Home > The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(76)

The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(76)
Author: Robin Bielman

   Afterward, the vibe of success clung to her as she headed to the airport for her flight home. Dr. Weaver had said he’d be in touch tomorrow, but the wink he gave her said to expect the offer.

   She checked her phone while waiting to board the plane, and once again was happy to read that Hugo had no issues. She texted Ava and Andrew to tell them the interview went great. Then, because she couldn’t help herself, she pulled up the photo of her and Maverick she’d sent to Ava when her sister had demanded one.

   Ava was smart to request it. Kennedy didn’t take many photos and wouldn’t have his handsome face to stare at if not for Ava’s tenacity. She should have asked him even more questions—gathered intel on all his favorite things to add to her memories of their escapades. You’ll always have his letter.

   Yes, she would. And in another life, they’d be together; she knew it down to her soul. She hadn’t recognized his unique magnetism in college, but she did now.

   An announcement came over the speaker stating she’d be boarding in five minutes. That gave her five more minutes to stare at her cowboy. So engrossed in his dimples, she almost dropped the phone when it rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but the city the call came from made her heart speed up. Windsong.

   “Hello?” she said.

   “Hello, Kennedy, it’s Dr. Choi. How are you?”

   “I’m good, thanks. How are you?”

   “Excellent, thank you. Do you have a minute to talk?” Given the time of day, she guessed he was on his lunch break.

   “That’s about all I have. I’m at the airport in Boston about to board my flight home.”

   “Perfect timing, then. How did it go?”

   “Really well. Not to sound too confident, but I’m expecting the job offer tomorrow.” She uncrossed her legs to place both her heels on the industrial carpeted floor.


   “Thank you.”

   “I’d like to put a wrench in that offer if I may.” His calm, fatherly voice put her at ease and thus his statement—not a question—was one she’d happily allow him to elaborate on.


   “I’m retiring, and I’d love for you to consider taking over my practice.”

   What the what?

   “I know this probably comes as a shock, and to be one hundred percent transparent, I did have another physician lined up to take over, but she has since decided to go in a different direction. When she told me, I immediately thought of you for the job.”

   Her left leg started bouncing up and down. She’d never bitten her nails a day in her life but suddenly brought her finger to her mouth. He wanted her to take over his practice? In the small town of Windsong? Where the best glazed doughnuts lived. And a beautiful inn. And friendly townspeople. And a puppy named Rumi. And a family she’d dreamed of adopted her.

   And a handsome cowboy…

   “Whether you want to believe it or not,” he continued, “you fit in seamlessly here. You took initiative with Nova without second thought. Helped run the office when Savannah was sick. My patients and the townspeople love you. You developed quite a reputation here, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t reach out and get your thoughts on the matter. I know firsthand that the ER life holds appeal, but moving into private practice was the best decision I ever made. I want you to have a choice, Kennedy. Picture yourself five years from now and think about what you want. Rest assured, I don’t need an answer right now. I’m planning on retiring at the end of the year, but I would need you here sooner rather than later to gradually turn the practice over to you.”

   She didn’t know what to say.

   “I take it by your silence that you don’t know what to say.”

   Didn’t that comment right there speak volumes? This smart, mild-mannered doctor knew how she was feeling three thousand miles away. The little boy sitting on his mom’s lap across the aisle from her picked his nose, and her thoughts jumped right to Jenna and her innocent, wide-eyed question about nose picking.

   “I’m…I’m flattered and honored, Dr. Choi,” she finally managed to say.

   “That’s a good start.”

   “But I never pictured myself in private practice.” Or a small town.

   “You picturing it now?”


   “Too soon?” he asked with a chuckle. “I understand this is a big decision and one you never thought you’d entertain, but I’m hoping you will consider it. Yes, it’s a far cry from emergency room medicine, but I promise it gives you the same high. The same sense of accomplishment. Only here, you get to form relationships with those you help.”

   Like Hugo.

   “If attachment isn’t your thing, then I completely understand. But I hope you’ll think about this job and this practice from all angles, professionally and personally.”

   The announcement came for boarding the flight.

   “Sounds like my time is up,” he said, obviously hearing the notification in the background.

   “I’m sorry; I do need to go. But I will think about your offer. I promise.”

   “That’s all I ask. Have a safe flight and we’ll talk soon.”

   “Thank you for calling.” Her mind spun as she hung up. Emotions all over the map clogged the back of her throat. Could she take over his practice and be happy? She had to admit being her own boss sounded pretty great. But would she experience the same rush of adrenaline? The thrill of a fast pace and thinking on her feet during serious, unexpected, sometimes life-threatening situations? An ER was more than shears through a foot or a car trunk to the head.

   She stood and picked up her bag. Overwhelmed by the surprise invitation, she put off thinking about it until tomorrow. As luck would have it, a very chatty woman sat next to her on the plane and talked nonstop, giving Kennedy something else to focus on.

   When the next morning came, she heard from Dr. Weaver. He offered her the job in Boston. She should have jumped for joy but, wanting to keep her promise to Dr. Choi, she asked if she could have a few days to think about it.

   Suddenly, the future she thought she wanted had some competition.

   Between visiting Hugo and entertaining two job offers, she’d had time for little else.

   Then Thursday came.

   And she wasn’t prepared. She’d been lulled into a false sense of security. She’d looked into Hugo’s dark brown eyes the night before and told him he was more awesome than a tower of glazed doughnuts. Smarter than any twelve-year-old had a right to be. And way more talented than any other amateur magician. She’d kissed his forehead, said, Love you, and walked out of his room knowing she’d see him after his early morning surgery.

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