Home > Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(51)

Snow Dragon (Dragon Knights #13)(51)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

“King Alric, I am glad to be here, and thank you for your welcome,” Det stated diplomatically. “Since your gift which allowed the seers under the Veil to see clearly once more, they have been very active. It was they that sent us at this time to that place. They were very particular in their orders, and they bade me tell you that the horrific visions of flames and death have changed for the better.”

Alric was nodding. “For me, also, though I believe someone, or something, is still trying to interfere with those of us who can see ahead in this land.”

“Ah,” Detlif said, reaching into his tunic and withdrawing a sharply pointed crystal suspended on a leather thong. “Lady Elira crafted this for you at Lady Dela’s instruction. They both have seats on our Council of Elders. One is a sorceress, and one a seer. It is not often they work together.”

“Then, I am suitably honored,” Alric said, even as Zallra stepped forward to take the crystal from Detlif.

“It is safe and impressive magic.” Zallra handed the item to Alric.

“Lady Zallra is another new, and highly valued, ally,” Alric said, introducing her to Det and Gren. He made a further statement by holding her hand longer than strictly necessary.

Lilly saw understanding dawn over Det’s face as he stepped back down off the dais, but it was Gren who spoke next.

“The seers told us the black and the white would come together, but we did not fully understand until Shilayla’s message reached us of your presence, Lady Zallra. We snow dragons are eager to share the sky with the black dragon.”

Zallra nodded, smiling slightly. “Your words are very kind, Sir Grennulf. It has been a long time since any of my kind spent time among snow dragons. Shilayla has been a most agreeable traveling companion, and I’m certain my Clan will be interested in renewing our acquaintance with your people.”

While Zallra spoke, it was obvious to Lilly that Alric was in the grip of a vision. He held the crystal in one hand and gripped the arm of his throne tightly with the other, but he didn’t seem to be in distress. Others probably didn’t notice it, but Lilly had been close to Alric many times when his visions overtook him, and she was familiar with the signs.

He emerged from it a moment later, his hand unclenching from the armrest as he sat back. “Sir Detlif, I have seen a future with dragons in the skies above Valdis Maj,” Alric stated, surprising all within hearing distance.

Detlif started a bit but recovered quickly. “The Council of Elders has directed me to speak with you regarding a mutual aid pact. Our heartmates will be talking with the ice dragons about sharing the caves in your northernmost territories, and I have been asked to broker a deal that would allow a small number of dragons and their heartmates to live here, in your capital, in rotation. Their mission would be to aid you and your people in whatever way they can while those of us who have been cut off from the rest of the world for so long begin to venture out, into the surrounding lands, once more. We have lived under the Veil for centuries, but it has been foreseen that our time of seclusion is at an end.”

Murmurs among the courtiers rose in volume. Even Lilly had not expected such a grand statement, but she was encouraged by the idea that the enclave under the Veil would not be in hiding much longer. Perhaps, that meant she could have a bit more stolen time with Luc.

“There is a further message from the seers, Your Majesty, but perhaps, it would be better given in private,” Det said quietly.

Alric nodded. “We will retire to the more private chamber. Will there be room enough for both dragons to come with us, Lilly?”

Lilly looked back at Gren and Shilayla and thought about the dimensions of the antechamber. “There should be, My Liege,” she replied softly.

“Then, let’s go,” Alric said decisively, standing from his throne. “It’s been a long day.”

* * *

Lord Orthan stormed out of the audience chamber in as controlled a manner as he could manage. First that dragon bitch had fouled his attempt to assassinate Alric once and for all, then this. Orthan had lost a number of long-standing loyal agents in the castle in the failed attempt to kill the King. If not for that damed Zallra, Alric would have been dead and Orthan’s agents would still be in place. He’d had it all planned.

Then, he’d heard about the arrival of the dragons and he’d scrambled to get to the audience chamber to learn what was going on. He’d given the order to start the march on the capital thinking his way would be clear, but then the tide of battle had changed dramatically.

His connection to the mercs was well hidden. Not even the mercenary leaders knew he was the ultimate paymaster. He’d gone through so many intermediaries that it looked more like the Alchemists were behind the mercenary build-up, which was just as well to Orthan’s thinking.

Especially since it looked like his army—his beautiful army—had lost the nerve to fight. The reports of a stand-off with dragons and mercs turning to flee just about made steam come out of Orthan’s ears. What was he paying them for, if not to fight? How dare they turn and run from a bunch of dragons!

He’d nearly had a heart attack when Alric had gone into a vision right there on the throne. Would this be the moment that Osmian’s protections failed for good? Would Alric finally realize it had been Orthan behind so many of his recent problems? Would Orthan be revealed as the traitor he truly was?

When it looked like Orthan had escaped discovery yet again, he’d stood there in the audience chamber for a moment, stunned. Unaccustomed to not having a clear direction, he’d thought about his possible next moves. He could give up on ever being King, but he quickly discarded that notion. It might still be possible, but if he was going to do this thing, he’d have to come up with a better plan. He also had to reevaluate the use of alliances. Osmian had been useful to him, but when it came right down to it, Orthan could only truly rely on himself.

He decided to leave the castle and go home to reevaluate in peace. He might have been thwarted for now, but in time, he’d come up with a new plan. He would still be King. He felt certain of it.

* * *

Alric led the way with Zallra at his side. They went into the private antechamber, Alric’s guardsmen going before them to check the room. Of course, with Zallra around, Alric hardly needed anyone else to keep him safe. What she’d done this afternoon had amazed him. He’d felt her intense magic as she shifted shape beside him. She was an amazing woman, and he felt blessed to have her in his home…and in his life.

He hadn’t made any declarations, but his heart wanted to shout from the battlements of the deep feelings he felt whenever she was near. It wouldn’t do, however. He might be a King, but he was, after all, a blind man. What could he really offer a lady such as Zallra, who had the whole world in her grasp? Not only could she see and was widely traveled, but she could actually fly.

The very thought boggled his mind. What would such a magical woman see in someone like him? Would she ever be able to return his feelings, or would his heart be broken when she lost interest in him and flew off to new places and new people?

One part of him didn’t care. He just wanted to bask in her presence and make love to her as long and as often as she’d let him. They hadn’t yet done the deed, but he suspected they would be lovers before much longer. He hoped and prayed they would be lovers as soon as possible. Waiting for the right time or the right signal from her was making him mad as a hatter!

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