Home > The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(67)

The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(67)
Author: Robin Bielman

   According to the nurse, Hugo had displayed only mild symptoms (thank God!) when brought in: problems moving his arms and legs, inattentiveness, and some memory issues. Because of his long QT syndrome, doctors remained concerned about his heart as well, though, and elevated his status to critical. His pacemaker had failed, and chances were high he’d need a replacement. But first they had to make sure he had proper brain function.

   Because of Hugo’s heart disease, he was on a ventilator and receiving IV fluids that included medications for seizure control and blood pressure. Kennedy squeezed Maria’s hand by Hugo’s bedside as she explained what she’d learned from the nurse.

   “He’s going to be okay,” she whispered.

   He had to be.

   Then she gently held Hugo’s hand and told him to fight. She told him he had a birthday party coming up and he was the star of the show. She told him no one did magic tricks like he did and so he’d better get well so he could do them. She told him he was the bravest kid she knew and stronger than he realized.

   “Why don’t you go home for an hour or two?” Kennedy said to Maria. She’d been at the hospital all night, and while Kennedy knew Maria wouldn’t go home to sleep, she could grab a hot shower and something to eat. Food and drink weren’t allowed in the PICU. “I won’t leave his side,” she added, sitting in the chair next to the bed. “I promise.”

   “Okay,” Maria said with reluctance. “Thank you. I won’t be long.”

   Kennedy settled more comfortably into her seat, eyes glued to Hugo, prayers for a full recovery playing on repeat in her head. She sent Reed a short text explaining her absence and wishing him a happy wedding and wonderful honeymoon.

   Hugo’s cardiologist came into the room, and Kennedy greeted him warmly. He was happy to see her again but wished the circumstances were different. He told Kennedy several brain scans and cardiac tests had been ordered and, once Hugo stabilized, they’d most likely replace his pacemaker. Hugo had a tough couple of weeks ahead of him, but if he could get through this, he’d get through anything.

   He was young and resilient, and for the next hour she watched him sleep, zero doubt he’d kick butt.

   Visiting hours ended at seven p.m., and while she could have probably stayed longer given her previous employment at the hospital, Maria urged her to go home and return in the morning.

   Walking out the sliding glass doors of the hospital felt like leaving the Arctic and entering the rain forest. The humidity was a welcome change, and she paused by the large potted plant to peel off her sweater and put her travel bag down so she could text for a ride home.

   Phone in hand, she heard a giggle she’d recognize anywhere and looked up. Her sister Victoria stood across the way laughing at something Trevor had said. They were walking arm-in-arm in the direction of the doctors’ parking lot, him in his scrubs and Tori in a pretty light blue sundress. Kennedy hadn’t missed seeing them together. But she also didn’t suffer any ill will. A strange but welcome sense of indifference settled over her instead.

   They were happy together.

   Long live their happiness.

   Because Kennedy had been reminded how fragile life could be. And she knew deep down that Trevor had never made her happy. Their relationship had been built around convenience, a shared profession under the same roof with similar goals and pressures. Victoria made his face light up in a way she never had. She brought something else to his life.

   The betrayal Kennedy had suffered might always linger, but it wasn’t because of Trevor and a love lost. It was because of the difficult relationship with her sister.

   As they disappeared from view, she wiped a single tear off her cheek. It had been a heck of a day. A day, she suddenly realized, without a word from Maverick. Had he seen her note? She rolled her lips together to keep more tears from falling. Did she even want to hear from him?

   “Hey, Blondie! Need a ride?” a familiar voice called out.

   She turned to the street to find her best friend waving from the driver’s seat of his car through the open passenger-side window. Warmth and love engulfed her. Relief. She picked up her bag, jogged over, and hopped in. “What are you doing here?” She thought he’d be at the wedding, dancing with Liam and moving smoothly between accents and occupations.

   “I hit the road shortly after you left.” He pulled away from the curb. “No way was I going to let you deal with this by yourself. I know how important Hugo is to you.”

   Another tear slid down her face. This time she knew exactly why: Andrew was more than her best friend. He was her family. The one she got to choose.

   “I love you,” she said.

   “I know.” He grinned. “I love you, too. I’m sorry you missed the wedding.”

   At mention of the wedding, and knowing Hugo was likely to be okay, she couldn’t hold her feelings in any longer. “I am, too. I was counting on you to tell me about it.”

   “I’m sure you’ll get details from Reed.”

   “Not about…” The man who broke her heart. The man she couldn’t get out of her head and who, despite what he’d written and what she’d written, she wished she could see one more time. She missed him even though she was unbelievably hurt by him.

   “Maverick,” Andrew said, finishing her thought aloud.

   “I can’t stop thinking about him. I’ve never felt this way before, and the timing sucks. I’ve got Boston and he’s got Europe and feelings to sort out, and I’m afraid I’ll never see him again, and saying that out loud hurts. It hurts so badly.”

   “I’m sorry.” Andrew squeezed her hand. “There is something you should know about him, actually.”

   “No, thank you. He hurt me and the best thing to do right now is focus on Hugo.”

   A look of indecision crossed Andrew’s face before he said, “How is he?”

   Kennedy shared everything she knew until they pulled to a stop in front of her apartment building. “Do you want to come in and crash here?”

   “Thanks, but I think I’ll head home. I’ll check in with you in the morning and go to the hospital with you if you want.”

   She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Sounds good.”

   Her key was barely in the lock of her apartment when Ava flung the door open and hurled herself at her, wrapping Kennedy in a one-sided hug. “I’m so glad you’re home!”

   “Me too,” Kennedy said, grateful for the mega-squeeze. She’d texted Ava a few times to keep her up to date on Hugo and her ETA.

   “I made you a sandwich,” Ava said, releasing her hold and ushering Kennedy inside. “Sit down and I’ll bring it to you.”

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