Home > Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii #3)(63)

Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii #3)(63)
Author: Susan Stoker

But…she’d manage. Because that was what military girlfriends and spouses did.

It was Friday, and she’d spent the previous evening at Marshall’s condo. He’d had the last few days off work and they’d spent them together. His team, and Elodie and Lexie, had come over for a barbeque down at the condo plaza, and Kenna couldn’t remember ever laughing so much. Elodie had bossed the guys around as they’d attempted to grill burgers, and it was obviously a familiar routine. After they ate, everyone went upstairs to Marshall’s condo and Kenna had fun getting tipsy with Elodie and Lexie.

The second the door closed behind their friends, Marshall had ravished her. They hadn’t even made it back to his room; he’d taken her right there on the dining room table, fucking her with a primal ferocity Kenna had never experienced.

She was a little sore this morning, but wouldn’t have traded last night’s erotic experience for anything in the world.

Now she was heading to work, and Marshall, Jag, and Pid were coming to Duke’s later that evening. Marshall promised they’d stay out of her way, hang out at the bar for a drink or two, then he’d follow her back to her place. Saturday night, after her shift, they’d go back to his condo. The plan was to spend Sunday up at the North Shore. Marshall had a friend who lived up there that he wanted to introduce her to.

Kenna had heard all about the mysterious Baker, and was almost as excited about finally getting to meet him as she was when she’d thought she and Marshall were sneaking onto the Coral Springs private beach.

So she was in a great mood—how could she not be, after the last week with Marshall—and smiled cheerfully at everyone on her way through the shops at the Outrigger, heading to Duke’s.

Things were crazy from the second she walked into the kitchen. The restaurant was crowded and there was almost a hyper vibe from the customers. Everyone seemed happy to be out with friends or family, eating good food and toasting the start of the weekend.

It wasn’t until an hour into her shift when Kenna had a chance to take a short breather. She was in the kitchen trying to relax for ten minutes or so when Carly entered.

The good mood Kenna had been in all evening faded when she saw her friend.

“You look like hell,” she blurted.

“Gee, thanks,” Carly said with a slight chuckle. The laugh turned into a dry, hacking cough almost immediately.

“Go home,” Kenna ordered.

Carly shook her head. “I don’t have a fever. Promise. I’m good.”

“Yeah, but that cough sounds horrible and you have a killer headache.”

Carly winced. “How can you tell?”

“Because you’re squinting. And instead of turning your head, you turn your whole body. Besides that, you’re pale. Go home,” she repeated.

“I’d feel horrible if I did. It’s Friday night. And there was that marathon today. We’re packed,” Carly protested.

“Charlotte and I can cover your tables until Alani calls someone. You know Justin will probably be happy to come in, especially on a Friday when he knows the tips will be good. Besides, it’s supposed to storm like hell later. Like, crazy high winds and apocalyptic rain. The last thing you need is to be out in that when you feel like crap. You’re allowed to take a day off,” Kenna finished gently.

Carly sighed and looked at the floor. “But Jag’s coming,” she said in a soft voice.

Kenna wanted to do a fist pump and yell, “I knew it!” Instead, she kept her triumph at her friend’s obvious interest in the SEAL to herself. “Yeah, but how do you think he’ll feel if he sees you looking so miserable? He won’t like it,” Kenna continued, answering her own question before Carly could.

She sighed. “I know you’re right. But I haven’t seen him since they got back, and I was looking forward to tonight.”

Kenna had a feeling if her friend didn’t feel so crappy, she never would’ve admitted that out loud. “But you’ve talked to him, right?” she asked.

“Yeah, we’ve been texting. And he called me the other night,” Carly admitted.

“You can text him and let him know that you’re sick and heading home. He’ll understand.”

Carly’s shoulders slumped, but she nodded. “I really do feel like shit,” she said.

“Talk to Alani. Text Jag. Go home. The last thing you want is for this to get worse. Trust me. I had a fever once for ten days and thought I wanted to die. I couldn’t stand up without being dizzy. Being cold one second and hot the next sucked too. You definitely don’t want to get a fever on top of whatever you already have.”

“All right, I’m going. Will you…” Carly’s voice faded.

But Kenna knew what she was going to ask. “I’ll talk to Jag. Tell him that you hated to go without seeing him.”

“Thanks. But don’t make me sound as if I’m on death’s door. The man would probably show up on my doorstep with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a truckload of medicine.”

“And that would be a bad thing?” Kenna asked, not being sarcastic in the least.

“Yes,” Carly mumbled. “I can’t fall for someone right now. I just can’t.”

Kenna wanted to protest. Convince her friend that Jag was a good guy and nothing like her ex. But she had a feeling she could talk herself blue in the face and Carly would still dig in her heels. She was stubborn like that. She honestly couldn’t blame her, not after the hell Shawn had put her through.

Carly turned to go find Alani before abruptly turning back to Kenna. “Oh, I wanted to mention…I think I saw Luke earlier.”

“Who?” Kenna asked, confused.

“Luke. Shawn’s son. He was out on the beach in front of the restaurant again.”

“What was he doing?”

“Nothing. He was just standing there. He wasn’t watching Duke’s at all. He was staring out at the water. I got distracted by a table and when I looked back, he was gone. I don’t think it means anything, and you know my protection order is for Shawn, not his son, but I’ve been on the lookout for my ex, so it kind of surprised me to see Luke here again.”

“So you think that means Shawn is here too?” Kenna asked. “Or that he’s spying on you for his dad?”

“I don’t know. But I wanted to mention it just in case you see Shawn. He’s not supposed to be anywhere near Duke’s, so if you see him, call the police.”

Kenna was glad Carly was being so diligent, and relieved that she was more than all right with getting the authorities involved if Shawn broke the protection order. Kenna had been half afraid that, after all this time, Carly would just want to forget about the entire drama. “Okay, I will. Be extra careful going home.”

“I will. Especially after the notes he’s been sending me.”

“Notes?” Kenna asked, unease suddenly churning in her gut.

“Yeah. The asshole thinks he’s so sneaky. As if I wouldn’t know he’s the one leaving them.”

“I didn’t know you were getting notes from him. Have you told the police?” Kenna asked.

“What good will that do? I mean, I’ve been keeping them, just in case, but I have a feeling turning them in will just egg him on even more. I’ve been trying not to give him any attention whatsoever, in the hopes he’ll realize he’s not getting the reaction out of me that he wants—namely, me going back to him, which is never going to happen.”

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