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Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(50)
Author: Bianca D'Arc




What Lilly had feared was going to be a bloody battle at the border turned into something quite different. The unaligned merc companies mostly milled around as their leaders discussed their options. The Jinn merc leadership rode forward into the midst of those who had been on the march and were now being held at the border with a dragon escort. Nobody dared attack the Jinn mercs with such formidable allies.

Company by company, the Jinn mercenaries either extended an invitation to the mercenaries to remain in the wasteland with them or sent them on their way. The Jinn had detailed information about every mercenary company and commander, which they passed on to the ice dragons.

Lady Essalynn had surprised them all by announcing that the ice dragons were taking on the task of seeing that the merc troops that were leaving through the pass with Elderland made it back to their own lands safely. What that really meant, which everyone could clearly see, was that each merc company that left was going to have a very big, very dangerous babysitter to make sure they didn’t do anything bad on their way out of town.

Some of the mercenary companies were glad to accept the Jinn invitation to set up camp in the wasteland and spend the off season there. Too much had already been spent on travel, and they had been camped in the area for a long time and were comfortable there, for now. The Jinn would see to it that those who remained in the wasteland that the Jinn were now responsible for remained good neighbors, both to the other merc companies arrayed around the area and Alric’s people just over the river.

Before long, Lilly realized, they were able to leave the details to the Jinn merc commanders and the ice dragons, in consultation with Colonel Weathers and his people. They were off to a good start, and bloodshed had been avoided for the most part. She turned to find Luc deep in conversation with his brother, the two snow dragons who were the brothers’ heartmates standing side by side. Lilly went over to them.

“I think we can leave these good folk to their own devices now,” she announced when Luc and Det turned toward her. “For myself, I’d like to get back to the capital.”

“I would prefer that, as well,” Det said quickly. “I have brought messages from the Council of Elders to King Alric that should be delivered as soon as possible.”

“Lady Essalynn is staying here to oversee the withdrawal,” Lilly reported. “The rest of the ice dragons will stay or go at her command. Some are going to be escorting the unwelcome merc companies back where they came from.”

“A clever plan,” Det agreed, smiling. “That will keep them under control.” He turned to look at what might have otherwise been a carnage-filled battlefield, but was, instead, a mass of humanity sprinkled with dragons of white and silver, watching over all, keeping the peace. “I can leave half the battalion here to help the ice dragons and begin making friends. The other half will still make an impressive showing to the people of the capital, I think.”

“They will be wowed by even a few dragons, Sir Detlif,” Lilly told him. “I suspect the bards are already working overtime just commemorating Lady Shilayla. You will send them into a frenzy when you appear with such a large number.”


Lilly was proven right a few hours later, when the flight of dragons wheeled low over a cheering city. The dragons trumpeted a cheerful greeting and dipped their wings as their riders waved to the children who jumped up and own with excitement in the streets below. Det and Gren directed the Guard duos to land on the battlements of Alric’s castle, spaced equally along the walls in a calculated display, while Gren followed Shilayla down into the courtyard itself.

Luc introduced his brother to the guardsmen and Lilly escorted the two white dragons and their riders into the castle. She was talking with Jimnel as they walked.

“Lady Zallra is formidable,” Jimnel was saying as Luc caught up with them. “She stopped the assassination before it could begin, and we have all the attackers in custody, though most are still unconscious.”

“They were castle servants?” Lilly seemed upset, and well she should be, Luc thought. For Alric’s home to be infiltrated by enemies was a grave situation.

“Of long standing,” Jimnel replied, his expression dark. “It seems there have been malicious agents in our midst for a very long time.”

“So, why did they reveal themselves now?” Luc asked, wondering aloud.

“It could be the new alliances with your folk,” Jimnel replied as they walked, “or it could be the presence of Lady Zallra. Our King’s enemies have targeted him, personally, for years. They stole his sight and made him a virtual prisoner of his own castle. It feels like they don’t want him to know any joy whatsoever, and it’s clear to us all that the Lady brings our King joy. Those who are loyal are happy for him. Those who are not…” He let that thought trail off.

“It’s so unfair,” Lilly said, with feeling. “My King does not deserve this. He never did. He was a child when the first attacks came and blinded him. He had barely had time to do anything in his life to engender such animosity in his enemies. It doesn’t really make sense.”

“Evil seldom makes sense to those with good hearts,” Grennulf made himself heard among the group that was nearing the audience chamber.

“Too true, Sir Grennulf,” Jimnel replied as he opened the massive outer door to the large audience hall.

Lilly led the way to the dais where Alric sat with Lady Zallra in attendance, seated just behind his throne, where the guardsmen usually kept watch. Lilly was a little surprised by the new arrangement but didn’t let it throw her off her stride. Zallra had proven her worth as a protector beyond the shadow of a doubt. Since others in the castle had already proven their duplicity, Zallra was the logical being to trust in such a vital role of protection for the King at this moment.

Lilly made her formal bow before the King and spoke loudly so all in attendance could hear. A small number of courtiers were in the hall, probably brought by the rumors of assassination attempts, to make certain their King still lived. Among them were cabinet ministers and other men of power who sometimes consulted with their liege lord on their specialist topics.

Lilly noticed Lord Orthan, in his usual loud colors, watching with interest. She didn’t really like him, but he was always in the castle for one reason or another. He was a fixture, it seemed, and just as easy to dismiss from her mind.

“My Liege, I present to you, Guard Captain Detlif and his heartmate, Sir Grennulf. They have come, along with a full battalion of fighting dragons and their heartmates, in support of our new alliance. He has left the bulk of his forces at the border, to help with the dispersal of the mercenary companies that tried to infiltrate over the northern bridge, but a phalanx of dragons and their heartmates is currently stationed on your battlements.”

Alric stood and reached out his hand toward Detlif. Without hesitation, Det strode forward, mounting the bottom step of the dais to reach up and grasp the King’s hand. It was a symbolic handshake, signifying the King’s esteem.

“Thank you, Sir Detlif and Sir Grennulf, for intervening at such a critical time. I have already received reports of the action on the border and am intrigued to hear whatever more you can tell me. I welcome our alliance and your presence here in Valdis Maj.” Alric stepped back and sat down on his throne once more.

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