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Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(41)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

Lilly almost wished she had someone like Shilayla—human or dragon or whatever—in her own life. A friend… Or a lover. That could work, too.

“There is one other matter I would like to discuss before we meet your advisors, Your Majesty. I would like to introduce you to the Jinn spymaster of Valdis Maj,” Zallra stated boldly, loud enough to tear Lilly from her reverie. “Will you come with me, into the city tonight?”

Lilly sat upright as Alric did his best to hide his disappointment. He’d been livelier than she’d seen him in years, but this reminder of his limitations brought all the weariness back to his tall frame. Lilly interceded.

“Milady,” she sought Zallra’s attention. “King Alric seldom leaves his castle. A precaution for his safety, you understand. Perhaps, you could invite the spymaster here to meet with him?”

Zallra’s expression held both understanding and sorrow at the King’s limitations. “Spies are secretive by nature, their master doubly so. If he comes here, it will have to be a clandestine visit. He will not wish to be seen.”

“I could pass him through the gate myself,” Lilly volunteered. “Perhaps, they could meet in the garden. My liege often goes into the garden at night when the moonflowers are blooming. His taking a stroll would not be remarked. Only his Guard need be with him.”

Zallra seemed to think about it for a moment. “Can the Guard be sent away during the actual meeting, so they do not see the spymaster?”

Lilly made a face. “That will not be easy to accomplish, but I might be able to persuade them to allow me to stand in their place for a few moments while the meeting takes place. They could wait a short distance away where they could not see the spymaster but would be able to hear a summons.”

“That might work,” Zallra allowed. “I will set it up for tomorrow night, if I can. I will let you know tomorrow afternoon if it is possible.”

Once that was settled, Alric sent Lilly to the closed door to invite the others into the chamber. She knew the men who waited, and they greeted her as old friends. Guard Captain Jimnel was there, of course, as head of castle security. General Brighton, leader of the King’s army was also there. Both men had been students of Lilly’s father when they were much younger. She worked for Jimnel as a special part of Alric’s Guard, but she hadn’t seen General Brighton in a long time. He was usually kept busy out in the countryside, working with his troops and seeing to the safety of the borders.

Jimnel and Brighton gave reports on the state of readiness of their troops. Jimnel had responsibility for both the Castle Guard and the City Guard folded under his authority, in such cases, and he delivered the report on the preparedness of the city should the worst happen. Brighton’s report was longer, since he had more troops in the field and a much broader area of responsibility.

Brighton’s words were all the more important because of his background. General Samnir Brighton had been a mercenary commander for a long portion of his career before settling in Alric’s domain and pledging his sword and allegiance to the Blind King. Brighton also still had good contacts in the Mercenary Guild. Generally, guild members were allowed within the borders of Alric’s lands, as long as they were in good standing and adhered to the tenants of the Mercenary Code. Whole companies were permitted to travel through the country on their way to jobs in other lands, as long as they paid the road fee and didn’t cause trouble, though the hiring of entire companies of mercs was not permitted to the nobles that lived under Alric’s banner.

If they had a squabble, it would be settled by Alric, in his court. He did not permit his nobles to hire private armies and go around destroying each other’s lands, crops, livestock and, most importantly, the people who tended them.

“My contacts in the Mercenary Guild were unusually silent,” Brighton reported. “But I took the liberty of having the road fee records collated and analyzed by a young lieutenant who usually handles supply and logistics for the garrisons, and it’s clear that large numbers of mercenaries, traveling as organized companies, have been crossing into the wasteland between our border and the snowlands. After they cross the border, we have no idea where they go or what they are doing, which is troubling considering the numbers involved. If it was just one or two merc companies, it would not be a big deal, but we’re talking about dozens of fully equipped, seasoned fighting companies. If they all work together, the size and strength of their army would easily rival our own.”

“If I may…” Luc put in, seeking their attention. Alric waved at him to speak. “My heartmate, Lady Shilayla, is flying reconnaissance over the wastelands as we speak. She was given leave to investigate the ice caverns that were known of old among her kind and will swing over the waste on her way back. Her eyesight is far better than any of ours, and while her white scales aren’t exactly invisible at night, she can see a lot from a great distance. Campfires, for instance.” He paused to let that sink in, then continued, “She will return tomorrow, flying high in the morning sky, where it will be hard for anyone on the ground to spot her. I suspect she will have a great deal to report when she returns.”

“Then, we must reconvene this council tomorrow morning,” Alric proclaimed. They spoke for a little longer, but eventually, Alric dismissed them for the night.

Without Shilayla hovering nearby, Lilly felt a little less conspicuous when she followed Luc up to his suite of rooms after dinner. They had agreed to talk more about the events of the day, but as soon as the door closed behind them, she found herself in his arms, words forgotten in place of need.

She had missed being able to touch him freely during the day. She had thirsted for his touch, for his kiss. Lilly gave in to the need and kissed him deeply, pressing herself against him as he lifted her and carried her to the wide bed at the far side of the room.

Their clothing was dealt with in between kisses and gasps of pleasure as each sought to excite the other. She was learning his body, beginning to know, after their short time together, what worked to entice him onto the path to rapture. He did the same, touching her in places and in ways that made her yearn for more.

Breathlessly, she undressed him as he did the same for her. He pushed her back onto the bed at one point, kissing each bit of skin he exposed with a deliberation that stole her reason. She lost track of time and space, existing in the moment as he spread her legs and placed little nibbling kisses starting at her knee and working his way up her inner thigh. When he reached the apex, she cried out his name and reached down to run her fingers into his hair.

Luc didn’t seem to be in any hurry, and after a few moments of intense shock at what he was doing to her, neither was she. Lilly was learning things from the way he made love to her. Things she hadn’t ever dreamed of when she’d been with the few others whom she had shared pleasure with in the past. There was just no comparison between those encounters and what she felt now with Luc.

Perhaps, it was because he was one of the magical fair folk. Or, perhaps, it was just because he was Luc. A man she had only just met, but who had fascinated her from the first moment. He’d impressed her in so many ways. She admired him, and she was intrigued by him. She knew a part of her heart was his already.

When they inevitably parted, she would never be the same, but she knew her duty. She also knew that a relationship between them had never been in the cards. He was fey. She was human. He lived in the far north while her oaths had been sworn long ago to Alric and his land.

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