Home > Nobody Does it Better (Magnolia Sound #9)(33)

Nobody Does it Better (Magnolia Sound #9)(33)
Author: Samantha Chase

“Never,” Ryder said fiercely.

For a moment, all Austin did was study him. Then his shoulders sagged and he looked miserable. “You could have given me a heads-up.”

“I didn’t really think I needed to. You know me, we’re friends, and I’ve never done anything to make you question my actions on anything. I don’t want this to be an issue between us, Austin. So…are we good?”

“Yeah,” Austin said, holding out his hand. “We’re good.”

Shaking his friend’s hand, Ryder gave him a curt nod before he strode back to the yard to find Peyton. Turning the corner, he found her surrounded by her parents, her sister, her brother, and sister-in-law.


With a weary sigh, he walked over.

“Honestly, Peyton, you could have at least told us you were dating Ryder Ashford,” her mother was saying quietly, but firmly. “Everyone’s staring and wanting to know what in the world is going on. We shouldn’t be the last to know. It’s very irresponsible of you.”

“How is it irresponsible?” she replied with a hint of annoyance.

That’s my girl…

“I’m dating Ryder,” she went on. “Everyone knows him. He’s not a stranger and he’s not some slacker you can find fault with!”

“Peyton!” Georgia said dramatically–hand on her chest and everything.

“Mom, please,” Peyton said, rolling her eyes. “We’re here to celebrate Mason’s birthday and I think you and everyone are being a tad bit overdramatic.”

“Overdramatic? Now you listen here, young lady…”

That was it. Ryder had heard enough. He’d gone all of three steps, however, before Scarlett walked over with her hand up. It was tempting to ignore her because Peyton needed him, but she took him by the hand and all but dragged him into the house.

“I really need to…” he began, but she cut him off.

“No, you really don’t,” Scarlett countered. Pointing to one of the stools at her breakfast bar, she stared at him until he sat. The last thing he needed was someone to lecture him about his relationship with Peyton, but…she surprised him. “I get that you want to swoop in and tell them to leave her alone, but you need to let her do this.”

“Why? She was already freaking out about this exact thing for the past week. I don’t see why making her face them on her own could possibly be good.”

Leaning against the marble countertop, Scarlett smiled at him. “As someone who has been in your exact position, you need to trust me on this.” When he went to comment, she stopped him. “Don’t get me wrong, there’s probably going to come a time when you’ll need to step in, but today isn’t that day. Plus, this is good for Peyton because Georgia seems to give her the most grief.”

That…didn’t sound like a good thing at all. Raking a hand through his hair, he asked, “And why is that?”

Shrugging, she explained, “Probably because she’s still here in Magnolia. Parker’s like a moving target–hard to pin down and critique. On top of that, Peyton’s the classic middle child. She’s the one always trying to keep the peace and afraid to make waves. You have no idea how thrilled I am that she’s finally making some!”

Was this woman crazy? “Um…I don’t see how dating me is making waves.”

Scarlett reached over and gently pat his arm. “Oh, you poor, sweet, clueless man. Trust me. Dating you is most definitely wave-making material.”


“You’re older, you’re wealthier than the Bishops–and you just know that chaps Georgia’s ass–and you’re not someone her mother’s been trying to fix her up with.”

“Who has she been trying to fix her up with?” he demanded, suddenly ready to go back out into the yard to make sure everyone knew she was with him.

“First of all, relax. I hate saying it, but…Peyton’s been the family pushover. Everyone knew how to get her to do what they wanted because she didn’t argue. Mason was the first to give her a chance to prove herself when he asked for her help with The Mystic Magnolia. Granted, she already owned the café, but she was content to let other people manage it. Mason pushed her to take a chance on herself and it’s been amazing to watch her really come into her own.”

“But…?” Because there was always a but.

“But…she’s bold and confident with her business and not with her family. You’re her first big defiance, first act of rebellion!”

Ryder stood because he’d had enough. “How is dating me defiant now?”

“Haven’t you been listening at all?” she asked with an eye roll. “You weren’t on Georgia Bishop’s approved list! You’re not a friend’s son! You’re not…”

Stepping away from the bar, he stared down at her. “No, I’m better than anyone on any damn list, and I’m certainly better than some spoiled country club crony’s son! Peyton’s not with me to spite her parents or as an act of rebellion! She’s with me because she wants to be!” He let out a long breath before turning and stalking toward the sliding glass doors. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make sure she’s okay.”

Fortunately, Scarlett didn’t stop him.

Walking across the deck, Ryder slid in beside Peyton, his arm banding around her waist as he smiled at her family. “It’s delightful to see you, Georgia. You’re looking lovely as always.” Then he held out a hand to Peyton’s father. “Beau, it’s good to see you.” And finally, he turned to Mason. “And happy birthday, Mason.” Her brother shook his hand and started to smile, but Ryder’s attention went back to Peyton. “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine,” she told him with a small smile. He knew better than to second-guess her in front of her parents, so he simply smiled back.

Scarlett rejoined them and hooked her arm through Mason’s. “The caterer just told me the food is ready, so…”

“I still can’t believe you hired someone for this,” Peyton murmured with a small pout.

“We wanted you to enjoy yourself,” Mason explained. “You tend to run around checking on things and then no one gets to visit with you and you don’t relax.”

“Plus, I kind of put my foot down on it,” Parker said with an impish grin. “Whenever you cater and I’m home, you drag me along to help out so…now we all can enjoy ourselves!”

Some of the tension seemed to ease and Ryder told himself to relax.

Scarlett announced that lunch was ready and everyone should go and help themselves, and Ryder simply followed Peyton’s lead. He was dying to know if she was really okay, but her sister never left their sides and when they sat down to eat, they were at the table with both siblings. Mason kept eyeing him, but not with open hostility. There was enough of a question there, however, that Ryder knew the two of them were going to have to talk.

Had it really only been less than an hour ago when he was thinking how much he enjoyed these get-togethers?

“So, when are you coming home for good?” Peyton asked her sister. “I get that you’ve been house-sitting and all that, but wouldn’t it be nice to be back in Magnolia for more than a weekend?”

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