Home > Shameless(28)

Author: Abby Brooks

A clatter of a bowl and a holler of, “It’s okay!” had us tumbling out of bed and into clothes. I watched the commotion of Jack cooking for his children as a mug of coffee steamed in front of me at the table. The kids helped—if you could call it that. From my perspective, they got in Jack’s way and amplified the mess factor by ten, but he moved around them like a pro, sweeping up spills as he poured batter into a pan. Plates plonked onto the table and syrup oozed onto pancakes. Bellies filled and smiles grew.

“I’ve been thinking,” Jack said around a mouthful of breakfast. “I think it might be time to reinstate the Cooper barbeques. Invite Alex and Evie. Jude. Austin. Izzy.” He shrugged. “I may not be great with a stove but give me fire and grill tongs and I’ll deliver something delicious.”

“Didn’t we used to do that before Mom died?” Connor quirked his head and Garrett’s gaze laser-focused on his dad. “She called it a Cooper-Q, right?”

Oblivious to yet another strange reaction from his oldest, Jack rubbed his chin. “Yep. Nat loved having people over. Sometimes it felt like she made up reasons to have a party.”

“Do any of those people you talked about have kids?” asked Charlie.

“Not yet. But with Evie and Alex getting married in the fall, that might change sooner rather than later.” Jack turned to me. “What do you think? Are you up for a Cooper family barbeque?”

I wasn’t sure if he was inviting me as a guest or as part of the Cooper family. Normally, I’d ask him straight out what he meant, but with the weird vibes Garrett had been tossing around, I kept my answer ambiguous. “I mean, yeah. Who doesn’t love some grilling action?”

“Awesome. I’ll take care of the grill. You take care of the rest.” Jack winked before attacking his pancakes with renewed vigor, then quirked his head my way. “Saturday afternoon sound good? I think there’s a festival at the pier that night. We could stop in afterwards.”

It sounded better than good. It sounded downright idyllic. “What do you think, guys?” I asked the kids. “Sound like a plan?”

Connor and Charlie agreed with fists to the air and excited chatter while Garrett gave a quick head bob and asked to be excused.

Maybe Jack was right. Maybe the kid wasn’t much of a morning person, but that didn’t quite add up for me. I’d seen Garrett on mornings earlier than this and he’d never been so guarded. So strange. So…angry?

Something wasn’t right.



Chapter Twenty-Two





The weekend passed and I walked into the office Monday morning with pep in my step and a smile on my face. Tabitha glanced up as the door shut behind me and her eyes softened.

“I haven’t seen you look perky in a long time.” She sniffed the air. “And nary a note of burnt anything clinging to your clothes.”

I hefted my coffee, then took a drink. “I figured it was time to up my game.”

“And here I figured it had something to do with that Amelia person you have watching the kids. According to Greta Macmillan, she didn’t leave your house Friday night.” Tabitha gave me a grim lift of her eyebrow, as if the thought of me having a woman spend the night was taboo beyond belief.

I shrugged. “I’m not sure why Greta cares so much about the comings and goings of the Coopers.”

Translation: That woman could ease the fuck up any time now.

“That’s just Greta’s way.” Tabitha sat back in her chair, chewing on her lip. “Oh! The Tarringtons called to say they wanted to pop in this morning. There’s a change with their business they wanted to talk to you about, and they promised not to take too much of your time. I squeezed them in at nine.”

“They’ve got to stop doing that.”

Tabitha laughed. “You tell ‘em this time.”

“I told ‘em the last time!”

“I’m sure it’ll stick eventually.”

Chuckling, I made my way back to the office and powered on my computer, going through my morning ritual with more enthusiasm than I’d given it in a while. As I opened up my email, a text came in—a selfie of Amelia with the kids.

Fuck, she was so sexy, even a goofy pic had me fantasizing about those lips and my cock, which wasn’t ideal, given my location. I shot her a quick reply, then started a group chat with the gang.

Me: Amelia and I are reinstating the Cooper-Q. I’ll grill. You guys bring sides, drinks, and smiles.

Jude: Fucking-A. It’s about time you restarted this tradition. Mouth’s already watering, man.

Alex: Count us in. I promise you’re gonna love this, Evie.

Evie: No doubt I will! Excited!

Izzy: I’ll bring candy for the kids!

Austin: Just for the kids? I see how it is.

My phone pinged away as the conversation went on. I started a reply when Isaac’s voice boomed from the front office. “It’s okay, Tabby. We can show ourselves on back.”


As usual.

With a laugh, I put my phone away as the couple loomed in my doorway. Tabitha appeared behind them, mouthing an apology that I brushed away as I waved them in. “Good morning to you both.”

I stood, offering my hand as they took their seats.

“I know we always drop in on you last minute.” Gwen smoothed her skirt and offered me a prim smile. “We won’t take up much of your time with this one.”

Considering she’d given me the opening, I’d be a fool not to take it. “I’m glad we’re able to squeeze you in today, but it is better if you give us more warning—”

“I hear you’ve been seeing someone, Jackie Boy.” Isaac shifted in his seat, leaning back as he scanned me from head to toe. “I thought you weren’t interested in the dating scene.”

“Believe me. I’m as surprised as anyone.”

“That’s saying a lot, considering everyone’s pretty surprised.” Isaac lifted an eyebrow. “Got the whole town in an uproar about it.”

I bit back a snide remark and said, “I think I’ve had them in an uproar about one thing or another since Natalie passed.”

“It’s a shame you didn’t give our Lisa a chance, but as long as you’re happy.” Gwen sighed. Her smile said she didn’t care one bit about my happiness. “Anyway, we should get to business, since you probably didn’t have time for us in the first place.”

She crossed her slim legs, folded her hands in her lap, and told me they were thinking of closing their shop, Mimi’s Boutique. “When I opened the place, I imagined I’d eventually pass it on to Lisa, but she’s so committed to her dream of working with inner city kids she just isn’t interested in running my store. Isaac and I have more than enough money to be comfortable and I’m getting tired of stock and inventory and, well, working.” She laughed lightly.

Isaac patted his wife’s hand. “Basically, we’re ready to retire and wanted your insight on how to do it right. We still have a few years on the lease, and we managed to piss off the landlord back when Norma Jean Reynolds was caught smoking pot. Don’t know if he’d be willing to let us break it and leave a prime spot on Main vacant.”

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