Home > Nobody Does it Better (Magnolia Sound #9)(31)

Nobody Does it Better (Magnolia Sound #9)(31)
Author: Samantha Chase

Neither were good options.

Then there was Austin. Even though he was only a cousin, she knew he was going to have some opinions about this relationship. The last time they talked, he expressed how he didn’t think they should be working together, so she couldn’t imagine him being agreeable to finding out they were now dating.

Why are we going to this party then?

Oh, right. It was her brother’s birthday so…she really needed to be there.

“You’re frowning again,” Ryder said as he walked over and kissed her. “If you don’t want me to go with you…”

They’d been talking about the party and all the things Peyton feared would happen. It was still a bit mind-boggling how comfortable she was with telling him things–like…everything–but at the same time, it felt completely natural.

“You know I want you there with me,” she told him, kissing him softly on the cheek before sitting down on the sofa. “You were invited even though no one knows we’re dating. Plus, my sister is finally home for a visit and I really want you to meet her.”

“Peyton, you know I like your family and normally I’d go and make an appearance without giving it a second thought, but this is going to be different. I can see how stressed it’s making you and maybe…maybe we should just wait for another time. Maybe we could just get together with your siblings for dinner and then–when you’re ready–go out with your parents. It’s not a big deal. I won’t be offended if you don’t want me there.”

It would be the easy way out; she knew that. Her entire extended family knew Ryder and genuinely liked him, but no one would think twice if he didn’t show up for a family birthday party.

But she would.

Actually, she’d obsess about it.

And even though he didn’t come right out and say it, Peyton had a feeling he enjoyed those gatherings more than he was letting on. Besides the fact that he had already gone to a lot of them, he already forged friendships with almost everyone she was related to–and not just to be nice. Besides his friendship with Austin and the way he helped Garrett with the veterinary clinic, it turns out he’d gone to lunch with her brother several times after deciding to build the resort here in town. Then he told her he’d shopped in her cousin Mallory’s place and purchased several pieces of furniture from her for the house Austin and Mia were currently living in. He’d stayed at her aunt’s B&B, and had hired Mallory’s husband Jake as the general contractor for the resort. She had joked that the only one he hadn’t worked with was her cousin Sam, and the next thing she knew, the two of them were working together on landscape design for the resort! Honestly, he spent more time with her relatives than she did.

Which was a little weird.

“I’m being crazy and overthinking it, that’s all. I’m sure everyone is going to be great except my mom who…you know…never is,” she admitted. While it was true her mother was definitely getting better about her snobbish ways, she seemed to target in on Peyton more than her other children lately. It was probably because normally she was the meekest of the three and for as much as she was coming into her own as an adult, Georgia Bishop hadn’t quite gotten the memo on it yet.

And probably never would.

“No,” she finally said, remembering that he was waiting for a response. “We’re going to go and do this. If anyone has an issue with our relationship, then that’s on them. Besides, we’ve had more than our share of unexpected couples in my family.”

Brows furrowed, he sat beside her. “What does that even mean?”

“Well…let’s see. My brother and his wife? My mother nearly had a stroke when she found out Mason and Scarlett were dating. Scarlett is not part of the country club sect and she rides motorcycles. It was wild when they first got together. Then my cousin Sam was a major hell-raiser in his youth and he ended up marrying the preacher’s daughter. And you know Austin and Mia’s story.”

“Do you really think we’re like them? That we’re so unexpected?” he asked casually, resting his arm along the back of the sofa.

“Don’t you?” she asked with a small laugh. “Ryder, you’re older and much more worldly than I am. I’m someone who enjoys living a quiet life here in Magnolia in my little bungalow, and you’re someone who owns a jet and buys million-dollar properties around the world. We’re about as odd as they come.”

It was something Peyton tried not to think about because she knew if she did, she’d just freak herself out. Then, once she started freaking out, she’d spiral and start questioning why Ryder was with her and how long it was going be before he got bored and moved on. So far, he didn’t seem the least bit bored, but it had only been a few weeks. There was no way she was going to get her hopes up and think this was the be-all and end-all relationship that was going to end with a trip up the aisle.

At least…she tried not to think like that.

On a few rare occasions, she not only imagined herself walking down the aisle with Ryder, but even started planning what their wedding would look like.

She wanted to partly blame it on the fact that he looked so damn good in a tuxedo, but the truth was that she was seriously falling hard for him. It was hard to keep from saying she was in love, but…that would definitely be courting trouble. Men like Ryder Ashford did not fall in love with girls like her. They were worlds apart no matter how much he might not want to see it. As much as she knew she grew up in a very privileged home, it was nothing compared to Ryder’s upbringing. The wealth of the Ashfords made the Bishops look as if they were the hired help.

“I disagree,” he said, pulling her out of her reverie. “I don’t see us as odd at all, and I’m surprised you do. We have more in common than anyone you mentioned.”

“Seriously?” she asked in disbelief. “How do you figure that?”

“Peyton, you’re a beautiful, intelligent woman. No one could doubt for a minute why I’m attracted to you. Besides that, we’re both very business-minded and share a lot of common interests. Throw in the fact that we’re working together on projects that are near and dear to both of us, we just make sense.” Smiling, he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her palm.

His words were sweet, just not particularly romantic.

Forcing herself to smile, she squeezed his hand. “I’m sure it’s all going to be fine. Like I said, it’s just me obsessing and overthinking everything. It’s going to be fun.”

“What time do we need to be there?”

“Um…Scarlett said three. Normally I go early to help set up, but I’m not the caterer this time so I can relax.”

“You cater family parties?” he asked incredulously.

“Occasionally. I did Courtney and Dean’s wedding–Dean is Scarlett’s brother–and then I catered for her other brother Hunter’s wedding. For birthday parties, I usually bring a couple of dishes. This time, Scarlett told me she wanted me there as a guest and to relax so…I’m relaxing.”

Ryder glanced at his watch and then at her. “It’s barely noon. Seems to me we have a couple of hours to ourselves.” One long finger traced lazy circles on her palm. “How about we go inside and I help you relax a whole lot more?”

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