Home > Totally Schooled(9)

Totally Schooled(9)
Author: Nicole Dykes

He grabs a towel from his bathroom and cleans his hand as well as my crotch before we right our clothes and stand, staring at each other. Almost lost in a moment of awe.

“I should go,” I say, my heart thundering in my chest.

I can’t believe we just did that.

“You don’t have to.”

I grip the back of my neck with my hand. “Really I do. I’m Hailey’s teacher. You’re her father. That shouldn’t have happened.”

He looks hurt now, his lips puffy and swollen from our kisses, but also from disappointment. “You regret it.”

I groan and pull him into another kiss, one I let linger for only a minute before I release him. “I don’t, but we can’t do it again.”

“Right.” His hand drags absently over his lips.

“I mean it.” I smile but try to remain stern. “I don’t mind watching her, but we can’t cross this line again, okay?”

He nods, but the bastard is smirking. “Okay.”

“Okay.” I nod, determined for that to be it as we walk quietly to his front door. “I’ll see you at school Monday.”

“I’ll see you then.”

He’s still grinning, and I find myself wanting to kiss that stupid grin off his handsome face, but I just force myself to leave.

I can do this.

I can be professional.



* * *


I’ve been ignoring Rafe. It’s bad. Really bad. I can’t stop thinking about him, about his kiss. About his body. About his cock.

It’s. Bad.

He’s all I think about. It’s been four days since our hookup, and my mind has been on a constant loop of Rafe. But I’ve been doing my best to keep my distance, which isn’t as easy as it should be.

When he picks up Hailey, I try not to look at him. But how can I not? I know what he looks like half-naked with his head thrown back in ecstasy. I know the sounds he makes when he comes.

Jesus. This is not appropriate to be thinking while I’m on recess duty.

He’s texted me a couple times. Just random things like “Thanks for watching Hailey again” and “I heard that you guys did this at school.” Random shit. It’s like he wants to know why I bailed, like he wants to do it again. But he doesn’t come out and say it.

And I’ve been ignoring them.

Because if I text back, I know where we’ll end up. And I can’t. I just can’t.

“Hailey!” A child’s voice tears me away from my thoughts, and I look in that direction, seeing Hailey on the ground by the swing set, crying.


I run over and kneel down, seeing she has very clearly broken her little arm. “Hailey, it’s okay.”

I grab my cellphone, calling 911 and try my best to keep her calm as other teachers try to institute crowd control with the curious kids gathering around. Hailey has fat tears running down her cheeks, asking for her daddy over and over.

When the ambulance is on its way, I call Rafe. I should call the school nurse or wait for her, but I don’t. I dial Rafe.

He doesn’t answer.

Damn it. He’s probably at work. I leave a message, letting him know we’re heading to the hospital and why, that she’s okay, and then hang up.

When the ambulance gets to the school, I ride with Hailey. Again, against protocol, but I make sure that my para knows I’m leaving for the day and to cover for me. Luckily, all that’s left is story time and the afternoon snack.

My kids are in good hands.

They’re getting Hailey ready for her pink cast when Rafe comes barreling into the hospital, pale and panicky until he sees her. Relief washes over him, and then his eyes furiously meet mine. “What the hell happened?”

“Ummm! Daddy!” He looks to Hailey, who giggles, “You said a bad word.”

“Sorry.” He softens his tone, sweeping his hand over her cheek that’s still wet from tears. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. Are you okay?”

She nods. “I’m getting a pink cast.”

He smiles at that and then looks at me. “What happened?”

“She fell off the swings. Sometimes the kids play a game where they jump off. Not supposed to, but they do.”

Hailey shrinks back, looking guilty, but I can’t be mad at her even though her father looks like he wants to throttle me. “Weren’t you watching her?”

“It’s a big playground, Rafe. Lots of kids. But of course, I was trying to keep an eye on all of them. Always.”

He doesn’t look convinced, and I can’t blame him since I didn’t even see it happen. He doesn’t say anything more to me, and I can’t help the urge I feel to leave, to sneak away when he’s not looking because it’s clear he’s pissed off.

But the one time I tried to exit, Hailey asked me to stay.

When they finish setting her cast, I try to exit again, but Hailey looks up at me with those big blue eyes. “Will you eat dinner with us?”

I’m sure my eyes are entirely too wide at her request, and I notice Rafe’s entire body becoming extremely tense. I smile politely, looking down at my teary-eyed favorite pupil. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Her bottom lip protrudes, and I’m a fucking goner.

I look at her father for help, but he only shifts from foot to foot, his hand gripping the back of his neck as he sighs, “We’re going to have pizza. You should come.”



“Please?” Hailey gazes up at me hopefully with that bottom lip still poked out. “I don’t feel good. And you can keep Daddy company.”

Wow. She’s good. I look to Rafe, who looks uncomfortable, but if he’s not going to give me an out, I’m going to give in. Because who can resist that face? And she did get hurt on my watch today. “Okay.”

I go home with them and when we go inside, Hailey shows me her room and some of the drawings she’s been working on while Rafe orders pizza.

Dinner is quiet. Hailey must be worn out because she’s not dominating the conversation, and Rafe and I aren’t talking, so it’s nearly silent except for the sounds of our chewing.

Not awkward at all.

After dinner, I thank them for the pizza, and Hailey tells me she’ll see me tomorrow before heading into her room to play. I head for the door, but Rafe stops me. “You’ve been ignoring me.”

Really? We’re doing this? Why can’t he just be immature and play dumb or hell even scream at me so I can go ahead and get over my little crush? That would be okay too.

I look at him sheepishly. “I’m not.”

“You are.” His body nears mine, and I try to ignore his heavenly scent. Cologne mixed with dirt and sweat. It’s sexy, and it scrambles my brain. “Why?”

“Rafe . . .” My voice isn’t nearly as confident as I need it to be.

He looks down at the floor. “Look, I know I was aggressive, okay?” His eyes slowly lift. “I’m sorry. I just . . .” He groans, his voice sounding almost choked, “I’ve never felt an attraction like this. So instant. So real.”

I swallow hard, his raw honesty nearly killing me. “Rafe . . .” I try again, but I’ve got nothing.

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