhaps his steward’s—thoughtfulness. The arrangement would make it much easier for Shilayla to participate. Luc knew, once the assembled strategists heard what she had to report, she would be the focus of attention until they had learned all she could tell them.

“Lady Shilayla, welcome back to our court,” Alric began formally. “Please tell us what you have discovered?”

“Your Majesty,” Shilayla began in her silent speech, speaking to all those who could hear her in the room. “First, I must explain that it is very rare for people to be able to hear me speak. I know that you can, as can Lilly and Luc, of course, but may I ask…” She turned her head to look at the other men in the room. “Can you hear me, Captain? General?”

To Luc’s surprise, both men nodded. Jimnel spoke first. “It is a strange thing to hear a dragon speak, but I can.”

“As can I,” General Brighton agreed. “Though, I will confess, I am also able to communicate with virkin, the small creatures in Elderland that fly. Of course, I do not compare you, milady, with such tiny beings, but I have been told that it is a rare skill to be able to communicate with them, and perhaps, that is related in some way.”

Shilayla tilted her head and bowed it slightly in acknowledgment. “I am glad to be able to speak plainly rather than through my heartmate for the news I bear is grave.” She turned back to address the King. “King Alric, there is a mercenary army gathering in the wasteland. They hide in some of the ice caverns I was sent to explore, and many of the merc companies are openly camping on the land. Their campfires stretched far into the distance when I spied them last night, and this morning, it was clear from above, that many have been living and training there for some time. They’ve established encampments with pathways connecting them to food and water sources. Almost like small towns with operating smithies, taverns and other support structures. From above, the paths that have been ground down to bare dirt in many cases look to be months old. The foundations of roads and cart tracks.”

“How far back did your accounting clerk check the road fee records?” Alric asked the general crisply.

“Only a season.” General Brighton’s expression darkened. “I will have him go farther back in the records, My Liege, and I apologize for not realizing this could have been going on for a lot longer than I thought.”

Alric held up a calming hand. “Do not berate yourself, General. None of us thought this kind of thing could happen under our very noses. I’m sure there is plenty of blame to go around, starting and ending with me. I’m supposed to be able to foresee problems before they get this advanced.”

“Not if your sight is being interfered with, sire,” Lilly said softly. “I saw how it affected the seers under the Veil. If the same kind of thing has been sent against you—and I believe it must have been more subtle or you would have sensed it as you sensed what was sent against those under the Veil—then you are not to blame.”

“You are kind to say so, Lilly,” Alric replied, “but I am ultimately responsible for what happens in the kingdom. Otherwise, what good is having a King at all?” Alric shook his head and chuckled wryly. “Regardless of blame, we need to come up with a plan for how to fix this. I have foreseen my city overrun, and I do not like it one bit. We must stop it. We will stop it.”

The door to the council chamber opened, and Zallra walked in. “Forgive me, Your Majesty,” she said almost at once. “I was delayed meeting with my brethren in the city, and I bring news.”

“Be welcome, Lady Zallra,” Alric replied graciously. “Tell me what you have learned.”

“King Alric, the news is grave,” she began, walking to stand beside Shilayla to face the King and his council. “The Jinn have already evacuated the city for the most part. Families and people with no fighting skills have left their homes and businesses to others who may be of some help to us in the coming trials. It is not commonly known outside the Jinn Brotherhood, but we have fighting companies made up of loyal Jinn fighters. They train together and travel separately wherever we need them to go. The elders who watch over your city requested cadres of fighters be moved in quietly over the past year or so, and they have taken the places of our non-combatant brethren.” Zallra nodded to both the captain and the general. “It is a great secret among our people, but as our Queen has said many times, the time for secrets is at an end. Our fighters are seasoned by going out among the best of the merc companies and learning their craft. They retire to bring back that knowledge and skill to our people while the younger fighters go out to learn the same way. There are even a few mercenary companies made up wholly of our brethren, though few would realize it. Even now, some of them are gathered in the wasteland, biding their time and sending back as much information as they dare to the spymaster based in your city.”

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