Home > Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii #3)(62)

Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii #3)(62)
Author: Susan Stoker

“I will,” he said with satisfaction. He couldn’t think of anything better than seeing his clothes and toiletries mixed in with hers at her apartment.

Actually, yes, he could—having all her things here, in his condo.

But if she lived here, that meant she’d have to make the drive in the dark after work all the time. He frowned as he thought about the logistics of moving their relationship forward.

“What are you frowning about?” she asked.

“Logistics,” he answered honestly.

“Of what?”

“Us. And we can talk about that stuff later. For now, I’m excited that I’ll get to see you tonight,” he said. But he was already thinking about the future. Maybe he could sell his place here and find a condo down in Waikiki. There were plenty of luxury condos closer to her work.

“Me too,” she agreed.

Sighing, Aleck knew he needed to go if he was going to be on time for the AAR.

“You need to go,” Kenna said, as if she could read his mind. She caressed his cheek once more, then climbed off his lap. She held out her hand as if to help him up.

It made Aleck grin. He took her hand and stood. Then he hugged her. “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked into his neck as they embraced.

“For being so amazing. For loving me. For letting me love you. For being so supportive of what I do.”

She didn’t answer, but tightened her hold on him. “You’re welcome,” she said softly. He felt her take a deep breath, then she pulled back. “I’ll head out with you.”

“Sounds good.”

Within a few minutes, they were holding hands as they headed down the hall toward the elevator. They exited in the lobby, and Aleck was somewhat amused when Kenna dropped his hand and went around the security desk to give Robert a hug. “Thank you so much for the treat this morning. It was such a great surprise! You totally didn’t have to do that, but we’re both so appreciative.”

“It was my pleasure, Ms. Madigan,” Robert said with a grin.

“Do you think you’ll ever call me Kenna?” she teased.

“Probably not. Company rules, you know,” Robert told her.

Kenna just shook her head. “Well, I don’t care what you call me, I’m just glad to call you a friend.”

Robert looked taken aback for a moment, but then he smiled so big, Aleck thought he was going to dance a jig of happiness right there in the lobby.

“Drive safe, both of you,” he said as Kenna took Aleck’s hand once more and they headed for the front doors.

“We will!” Kenna called back.

Aleck gave the man a chin lift.

When they arrived at Kenna’s Malibu, Aleck took her face in his hands, studying her silently.

“What? Why are you looking so intense all of a sudden?” she asked as she held onto his wrists.

“I want to take you back inside, tear off your clothes, and bury my face in your pussy again,” Aleck blurted.

Kenna blushed, and her grip on his wrists tightened. “Yeah, well, we have to be adults and do adulty things,” she said.

“Fucking you until we both explode is an adult thing,” he quipped.

“True,” she said. “But I meant things like work, shop, take care of responsibilities…those kinds of adult activities.”

“All kidding aside, last night was the most amazing night of my life,” Aleck said seriously.

“Well, you were basically a virgin,” she said with a straight face.

“Everything seemed like it was the first time…because it was with you.” Aleck didn’t know where this sappiness was coming from, but he didn’t give a shit. He was well aware Kenna was talking about the fact that he hadn’t ever made love to a woman without a condom before, but everything they’d done had seemed…bigger…more intense.

“Okay, where’s my big bad SEAL?” she asked.

“Right here, babe,” Aleck said. “I’ll fucking kill anyone who dares to hurt one hair on your head. Or I’ll get my friend Baker to track them down and make them wish they’d never touched you.”

“Wow, all right then. There he is,” Kenna said. She leaned forward and kissed his chin lightly. Then his cheek. Then his lips. “I like your sappy side as much as I respect and admire your SEAL side,” she reassured him. “And while I suppose I should protest the killing thing, it’s kinda hot.”

“You aren’t helping me control my urge to throw you over my shoulder and haul you back up to our bed,” he told her.

She laughed, then put her hands on his chest and gave him a push. It wasn’t a small shove either. Aleck dropped his hands from her face and took a step back so he didn’t fall on his ass.

“How’s that?” she asked with a grin.

“It sucks,” Aleck said. “But…thank you. I was on the verge of saying to hell with the Navy and damn the consequences.”

“I’m sure they wouldn’t have fired you,” Kenna said breezily. “Your team would’ve just come looking for you and made fun of your hairy ass for the rest of your life if they caught us in the act.”

“My ass isn’t hairy,” Aleck complained.

Kenna’s lips twitched.

“It isn’t!” he insisted.

Kenna burst out laughing. “Okay, okay, it’s not. But you should’ve seen your face!”

Aleck realized he’d smiled and laughed more in the last day than he had in ages. His cheeks almost hurt.

“Go on, get to work,” she said when she’d controlled herself. “I’ll talk to you later and see you tonight.”

“Yes, you will,” he confirmed.

He snagged her behind her neck and pulled her close for one more long, deep kiss. They were both breathing hard when he stepped away. “Drive safe,” he said.

“You too.”

“Love you, babe.”

“Love you too.”

Aleck followed Kenna’s Malibu out of the parking lot, honking once when she turned right and he turned left. It wasn’t until he was almost to the front gate at the base that Aleck realized he was still smiling. Life was good. Very good.



Chapter Nineteen



The next week was one of the best of Kenna’s life. She’d spent every night with Marshall, either at her place or his. And she wasn’t ashamed to admit that she much preferred his condo than her small apartment. His bed was bigger, for one, and Marshall was a man who liked to have his space, both while sleeping and when making love to her. Not to mention, his shower and bathroom were much more conducive to hanky-panky. And she loved his heated floors and having a warm towel when she finally got out of the shower.

And then there was Robert. And Marshall’s balcony. And his amazing kitchen.

Shit. She loved every single thing about Coral Springs. It was hard to believe she’d been so upset when she’d learned that Marshall lived there. She’d more than gotten used to the small luxuries at his place.

And Marshall himself was all she’d ever dreamed a boyfriend could be. He was definitely doing what he could to spoil her…and it was working. The only thing that worried Kenna about their relationship was wondering when he’d have to leave again. Now that she was seeing him every day, it would be that much harder when he had to go on a mission. Because she’d both worry about him and miss him all the more.

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