Home > King of the Shadow Fae (The Darkest Fae #1)(42)

King of the Shadow Fae (The Darkest Fae #1)(42)
Author: Amelia Hutchins

“You should go,” I whispered, fighting the anger that rushed through me. “It’s late.”

“She and I created life, Xariana. And the entire time she was telling me she was pregnant, I sat there wishing it was you carrying my baby. I felt no joy hearing what she and I had made together. There was no rush of excitement or thrill in knowing Meredith carried my child. I wanted her to miscarry or end the pregnancy, but I never voiced that to her. I didn’t want her to make that decision because of me. She asked me to be honest with you, and I told her I would walk down that aisle and marry the woman I loved.”

Tears rolled from my eyes, and it took effort not to break the whisky bottle over his head. Instead, I moved my attention to his face, studying the pain that I felt reflected in his stare.

“The day you found us, I had tried to end it with her. She’d stripped down naked, showing me her stomach that cradled my babe within it. Meredith told me she planned to tell you what we’d been doing for the past year behind your back. She said you deserved to know, and that she was going to make sure you did. I couldn’t handle the images her words conjured in my mind or your face when you saw how badly I’d fucked up. It ripped me apart and left me destroyed.”

“So, instead, you fucked her on the island where I prepared your food? On the countertop that had the wedding cake we were supposed to taste that afternoon, together? You wouldn’t have told me if I hadn’t found out, would you?” I asked, wiping away the tears.

“No,” he admitted, watching my face closely. “I didn’t mean to molest you the other night. I promise. But when you whispered those words, something inside of me thought maybe we could fix this. I was hurting from the loss of my wife and child, but I also felt like perhaps I’d lost them so that we could have another shot at being together. I had come to check on you, to make sure you were okay. I knew what losing your father would do to you. You were vulnerable, and the moment you moaned and begged to be fucked, I couldn’t walk away.”

“I wasn’t dreaming of you, Micah,” I clarified, watching his dark head nod.

He laughed without breaking eye contact. A spark burned in his gaze, and he swallowed whatever emotion he felt. “I know it wasn’t me. I knew when I heard your voice and watched you dreaming that you weren’t calling out to me. You’d never sounded like that when we were together. Something in your tone was vulnerable. But when I started touching you, and you didn’t push me away, I thought perhaps if you woke up, and we fucked, that you’d understand how sorry I was for breaking your heart. I regretted it instantly when I saw the look of disbelief and pain in your pretty eyes. Maybe even before that moment, but drunk me wanted the girl that he’d loved. The one that always made everything better with her smile,” he admitted, standing to stare down at me. “For what it is worth, I fucking hate myself for what I did to you. You deserved better, and we both know it. I can’t change the past, but I can try to win you back.”

“It won’t happen.” I stood, leaning against the counter to put more space between us.

“You can’t know that,” he argued, slowly taking his seat once more.

I opened my mouth to inform him that I’d never be with him again when my phone chirped. Picking it up, I slid my finger across the screen, narrowing my gaze on the message.

Kieran Knight: Be ready by 6 p.m. I will send a car to pick you up.

I stared at the name, frowning as I tried to figure out how he’d got his number into my contact list. Crinkling my nose, I looked at Micah, who was refilling his glass at the table.

Me: It’s not happening.

Kieran Knight: Okay, then I’ll kill them all.

Me: Who?

A picture of Noah, Onyx, and the sheriff came through, causing my stomach to flip-flop. Scanning the image, I glanced up at the clock before grabbing my drink to take a swig.

Kieran: Make it five, so we can go to dinner first. I find these galas tediously boring, but I promised to attend. I accepted your invitation as well, of course.


Me: You’re insane. Noah is in bed, as are the girls. I respectfully decline.


Micah’s phone rang, and he pulled it from his pocket before lifting his gaze to mine. “Noah, slow down. You guys found what?”

I swallowed before dropping my eyes to my phone as the dots slowly showed a message being typed.

“Yeah, we’ll come down. Just give us a moment.” Micah paused, watching me. “Yeah, we’re together. I’ll tell her to get dressed, and we’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Kieran: Mmm, the boy is calling you down, isn’t he?

Me: WTF did you do?

Kieran: I invited a beautiful woman to dinner and a gala. I fail to see where the insult is in that?

Me: You threatened to kill people if I don’t attend the gala with you.

Kieran: It wasn’t a threat. I will kill them if you decline. However, I do like that you used respectfully in your reply.

Me: I’m coming down.

Kieran: I figured you would.

I grabbed a sweater, pulling it on while slipping on my shoes. Micah held the door open for me, staring at my phone before we started down the hallway.

“It doesn’t sound promising, Minx. They discovered more bodies and babies.”

“Who did?” I asked absently, watching the dots while waiting for a message to come through. We exited the building together, and Micah placed his hand behind my lower back as we moved to where my team stood with the sheriff. “Great.”

Kieran: If that boy doesn’t remove his hand, he dies, too.

Me: Excuse me? You don’t own me.

Kieran: Yet.

Me: How did you even get your number into my phone? Stalker much?

Kieran: Ender did it while I was touching your surprisingly silky soft, very wet pussy. Which I can’t seem to stop tasting or craving.

I blushed to my roots, stopping cold in my tracks. Micah paused, turning to look at me expectantly. I shook off the blush, moving toward the crew, who were looking at pictures on the patrol car’s hood. When we reached the car, my gaze slid to the gates and then slowly around the courtyard. Sliding the messages back up to the photo, I looked at my team, and then my curious gaze went to where Kieran stood, smiling.

His dark head nodded before he slid into the shadows.

Kieran: So, tomorrow?

Me: I don’t own a dress, let alone anything that could be worn to the gala. Find someone else.

“You didn’t forget about tomorrow night, did you?” Jeffery asked, frowning, while the others examined the pictures of the women.

“Tomorrow?” The hopeful look in his eyes confused me.

“The annual gala,” he stated, slowly exhaling. “I know you have quite a bit happening right now, but it’s important that you attend. It raises a lot of money and helps us keep the kids out of trouble. Your father has always attended, never missing a year. It also prevents the feds and other agencies from being up my ass. Xavier makes a large donation every year, which keeps eyes off of this place. All the business owners come. All of them.”

I deflated, knowing that Jeffery wasn’t lying. My father wore a suit each year and went. I could remember being little, thinking he was handsome when he’d dressed up all fancy, yet he had never asked me to go with him.

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