Home > The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(74)

The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy(74)
Author: Robin Bielman

   “When you get your phone, text me your address.”

   “You’re here, so don’t you have it?”

   “I don’t have an address in Boston.” He tugged her closer, wrapped his arms around her waist.

   Time disappeared as they took each other in and she cupped her hands around his neck. This was it. Their last kiss.

   Her body trembled and her eyelids fluttered as he canted his head and pressed his lips to hers. She absently wondered if this would have been the same kiss they gave each other if they’d said goodbye on the ranch. As his tongue slipped inside her mouth, she decided, no.

   Because this kiss wasn’t a given. He’d driven hours to make it happen. They’d apologized and shared a soft look, silently admitting they cared deeply for each other. Kennedy cared so much, she feared she’d never feel the same way again.

   Feeling bold and unwilling to let this last opportunity go by, she took his hands and moved them to her butt, fit her body closer to his. He groaned into her mouth, deepened the kiss. She felt exactly what this kiss did to him, and knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him was both exhilarating and tragic. When he broke the kiss and stared down at her, his face creased in anguish, she desperately wanted to end this on a happier note.

   “Did you know the longest kiss on record went on for over fifty-eight hours? A couple in Thailand did it to celebrate Valentine’s Day,” she blurted out. It was the first thing to come to mind. Kissing someone for that long was cause for happiness. And maybe she was implying she and Maverick could beat that record if given the chance.

   “Did you know French kissing for just ten seconds can transfer eighty million germs from one person’s mouth to another?” he asked in return.

   “Where did you learn that?”

   “In vet school. It came up when someone talked about kissing their dog.”

   “With tongue?” She made a face. She liked dogs, but that was gross. Dogs ate their own poop, didn’t they?


   “You win,” she said with a smile.

   And just like that, a sense of normalcy filled the air around them. A new normalcy. Because she never would have conceded before.

   “Too bad I can’t collect the prize I really want.”

   O-kay. Time to go before she canceled her life and took up a new one that included setting a new kissing record.

   She stepped to the door and opened it. “I really do need to get moving.”

   They didn’t take their eyes off each other as he made his exit. “Be safe and happy,” he said with affection.

   “You too.” She closed the door and walked into the kitchen. But then quickly spun around, regret and sadness eating her up inside. She raced out the door to catch him. For one more hug. One more kiss. One more promise.

   She found an empty hallway. Too late.

   But…an envelope with her name on it lay at her feet. She picked it up and went back inside her apartment to read it.

   Dear Kennedy,

   As I walk away, all I want to do is pull your body over mine and whisper how much you mean to me. It’s always been you, and maybe one day we’ll meet again to pick up where we’ve left off. No matter what, though, I’ll always want what’s best for you. Good luck, Dr. Shortcake.





Chapter Twenty-Six

   Five days since they said goodbye

   “Are you sure I can’t come with you, Uncle Mav?” Jenna asked with pleading eyes, her hands clasped in front of her in prayer. She’d decided she’d get a much better education traveling with him than returning to school and sitting in a boring classroom.

   He knelt down to her level. “You know your mom and dad would miss you too much. Not to mention George, Barley, and Rumi.” He’d given his niece Rumi, asking her to take good care of the puppy for him while he was gone. The others were going to families in the area.

   She scrunched up her nose. “Fine. Can you bring me lots of presents, then?”

   “Jenna!” Bethany reprimanded. “That’s not okay.”

   Jenna gave a small shrug like, Sorry, Mom, but it’s what kids do. He hoped she didn’t change too much while he was gone.

   “I’ll see what I can do, pipsqueak.”

   She flung her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

   He straightened and looked at his family. They’d gathered around the entrance of the inn to see him off. The week had been a busy one. After returning from L.A. late Monday night, he’d thrown himself into work around the ranch and spent a good amount of time riding Magnolia. “I’ll check in when I can,” he said.

   “No return flight yet?” his mom asked. Her question came from a good place, but it troubled him. He couldn’t rush this trip with a good conscience. He understood his obligation to the ranch and his family, but he owed it to Nicole to do this right. To see the things she missed out on before putting their life together behind him for good.

   “Not yet,” he told his mom.

   “Well, keep us posted and have a great time.” She hugged him tightly. “I love you so much.”

   “Love you, son,” his dad said next, embracing him with the same strong hold.

   He hugged Cole and Bethany, then Hunter, who held on longer than necessary and said, “I’m gonna miss you, you jerk.”

   Nova came last. She squeezed him and whispered, “Don’t forget to send Kennedy postcards.”

   “I won’t.” He wouldn’t forget about Kennedy ever. Their last kiss was forever imprinted on his brain. Her smell and taste. The way she’d looked at him with love in her toffee-colored eyes. Whether he would follow through with the postcards, he didn’t know. He’d left her a note and she hadn’t replied. No call or text. She’d always been the smarter one, and she’d obviously decided to cut ties completely. Save them further pain.

   A good thing, considering he’d fallen in love with her.

   He’d realized it on the drive to see her. The second he’d laid eyes on her, he’d almost said it. Upon leaving, he’d almost said it again. Fear had stopped him both times.

   A mix of regret and longing seized his stomach now. Maybe he should have texted her to check in. Ask about Hugo and her interview.

   Leah’s SUV pulled up beside him. She had a flower show in the city and had offered to drive him to the airport. He put his suitcase and backpack inside the vehicle, hugged his mom one more time, and they drove away. If he’d been in the driver’s seat, he would have looked in the rearview mirror to see his family for as long as possible.

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